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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ F ] / Floating

Floating Çeviri Portekizce

4 parallel translation
? Pieces, floating?
* Pedaços flutuando...
It's floating in liquid, so it expanded... edema.
Sim, a flutuar no líquido, e expandiu-se... Edema.
When I was little, I thought that what happened when you died was just that you were floating in the sky, do you know, by the moon.
Quando eu era pequena, pensava que morrer era ficar a flutuar no céu, perto da lua.
When I'm just floating out in space and I'm so alone'cause nobody I love is even around- - ah.
Não sei. Quando estiver a flutuar no Espaço sozinha, porque ninguém que eu adoro está por perto.

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