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854 Çeviri İngilizce

13 parallel translation
Uçuş numarasını hatırlayamıyorum. 845 miydi, 854 mü? Ama merak etme.
I can't remember which flight she was on, if it was 845, 854 but I wouldn't worry.
Yeteneği 854 00 : 41 : 18,066 - - 00 : 41 : 20,400 yalnızca talihsiz bir yan etkiydi.
Heath's... Ability
Araç 20, 1854.
- Car 20 on scene, 1 854.
9.6'ya bölersek 854.888 eder.
Divided by 9.6 That's 854.888
620,854 kilo.
It's 21,900 ounces.
Bende 854.888.
I have 854.888.
o alman elçisiyle olan toplantıda kim 425 00 : 19 : 39,885 - - 00 : 19 : 42,854 kucağını ona açtı? Evet, çocukçaydı.
Who had her pointedly in his lap during that meeting with the German ambassador?
- 854 Wilson Caddesi, Daire 4A.
- It's 854 Wilson Avenue, apartment 4A.
854 Wilson Caddesi, Daire 4A.
It's 854 Wilson Avenue, apartment 4A.
8... 8... 854 Wilson Caddesi, Daire 4A New York.
It's 8... 8... 854 Wilson Avenue, apartment 4A... in New York.
854 ve artmaya devam ediyor Richelli.
854 and counting, Richelli.
Bak Nick, keşke yapabileceğim bir şey olsaydı. 432 00 : 23 : 58,854 - - 00 : 24 : 00,270 Ne?
Look, Nick, I wish there was something I could do.
Bana 854 Dolar borcun var.
- $ 854 you owe me! - I realize how much money it is!

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