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6yle Çeviri İngilizce

11 parallel translation
Neden 6yle dedi acaba?
well, I wonder why he said that.
Peki canlm, 6yle istiyorsan.
AII right, if you want it that way.
- Haylr, 6yle demek istemedim.
- No, I didn't mean that.
- Oziirleri. Sanlrlm 6yle deniyor.
- Their afflictions, I think they call it?
Sanlrlm 6yle.
I think it is.
- Sanlrlm 6yle.
- I suppose not.
Gérmediysem babamln 6yle bir arabasl oldugunu nasll bildim?
How did I know my father had that car if I didn't see it?
Seni safdl § I blraktlklarlnda, kazayl 6yle ayarlayacaklar ki...
Then when they can get you out of the way, they'II rig the accident...
Hem de 6yle nefret ediyorum ki.
I loathe and hate and despise it.
Sanlrlm 6yle.
I believe so.
- Siz 6yle diyorsamz hanlmefendi.
- well, if you say so, ma'am.

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