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Nothing Çeviri Portekizce

202 parallel translation
Nothing could be grander than to be in Louisiana. ( Ничего не может быть лучше Луизианы )
" Que melhor idéia haveria P'rá Louisiana fugiria?
Пустота... ( Nothing... )
Лишь пустота... ( Nothing. No, nothing... )
Não, nada...
Пустота. ( Nothing. )
There ain't nothing you could ask I could answer you, but I won't
Nada havia que pudesses perguntar que eu pudesse responder
Without each other there ain't nothing either can do
Um sem o outro nada podemos fazer
There ain't nothing you could ask I can answer you, but I won't
Nada havia que perguntasses que eu pudesse responder
Without each other there ain't nothing either can do
Um sem o outro nada conseguimos fazer - Pensa nisso, querido
Nothing ever lasts forever.
"Nada dura para sempre."
There is nothing for me but to love you.
"Que nada mais me resta que não amar-te."
There's nothing I know of in Rio.
"Não há nada que eu saiba do Rio."
Я не хочу быть рядом.
l`ll have nothing to do with it.
... few minutes. There's nothing to see here.
Talvez seja chinês.
Если говорить о последних трех песнях : "Sanitarium," "Nothing Else Matters,"
Foi, tipo, as últimas 3 canções, "Sanitarium," "Nothing Else Matters,"
Nothing that will incriminate me.
Nada que me incrimine.
Сезон 1, серия 18 "Ничего хорошего не происходит после двух ночи"
HIMYM Temporada 1 Episódio 18 "Nothing Good Happens After 2 A.M."
- And we would go on as though nothing was wrong
Continuando Como estando tudo bem
- I campaigned for nothing
Fiz campanha por nada
Это секрет, который я никогда не открою.
Much'I Do'About Nothing
Oy... Hoттинг Xилл. Гoлyбoглaзый Mикки.
Um Lugar Chamado Nothing Hill, Mickey Olhos Azuis.
Гриффины 7x06
Family Guy - S07EP06 Tales of a Third Grade Nothing
- Tales of a Third Grade Nothing
Tradução : cristiano170
Частная Практика сезон 2 эпизод 3
Clínica Privada S02E03 "Nothing to Talk About" Tradução :
Черный Робин Гуд из Ноттинг-Хилл.
O Robin Hood negro de Nothing Hill.
Роба Райана или "Гнездо орлов" или "Один лишь Нецки".
O Rob Ryan ou o Eagle's Nest ou o Nothing But Netsky.
Eli Scruggs sat in his truck for almost an hour, devastated that he had done nothing to save me.
O Eli Scruggs ficou sentado na sua carrinha durante quase uma hora, desolado por não ter feito nada para me salvar.
There's nothing wrong withbeing in denial, my friend.Ourwhole careers were built on it.
Não faz mal estar em negação, amigo. Construímos a carreira assim.
Мне нечего терять и нечего доказывать
* Oh, there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove *
Все по обмену. D.C.'s your ultimate "can't get something for nothing" place.
A capital é o lugar onde você nunca consegue algo de graça.
Больше не о чем разговаривать
There's nothing left to talk about
Прости, Чак For p.R., if nothing else, Должно казаться, что Вы больше не являетесь собственником.
Para efeitos de relações públicas, tem de parecer que já não está no comando.
Нет ничего невозможного теперь,
There's nothing you can't do That Brooklyn
* Нет ничего невозможного теперь, *
There's nothing you can't do
* Но ничего не впечатлило меня *
But nothing impressed me At all
* Нет больше ничего О чем я могла бы подумать *
There's nothing more I can think of
* Да я вообще могу быть кем угодно *
In fact, there's nothing I can't be
* Могу быть кем угодно, Хочу, чтоб все увидели *
Nothing I can't be I want the world to see
* Не надо ничего делать или говорить, * * малыш *
There's nothing you can do or say Baby
* Теперь я иду своим путем *
Now it's nothing but my way
* Я иду своим путем *
It's nothing but my way
Whether he knows it or not, he's helping agitators who would like nothing more than to see your father fail at his current mission.
Sabendo ou não, ele está a ajudar os agitadores... que querem impedir o seu pai de completar a sua missão actual.
That Registration Act is nothing but a weapon to profile, hunt, and destroy us.
Aquela Lei de Registo... não é mais do que uma arma... para nos descrever, caçar e destruir.
Это и правда кобель!
- "You Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog"!
Но также Миллард Филлмор... бестолковый неудачник, тринадцатый президент - исполнительная власть.
Mas também, Millard Fillmore do Partido "Know-Nothing", o 13º Presidente.
Third poop in the last half hour. Still nothing.
É o terceiro cocó em meia hora.
Nothing much
Muito pouco
Ничего никому не давай. "Нафинг"!
Я встаю ба, ба, ба и ничто не сможет сбить меня с ног ба, ба, ба-да
# And nothing gets me down #
Мне нечего терять и нечего доказывать
* Well, there's nothing to lose and there's nothing to prove *
There's nothing to work out.
Não há nada para resolver.

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