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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ S ] / Shooting

Shooting Çeviri Portekizce

7 parallel translation
А потом начал shooting me up.
Depois começou a drogar-me.
M shooting it over to you now.
Estou a mandar-te.
Походите и стреляйте на Великих Равнинах Стрелковый Тир.
- Bem, aparecem e dêem uns tiros na Great Plains Shooting Gallery.
Это крыло тренировочного самолёта Т-33.
Olha, são as asas de um T-33 Shooting Star.
We're dropping the possession charges and you won't be charged in Daily's shooting.
Vamos retirar a acusação anterior e não serás acusada da morte do Daily.
My wife. They said she was in a shooting.
A minha mulher, disseram que ela esteve num tiroteio.
Did you notice anything or anyone suspicious prior the shooting?
Tradução PT-PT por SoftCopi Notou algo ou alguém suspeito antes do tiroteio?

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