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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ O ] / Opened

Opened Çeviri Portekizce

10 parallel translation
Эта кассета открыла мне глаза. Я поняла :
That video really opened my eyes.
# I splashed on my clothes as I spilled out of bed # I opened the window to listen to the news # But all I heard was the establishment's blues
A revolução precisa de um hino... e, na África do Sul, "Cold Fact" foi o disco que... permitiu às pessoas... de libertar a cabeça e pensar de maneira diferente.
♪ They opened up his tomb the other day ♪ ♪ And jumped with glee... ♪
Abriram o seu tumulo no outro dia e saltaram de alegria...
We did this workshop in Newark that totally opened us up to a new way.
Fizemos um workshop em Newark que nos mostrou um caminho completamente novo.
And I opened up the safe, took the money.
Eu abri o cofre. Tirei o dinheiro.
We've opened up many new doors.
Abrimos muitas portas.
- And it looks like Orton opened an account this morning at a bank in Southern Virginia.
E parece que o Orton abriu uma conta esta manhã num banco na Virgínia do Sul.
Avon sent over a box of samples to the girls and Diane opened it, not me.
A Avon enviou uma caixa de amostras às meninas.
I've opened it for you.
Eu abri-a para ti.
When you first opened that door and showed me the Urca gold, do you know what I saw?
Quando abriste aquela porta e me mostraste o ouro do Urca, sabes o que vi?

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