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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ I ] / If you want

If you want Çeviri Portekizce

42 parallel translation
If you want to vanish, why go through the trouble?
Se se quer desaparecer, para quê dar-se a esse trabalho?
* Ты не можешь носить это в себе, если хочешь выжить *
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive
* Если ты хочешь вечеринку, хватай кого-нибудь *
If you want to party, just grab somebody
If you want to fight me
Se queres lutar comigo
If you want to help Elian, you're gonna have to give us something that we don't know.
Se quer ajudar o Elian, tem de nos dar algo que não saibamos.
Sir, if you want to go home with that hand, get it off my ass.
Se quer chegar a casa com essa mão, tire-a do meu rabo.
Now, we broke the sire bond, but if you want to be free, we have to work together.
Agora, nós quebrámos a ligação de patrono, mas se querem ser livres, temos que trabalhar juntos.
You guys could come if you want.
- Podem vir se quiserem.
Well, I don't want whiskey, but if you want whiskey, I can front you $ 11.
Eu não quero, mas se tu queres empresto-te 11 dólares.
Then... if you want to pick up a class here and there in the evenings, Я не буду возражать.
Se quiseres estudar alguma disciplina de vez em quando, durante a noite, não vou opor-me.
If you want a joint, try the candy dish on the coffee table.
Se quiserem um charro, tentem no prato na mesinha de apoio.
Get me the bag if you want him to talk.
Traga-me a mochila se quiser que ele viva.
I'll get you the literature on it, if you want.
Posso dar-te os artigos.
More like 1,900 if you want to pay everything off.
Está quase nos 1.900 dólares, se quiseres pagar tudo.
Look, if you finish it, give me a call if you want.
Olha, se acabares isso, Liga-me se quiseres.
♪ A man wanted, you can play around if you want to ♪
Brinca, se estás para aí virado
♪ You can play around if you want to ♪
Brinca, se estás para aí virado
♪ Если ты хочешь удержать контроль, ♪
♪ If you want to keep control ♪
♪ Если хочешь попасть на вершину, ♪
♪ If you want to make it out on top ♪
♪ Если ты хочешь удержать контроль ♪
- ♪ If you want to keep control ♪
♪ Если ты хочешь попасть на вершину, как надеешься. ♪
♪ If you want to make it out on top like you're hoping ♪
I'll go back in if you guys want, but I'm actually really hungry. - Yeah, whatever you want.
- Sim, como queiras.
- I'll sew anything you want if you just stop getting me pregnant.
Eu coso tudo o que tu quiseres se parares de me engravidar.
If you really want a new stove, I'll get you a stove.
Se queres mesmo um fogão novo, eu compro-te um.
* Если ты не дурак, * * Я на мели * * Требуй брачный контракт!
If you ain't no punk, holla We want prenup
Ты не можешь всегда получать то, что хочешь.
# You can't always get what you want # # But if you try sometimes #
* Если ты правда хочешь бороться * * Начинай и лови свой ритм *
If you really want to battle Saddle up and get your rhythm
So, if I get a large popcorn, you want to go split-skees or...
Então, se eu pedir as pipocas grandes, queres dividir, ou...
And if you're mixed up with this, I'm sure you wouldn't want to be seen talking to the cops.
E se está metido nisso, tenho a certeza que não quer ser visto a falar com polícias.
If you don't want that, I'm sure I can find somebody that would be happy to spend it for you.
Se não quiseres o dinheiro, arranjo alguém que o queira gastar por ti.
если хочешь получить отличный диплом тогда сделай из своего учителя зверушку да, я никогда не встречала волка, который бы не любил выть
no, I never met a man who wasn't on the prowl shimmy, shimmy, aw, gimme, gimme if a nice diploma you want to get well then make that teacher the student's pet
And if that means you don't want me to work here anymore, well, that's something I'm going to have to swallow.
E se isso significar não trabalhar mais aqui... terei que aceitar.
If you really want to hit Klaus where it hurts, then torture me instead.
Se queres mesmo acertar no ponto fraco do Klaus, então tortura-me.
If he finds out what you did, he'll want to know how it is you function without guilt for the things that you do.
Se ele descobre o que fizeste, vai querer saber como funcionas sem culpa pelas coisas que fazes.
So if you don't have anything to hide... Why didn't you want the inspector down here?
Se não tinham nada a esconder porque é que não queriam a inspecção?
If Ziva was up to something, you'd want to know about it, wouldn't you?
Se a Ziva fosse fazer alguma coisa, ia querer saber, não ia?
If I want to be with you, do I keep that or give it back?
Se quiser ficar contigo, guardo isso ou devolvo-te?
If... if you ever want him to speak again, He needs an O.R. Now.
Se quiser que ele fale outra vez, temos de ir para a S.O. agora.
You want to know if she was crazy?
Quer saber se ela estava louca?
If that's the way you want to...
Se é dessa forma que quer...
Look, y-you don't have to sing if you don't want to.
Não precisas de cantar se não quiseres.

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