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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ T ] / That ' s right

That ' s right Çeviri Portekizce

37 parallel translation
Да, правильнo.
That's right. That's it.
Точно, детектив.
That's right, o detetive.
That's right.
All right, that's it.
Nada. Já chega.
... Робин, кроме этой монеты, this is the other thing that's flipping right now.
Robin, pralém dessa moeda, a outra coisa que está a rodar agora.
All right, let's see what we can dig up from that.
Vamos ver o que tiramos disso.
You said she was a star, and that's right.
Disse que ela era uma estrela e estava certo.
All right, that's enough. Can I see your credentials?
Posso ver as suas credenciais?
That's right, honey.
Sim, querida.
That guy right there with the hat. He's texting.
Aquele tipo ali com o chapéu.
- Yeah, that's right.
Sim, é isso mesmo.
That's right.
That's right.
Tens razão.
That's exactly right.
Realmente tens razão.
Я просто до сих пор тебя не встретил... Говорят, все средства хороши В любви и на войне,
I just haven't met you yet they say all's fair in love and war but I won't need to fight it we'll get it right and we'll be united oh, you know that it'll all tn n out
That's right, I know.
Está bem. Eu sei.
Right. Let's keep that between you and I.
Mas vamos manter isto entre nós dois.
Что происходит прямо сейчас.
That's happening right now!
Now, what they're doing right now, that's called the tango.
O que eles estão a dançar agora, chama-se tango.
That's quite all right.
Não tem de quê.
Are you sure it's all right that I keep this?
Tens a certeza que é seguro ficar com isto?
Right. So that's good, you have something, then.
Isso é bom, descobriste alguma coisa.
♪ That's right!
- Porreiro! - Isso mesmo!
You have an open relationship? That's really convenient for you to say right now. Really?
Têm uma relação aberta?
Okay, I need to stop or get a towel for the serious verbal vom that's happening right now.
Tenho de parar, se não, nunca mais me calo.
You know that's just a title for today, right?
Sabes que isso é um título só por hoje, certo?
And if she really believed that Silvie was having an affair with Richard, well, that's motive to kill her, right?
Se ela achava que a Silvie tinha um caso amoroso com o Richard, bem, isso é um motivo para a matar, correcto?
That's all right, sweetheart.
- Tudo bem, querida.
- Oh, that's right.
That's right. Betty Wright was wearing a medic alert bracelet identifying her as an organ donor.
É isso, a Betty Wright estava a usar uma pulseira médica identificando-a como doadora de órgãos.
- И ты это приняла?
And that's all right with you?
That's right... it's one of dozens of businesses she owns, and not all of them are on the up-and-up.
- É isso mesmo. É um das dezenas de negócios dela, e nem todos são legais.
All right, that's...
Está bem, isso...
That's right, Mr. Mayor!
Isso mesmo, Sr. Presidente!
Приведёт тебя в форму, да?
Get you all fixed up, that's right.
Yeah, that's right.
Sim, foi.
♪ That's right, I'm snappy ♪
Exatamente, estou contente

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