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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ S ] / Spill

Spill Çeviri Portekizce

7 parallel translation
Не надо подрезать мне крылья, Я уже летала,
# Don't tell me not to fly I've simply got to # # If someone takes a spill it's me and not you #
Словно химическое заражение,
Like a chemical spill
Sit, spill. How was the concert? Any highlights?
Senta-te e conta-nos quais foram os pontos altos do concerto.
Chill and spill.
Tranquilidade e conversa.
Chill out over food, spill what you know.
Acalmas-te com alimento e com o que sabes.
Дэнни Мендоза, "Кэпитал Спил."
Danny Mendoza, do Capital Spill.

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