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Married Çeviri Portekizce

28 parallel translation
With our daughters getting married and this trouble in the town
Com nossas filhas se casando e os problemas na cidade
- О "замужем и с детьми".
No "Married with children".
You still wanna get married?
- Ainda queres casar?
What's the occasion? I am no longer married to a gay guy.
Já não sou casada com um gajo gay.
He said that being married to me was what convinced him that he liked men.
Ele disse-me que estar casado comigo foi o que o convenceu que gostava de homens.
Релиз группа OTHfilm.ru представляет
Gossip Girl S03E05 "Rufus Getting Married"
Папа, пожалуйста не надо, мы собираемся пожениться
Daddy, please don't, We're gonna get married
Мы собираемся пожениться
We're gonna get married
Папа пожалуйста не надо Мы собираемся пожениться
Daddy, please don't We're gonna get married...
You married Uncle Phil from "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
Casaste-te com o tio Phil de "Um princepe em Bell Air".
After my character married his character, Joseph Fox, She was kidnapped, buried alive, trapped in a cave with bears, and held hostage in the sewers of Paris.
Após a minha personagem casar com a dele, Joseph Fox, ela foi raptada, enterrada viva, presa numa caverna com ursos, raptada outra vez e mantida nos esgotos de Paris.
I was married to those men.
Fui casada com esses homens.
. I was married for a while.
Estive casado durante um tempo.
Ты говорил "всё", верно? перевод и субтитры f7d1ed
Disseste, "tudo", não foi? PAI DE SURPRESA - S01E05 "Married to the Job"
Missing teeth, scraggly beards, guys who married their sisters?
- Desdentados, barbudos, - tipos casados com as irmãs?
O-okay, look, uh, Barb- - she-she wasn't the woman I married anymore.
Está bem, olhe só... Barb... ela não era a mulher com quem me casei.
Do you want the heir to the throneto be lampooned across the world with a story that will never sleep, even when he's safely crownedand married to a princess?
Quer que o herdeiro ao trono seja satirizado pelo mundo fora com uma estória que nunca cairá, mesmo depois de a salvo coroado e casado com uma princesa?
Is it why you never married?
- É por isso que nunca se casou?
You married? Oh. No.
- É casado?
So you got to figure, you know, one or both are married, right?
Dá para imaginar que um ou os dois sejam casado, não é?
He was talking about getting married, raising kids.
Ele andava a falar de casar, ter filhos.
I have married Big Brother.
Casei-me com o Grande Irmão.
Act... we're also married.
E também somos casados.
Known for being discreet... is what I've heard from other people who were once single and now married.
Foi o que ouvi de outras pessoas solteiras que agora são casadas.
Мужчина, женат, военный.
Male ( Masculino ), married ( casado ), militar e ( militar ).
Я женился на Мардж
Episódio 3x12 I Married Marge
You were married.
Eras casado.
- Валяй.
♪ And swore she'd also never get married ♪

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