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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ T ] / Took

Took Çeviri Portekizce

107 parallel translation
God took a Daniel once again
Deus pegou outro Daniel
God took a tailor by the hand
Deus tomou um alfaiate pela mão
He took her down to Chinatown
Ele levou-a para Chinatown
I took a wrong turn and I just can't go home.
"Virei no sitío errado e não consigo voltar a casa."
We took what we had and we ripped it apart.
"Pegamos no que tinhamos e desfizemos tudo."
They just took off.
Acabaram de sair daqui.
Мериадок Брендибак и Перегрин Тук.
Meriadoc Brandybuck e Peregrin Took...
Не бойся, юный Перегрин Тук. Ты найдешь в себе храбрость.
Não temas, jovem Peregrin Took, terás a coragem necessária.
Они забрали всe мoи дeньги И я знаю, пoчeму
They took my whole paycheck, and I know why
Перегрин Тук!
Peregrino Took!
Глупый Тук!
Tonto do Took!
Из всех любопытнейших Хоббитов, ты самый несносный, Перегрин Тук.
Entre todos os hobbits bisbilhoteiros tu és o pior, Peregrino Took.
Он ведь Тук.
Ele é um Took.
Вообще-то, лучше если ты говорить вовсе не будешь, Перегрин Тук.
Na verdade... É melhor nem sequer falares, Peregrino Took.
- O, для этого уже поздно, Перегрин.
- É tarde demais, Peregrino Took.
Придется делать, как скажут, Перегрин Тук
Farás o que te ordenarem, Peregrino Took.
Перегрин Тук, для тебя есть одно задание, паренёк.
Peregrino Took, meu rapaz. Há uma tarefa para ser executada.
И что только ты себе возомнил, Перегрин Тук?
No que estavas a pensar, Peregrino Took?
Delia's dear old mother took a trip out west
A querida mãe velha de Delia fez uma viagem para oeste
- And she turned around and took me by the hand and said - I've lost control again
Depois virou-se, pegou-me na mão E disse "Perdi de novo o controlo"
Ветер разнес их повсюду ".
The wind took them all over. "
I hitched a ride with them, and I took the wheel when I hit- -
Eu apanhei boleia com eles, e peguei no volante quando bati...
Took them all night to find her.
Levaram a noite toda a encontrá-lo.
You know, I-I was ribbing you the other day about getting a job, but you took it seriously.
Estava a provocar-te para arranjares um emprego, e tu levaste a sério.
Tell Jackson I'm sorry it took me so long.
Diga ao Jackson que peço desculpa por ter demorado tanto tempo.
* Сел на полуночный экспресс *
He took the midnight train
Я веду тебя в уединенный ресторанчик
I took you to an intimate restaurant
И мой дом с тайным складом На 560 Стейт Стрит.
Took it to my stash spot, Five Sixty Stage street,
* Я делаю глоток *
I took a sip
Shane, uh, stole your brush and took it to the lab for a paternity test.
O Shane roubou a tua escova de cabelo, para levar à um laboratório para um teste de paternidade.
I took him to the baths.
Eu levei-o á piscina.
The rude asshole never even took off his Bluetooth.
O imbecil nem desligou o bluetooth.
She didn't want to put in the work, so she took a shortcut.
Não quis investir, então foi por um atalho.
He took over when we left.
Tomou conta das coisas quando viemos.
Your helper, the kid that took over your ritual
O seu ajudante, o miúdo que tomou conta do ritual
I took him in, got him clean, taught him right from wrong.
Eu acolhi-o, desintoxiquei-o, e ensinei-lhe o bem e o mal.
They took the brain and left the head?
Levaram a cérebro mas deixaram a cabeça?
He wants us to think that he took Julio out the front door.
Quer que pensemos que levou o Júlio pela porta da frente.
We took him out.
Limpámos-lhe o sebo.
I took the hint and... became a man.
Bom, eu entendi o recado e me tornei um homem.
If you took the same guy, telling the same story, put him on the street corner with a shopping cart, he'd be a babbling old fool.
Se pegares no mesmo gajo, a contar a mesma história, e o colocares na esquina, com um carrinho de compras, ele seria um velho maluco.
Единорог был захвачен и новыми хозяевами корабля стали пираты.
The Pirates Took The Unicorn, quando ganhou a batalha.
He tied me up, took me to this warehouse
Amarraram-me com o cinto das calças.
Punched a Korean store clerk in the face, and took his clothes.
Dei um soco a um tipo Coreano. Roubei-lhe a roupa.
You took care of Alex?
Trataste da Alex...
Oh, and, uh, Frank took Liam.
E o Frank levou o Liam.
Just before she took off for Fields Market in Frederick.
Pouco antes de ela ir ao Mercado Campos em Frederick.
Словно разносчика!
do filho de Belladonna Took, como se estivesse a vender botões à sua porta!
Болван Тук!
Took idiota!
* Села на полуночный экспресс *
She took the midnight train
* Но сейчас меня это не волнует... * * Я выбила стёкла в твоей машине, * * После того, как увидела тебя с другой. *
* i bust the windows out your car, hey * * after i saw you looking right at her * * i didn't wanna, but i took my turn * * i'm glad i did it'cause you had to learn *

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