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Translate.vc / Rusça → Portekizce / [ W ] / What

What Çeviri Portekizce

1,631 parallel translation
So... what'll it be?
Então... O que vai ser?
Что ты творишь?
What are you doing?
Wait, so what's the problem?
Espera, então qual o problema?
What are you doing?
O que estás a fazer?
Hey, guys, what you looking for?
Então, pessoal. O que procuram?
What the fuck?
O quê?
"Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"? What?
- O "Dr. Jekyll e o Sr. Hyde"?
433 00 : 24 : 26,987 - - 00 : 24 : 29,984 Вы когда-нибудь видели такую идеально округлую форму?
- What's that thing? - That's the pitcher's mouth
* Ты красива, и не важно, что они скажут. * * Слова не могут сломить тебя. * * Ты красива, во всех проявлениях *
you are beautiful, no matter what they say words won't bring you down you are beautiful, in every single way words won't bring you down
* Куда бы мы не пошли, солнце будет светить * * И завтра я найду свой путь * * Мы красивы, не важно что говорят *
but tomorrow'll find a way, all the other times we are beautiful, no matter what they say words can't bring us down
Я та, в ком вы нуждались
I'm what you've been needing
# Эй, женщина, что у тебя за проблема?
Oh, woman, what's your problem?
Конечно, она - что надо, Но, малыш, неужели это то, что тебе нужно?
sure, she's got it all but, baby, is that really what you want
У нас с тобой есть своя история, Или ты не помнишь? Конечно, она - что надо, Но, малыш, неужели это то, что тебе нужно?
sure, she's got it all but, baby, is that really what you want?
Look at what's become of our booth.
Vejam o que aconteceu à nossa mesa.
And now, I'm going to float down this hall and wake the hot model up'cause, contrary to what you and your poverty gal-pal might think, I always do the job I'm hired for. Oh, no!
Agora vou voar por este corredor e acordar o modelo giro, porque ao contrário do que tu e a tua amiga pobre pensam, faço sempre o trabalho para o qual fui contratada.
Look. You know what? It probably got knocked off by one of, you know, the cars that ran over her last night.
Deve ter sido atingido, por um carro que passou por cima ele.
What dragged her I haven't determined yet.
Ainda não determinei o que a arrastou.
I have no idea what was printed or written on them.
Não faço ideia do que estava escrito ou impresso.
The Video Spectral Comparator should be able to tell us what was once on here.
O Comparador de Vídeo Espectral poderá dizer-nos o que havia aqui.
What are you doing here?
O que estás a fazer aqui?
That just means she knows what she's doing.
Significa que sabe o que faz.
What? Barb died in my parking lot?
A Barb morreu no meu estacionamento?
Okay, so what did you think of your first bluegrass concert? Huh?
O que achaste do teu primeiro espectáculo Bluegrass?
The crowd wasn't at all what I thought.
A plateia não era o que eu esperava.
What have we got, Mr.
O que temos aqui, Sr..
Now, what do you think caused this?
O que acha que causou isso?
What-what's in there?
- O que tens aí?
Booth, look what she's holding.
- Booth, olha a mão dela.
What are you doing?
O que estão a fazer?
What about your e-mail to Barb?
- E o seu e-mail para a Barb?
What was that?
- O que foi isso? - O que foi o quê?
What was what? That "huh."
Esse "ah", é o teu :
That's your I-don't - agree-with-what-you're-doing, but-I'm-not-gonna-say-anything huh.
"não concordo com o que estás a fazer, mas não vou dizer nada."
Oh, look what the day care director sent me.
Olhe o que a directora da creche me mandou.
He should be able to determine what type of metal it is.
Ele deverá determinar o tipo de metal.
What are you talking about?
Do que está a falar?
What are you insinuating?
O que estás a insinuar?
What the hell?
Que diabos?
447 00 : 25 : 18,119 - - 00 : 25 : 21,121 448 00 : 25 : 24,580 - - 00 : 25 : 28,183 * Мои навыки и страсть возвысят национальный *
- Baby, what's that thing?
* Вам не сломить меня сегодня * * Не важно, что мы делаем * * Не важно, что говорим *
don't you bring me down today no matter what we do no matter what they say when the sun is shining through then the clouds won't stay and everywhere we go, the sun won't always shine
Мне просто надо будет забыть ту боль, которая была до этого Забыть то, что было. Прошлое осталось на полу звукозаписывающей студии
I'll just have to forget the hurt that came before forget what used to be the past is on the cutting room floor the future is here with me choose me fade up on a star, with it all in her sights
ОТЧАЯННЫЕ ДОМОХОЗЯЙКИ 8.10 * Нам есть что обсудить, старый друг *
- S08E10 "What's to Discuss, Old Friend?"
What was the point of the orange hair?
Qual foi o motivo para o cabelo laranja?
What are you going to do?
- O que vais fazer?
- Oh, all right. You sure you know what you're doing?
- Sabes o que fazes?
O que foi?
What the hell's that supposed to mean?
O que quer dizer?
What do you mean?
- Como assim?
What do you mean?
- O que quer dizer?

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