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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ D ] / Dustum

Dustum Çeviri İngilizce

8 parallel translation
Tekmeledim, bogustum, ve kosabildigim kadar hizli kostum, ve sonra dustum...
I kicked and I fought, and I just ranas fast as I could, and then I fell...
- Bicagin ustune dustum.
I "walked" into a knife.
Cabuk satmak icin 4'ten dustum.
Reduced from four for a quick sale.
Ben senin annenle fazla erken evlendim ve tuzaga dustum.
I married your mom too young and I was trapped.
Evet atimdan dustum ve hepsini oldurdum
I did fall off my horse.
Bu uyuşturucular dustum beni lanet bir paranoyok yaptı.
I think it's all these drugs, man. Fuck. I think that's making me fucking paranoid.
- Evet, bu hikayeyi duştum.
- Yeah, we've heard that story. - Yeah.

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