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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ H ] / Hers

Hers Çeviri Portekizce

6 parallel translation
А то подарил бы вам прелестный комплект ковриков для ванной или еще что.
Oferecia-te um conjunto de banho todo a condizer do Hers and Hers. Dá-me um descanso!
Если посмотришь на нее, то растаешь.
If your eyes meet hers, then you shall melt.
Tracked down an ex of hers who said she showed up on his doorstep, scared out of her mind, told him she had come out from L.A. With Royce, but he had disappeared, so the ex let her stay the night.
Procurámos um ex dela, que disse que ela apareceu à sua porta, morta de medo. Disse que veio de LA com o Royce, mas ele tinha desaparecido, então deixou-a passar a noite.
Next week you schedule an appointment with the therapist after hers, and then you bump into Midge in the waiting room there.
Para a semana, marcas uma consulta com o terapeuta depois dela, e depois dás de caras com a Midge na sala de espera.
And it won't be hers alone. I'll work with her.
Estas aulas têm sido a minha alegria.

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