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Things Çeviri Portekizce

162 parallel translation
But I was gonna change that, I'm not if you keep doing things I don't
Eu ia mudar isso, mas não mudo se continuas a fazer o que fazes
But I was gonna change my mind if you keep doing things I don't
Mas ia mudar de ideias se continuasses a fazer essas coisas
All the things I'm missin'
Tudo de que tenho saudades
He gave her things that she was needin'
Ele deu-lhe coisas que ela precisava
# Think of the tenderthings #
Think of the tender things
# There's five things I want to ride #
Tem 5 coisas que eu quero dirigir
# Think of the tender things #
Think of the tender things
"Если вы можете умно облечь мысли в словесную форму, они станут более значимыми." Джесси Джаконизм.
"If you can word things cleverly, it's more meaningful." Jesse Jacksonism.
Я сдeлаю для тeбя всe
Oh, the things I can do to you
Теперь счет равный.
It's good to even things up.
Wаnt tо tоuсh things l dоn't fееl
Quero tocar em coisas que não sinto
Аnd уоu sее thе things thеу nеvеr sее
E tu verás as coisas que eles nunca viram
Wаnt tо tоuсh things l dоn't fееl
Quero muitas coisas que não sinto
- # Wanna do things with me # - # I hear that #
Em memória do Charles C. Bennett
I'm trusting you to handle things.
Confio em ti para tratares de tudo.
- The things that we've learnt are no longer enough
As coisas que aprendemos Já não chegam p'ra nada
- I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through
Sinto vergonha das coisas Por que passei
- These things I could never describe
As coisas que nunca Conseguirei descrever
Grey's Anatomy Cезон 4 Эпизод 12
Anatomia de Grey S04E12 "Where The Wild Things Are" Ele só tocou.
I can't explain it. We're gonna need your camping things if we're gonna spend the night here.
- Podes trazer as tuas para acampar, vamos passar aqui a noite.
In an age of things that hover
recanto DAS flores
Why do you people always take things so Syria-sly?
Porque é que vocês sempre levam as coisas tão Síria-sly?
Things are great.
As coisas estão óptimas! É servido de vinho?
It's just gonna pee in my face and hide dead things in my shoes.
Vai fazer xixi na minha cara e esconder coisas mortas nos meus sapatos.
I break too many things. I know.
Parto demasiadas coisas.
Говард, если ты не способен сложить простыню, тебе не место в магазине, который называется "Простыни и не только".
Howard, se não consegues dobrar um lençol, não podes trabalhar no Sheets'N'Things.
"Простыни и не только". Чем вы вообще занимаетесь?
Меня точно повысят перед Рождеством.
Sim. Estou quase a ser promovida durante a semana de Natal na Sheets'N'Things!
Думаешь, руководству "Простыней и не только" не наплевать, что я продаю больше ручных массажеров, чем любой другой заместитель управляющего?
Achas que os chefões da Sheets'N'Things se importam que eu venda mais massagens do que qualquer outra assistente? Achas que aqueles miúdos se importam minimamente que tenhamos pouco porque passas o teu tempo livre a coreografar aquelas danças parvas? Não.
* Прошлой ночью я делала, то чем не горжусь *
# Last night I did things # # I'm not proud of and I got a little crazy #
Я работаю в магазине постельного белья.
Trabalho na Sheets N'Things.
Не всё можно изменить,
* Some things I cannot change *
Мысли о делах отгоняя прочь.
* I was worrying about the way that things might have been *
Мысли о делах отгоняя прочь.
* Worried about the way things might have been *
Отчаянные домохозяйки, сезон 6, серия 7 "Следи за тем, что говоришь"
Desperate Housewives S06E07 - Careful the things You Say -
в ™ Є в ™ Є I wanna do real bad things With you в ™ Є в ™ Є Ow! Тара, какого..
Temporada 3 Episódio 02 "Beautifully Broken" Tara, o que...?
* С вещами я знала *
With the things I been knowing
Я говорю все те вещи которые, я знаю, ты полюбишь
I'm saying all the things that I know you'll like
* Все к тебе *
All the things
* Просто забудь все, что тебе говорили *
Just forget the things that you've been told
* Чтобы покупать то, чего у меня никогда не было *
Buy all of the things I never had
* И я думаю, о том чем ты занята *
And I think of all the things, what you're doing
* И я думаю обо всем, что ты сделала *
And I think of all the things, what you're doing
* Да, но они никогда не говорили тебе цену, которую ты готова заплатить * * За вещи, которые ты могла бы сделать *
Oh, but they never told you the price that you'd pay for things that you might have done.
Going to war, having to deal with the rush of battle and the struggle to save lives, it made coming home and doing the simple things difficult.
Ir para a guerra, ter de lidar com a fúria da batalha e a luta para salvar vidas, fez com que o regressar a casa... e fazer coisas simples se tornasse difícil.
It's the simple things like taking a walk or dancing with your wife, tucking in the kids that make us human.
São as coisas simples como... Dar um passeio... Ou dançar com a própria mulher, aconchegar as crianças...
Aaron peters is a modestly-diversified Manufacturing company which produces, Among other things, sporting equipment.
A Aaron Peter é uma empresa bastante diversificada que produz, entre outras coisas, equipamentos desportivos.
In a lifetime of things fucking with me, this is really fucking with me.
Uma vida inteira, a ser fodido desta vez fodi-me mesmo a sério.
Here's your story. Things happened to her. She dealt with them.
O que lhe aconteceu, só a ela diz respeito.
You keeping speaking in... in the passive tense, but, you know, we do things.
Podes continuar a falar na 3ª pessoa, mas nós fazemos coisas.
Sincerely wish you all good things.
Sinceramente lhe desejo tudo de bom.

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