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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ G ] / Gave

Gave Çeviri Portekizce

47 parallel translation
When God gave us manna in the wilderness
Quando Deus nos deu maná no meio do nada
He gave her things that she was needin'
Ele deu-lhe coisas que ela precisava
He gave her a home built of gold and steel
Ele deu-lhe uma casa feita de ouro e aço
- "Ты пришла и в тебе нет притворства"
- You came and you gave without faking
Now, if someone gave you that chance, wouldn't you protect them too?
Se alguém te desse essa oportunidade, não o protegerias também?
My ma gave birth,
Nós começámos a morar numa casa velha.
- And she gave away the secrets of her past - And said I've lost control again
Revelou segredos do seu passado E disse "Perdi de novo controlo"
I remember the day I gave Mitchell his first taste of beer.
Lembro-me do dia em que dei a provar cerveja ao Mitchell.
They gave me a frickin'parade when I left.
Fizeram uma autêntica confusão quando eu me fui embora.
We agreed I could go back to work after I gave birth.
Nós acordámos que podia voltar a trabalhar depois de ter o bebé Depois, Lynette!
* Когда я отдавала всю себя, а ты со мной играл... * * Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * Курт :
* * gave you all of me and you played with it * * i bust the windows out your car. * quebraste o vidro do meu carro.
* Раньше я слышала и следовала только за твоим голосом *
I followed the voice you gave to me
* Раньше я слышала и следовала только за твоим голосом *
I followed the voice, you think you gave to me
And the rockets'red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
E o brilho vermelho do míssil, as bombas a rebentar no ar, provaram na noite que a nossa bandeira ainda lá estava.
The one that gave her The 2-karat Arthur Klein earrings just the other day.
- Aquele que lhe deu os brincos Arthur Klein de 2 quilates no outro dia.
* Он дал мне много *
- Ah, he gave me more - How can I tell
* Он дал мне все *
- He gave it all to me - You about
* Это простое чувство невозможно объяснить, * * не так ли?
Ah, she gave me more
- She gave it all to me - How can I tell you about
Maybe he gave the idol to the kid, pretending to train him as a witch doctor.
Talvez tenha dado o ídolo ao miúdo, fingindo que o estava a treinar para ser um curandeiro.
I gave her my jacket.
Dei-lhe o meu casaco.
♪ The first fig leaf that Adam gave to Eve ♪
A primeira folha que Adão deu a Eva.
She sold you a bill of goods about breaking the sire bond because she wanted access to that power, and you gave it to her when you killed those 12 people.
Ela vendeu-te um monte de tretas sobre quebrar a ligação de patrono porque queria acesso a esse poder e deste-lho quando mataste aquelas doze pessoas.
Remember I gave my cell phone to that guy at the Mexican restaurant?
Lembras-te de ter dado o meu telemóvel ao tipo no mexicano?
- You know, Marty The Molar... - Okay? ... gave that to me in third grade'cause I had proper flossing technique.
Marty, o Molar deu-ma no terceiro ano porque eu tinha uma técnica impecável com o fio dental.
Even if that's true, we introducedSampson to Mrs Dudley Ward and Rose as good as gave himthe letter.
Ainda que seja verdade, apresentámos o Sampson à Sra. Dudley Ward e a Rose praticamente deu-lhe a carta.
I hope Daisy gave you my message.
Espero que a Daisy lhe tenha dado a minha mensagem.
George was just laughing that these riots gave Nixon the election.
O George regozijava-se por os motins darem a vitória de bandeja a Nixon.
They gave us Chevy. Throw in losing Sterling's account,
Vamos trazer a Avon, eles deram-nos a Chevy.
d Жил-был парень d d Носил костюмы и говорил, что все легендарно.d d Давал всем пятьd d И говорил, d d Что не женится ни за что на свете.d
♪ Once there was this boy who ♪ Wore a lot of suits and said that stuff was "legendary" ♪ ♪ He gave lots of high fives
♪ Подарили мне весь белый свет
♪.. Gave me the whole wide world
Seeing him look so much better gave me hope for Josh.
Vê-lo asssim tão melhor deu-me mais esperança pelo Josh.
Two, you just gave me that judgy little hinty voice.
E segundo, acabaste de usar aquele tom de voz insinuante.
- You know what I think? I think this lawyer, Jenkins, was asking around about you, and your cousin Gino gave you the heads up.
Aqueles que parecem demasiado perfeitos para serem reais, porque não são reais.
Um, I just wanted to tell you, there was a tooth in the Valentine you gave me.
Só te queria dizer que havia um dente no cartão que me deste.
Yeah. It was the same make she gave him.
É o mesmo modelo que ela lhe deu.
She gave a presentation to some big, corporate fat cats, trying to get them to donate to NRP.
Ela fez uma apresentação para alguns grandes empresários, tentando fazê-los doar para a PSV.
Damon, you think she gave you a $ 35,000 watch for a little tail?
Damon, acha que ela lhe deu um relógio de 35.000 dólares, por uma massagem?
Somebody gave you a bum tip.
Alguém lhe deu uma pista falsa.
Suyin, who gave you that message?
Suyin, quem lhe deu essa mensagem?
So, Suyin told us that you were working at the restaurant the night that Henry was killed. She said that you gave her a message.
Então, Suyin disse-nos que estava a trabalhar no restaurante na noite em que o Henry foi morto.
♪ Could be yours ♪ ♪ You were packing up, but I gave you a bed ♪
Logan, Ohio
Jack, if I thought it gave you any pleasure, I'd have killed you the moment you suggested it.
Jack, se eu pensasse que te dava algum prazer, ter-te-ia morto no momento em que o sugeriste.
Гэв, эта работа, что я делаю
Gave, este emprego...
I gave you what you wanted.
Dei-lhe o que queria.
Последний раз Гейб был с Винсентом, он пытался убить его
A última que o Gave esteve com o Vincent tentou matá-lo.
Японский бог.
♪ Were the gifts you gave. ♪ Porra...

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