Kalmiş Çeviri İngilizce
113 parallel translation
Geri kalmiş toplumlarda bile delilere saygı duyulur.
Even the most primitive society has an innate respect for the insane.
MICHAEL PODCHLEBNIK, the survivor of the 1st period of extermination at Chelmno
Aklında kalmiş bir şey...
Anything to keep our minds off...
Gale itiraz safhasında takılmış kalmiş...
gale stuck with them all through the appeal process...
Kötü durumlarda eskide kalmis daha kötü bir seyi düsünüyorum.
Every time things seem bad, I think of something worse.
O ona kalmis artik.
That's up to Ms. Beadle.
Faydaya yalnizca degisim degeri bakimindan bakilmaya baslanmistir ve artik tamamen onun merhametine kalmis durumdadir.
The process of exchange... is identified with all possible practice, and reduces it to its mercy.
Seni beklemek icin yukari cikmistim, beklerken uyuya kalmis olmaliyim.
I've been upstairs having a little sleep. Hope you don't mind, but I'm got a little cold up there waiting for you.
Tosbaga ters dönmüs kalmis, karni yakici güneste kavrulmakta debeleniyor, dönmeye çalisiyor, ama dönemiyor. Sizin yardiminiz olmadikca dönemez. '
The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the sun... beating its legs, trying to turn itself over, but it can't... not without your help.
Zamanda asili kalmis o anlarin zarafetinden hoslaniyordu.
He liked the fragility of those moments suspended in time.
Bak bakalim kalmis mi? Geç.
See if there's any left.
italya'da gördügüm sey ise Michelangelo'nun yarim kalmis iki kölesi kaybolmus, karanlik bir kösede terk edilmis...
And, what I saw in Italy... Michelangelo's unfinished slaves lost, abandoned in a dark corner...
iki kadin arasinda kalmis, iradesiz bir kukla gibi gösteriyorsun beni.
You show me as a spineless puppet torn apart by two women.
Dunden onceki gun, cig bir fare lesi yedim... ve biraz kucuk yumusak meyve. tadi... tadi cok onceden kalmis gibiydi.
Day before yesterday, I had to eat a fucking rat raw... and some berries that tasted... tasted like they'd been thrown up once already.
Artik onunla yapacaklarin ise sana kalmis.
What you do with it now is up to you.
Güçlerim dogustan gelseydi bugüne kadar hep böyle kalmis olurdun.
I left something burning at the lab. I'll see you later. We make a great team, Lockhart.
Demek ki arkasindan baska bir sey olmus ve gelecek hala bu sekliyle kalmis.
Then something else must've happened afterwards, something that has made the future still turn out like this.
Bak parani geri veririm, ama tek akcigeri kalmis bir bayana sigara almak için durmayacagim.
Look, I'll give yo u your money back, but I'm not stopping to buy a lady with one lung on oxygen any cigarettes.
Sen de istemezsen berabere kalmis olalim.
I bet you don't either. Let's just call it a draw.
Sana kalmis.
Either way suits me.
Adam kizimla bir odada yalniz kalmis.
He got her alone in a room.
Hirsiz boyle bir seyi hayal edemediginden korkudan donup kalmis.
The thief never expected this and practically froze with fright.
Bu da evde kalmis.
This little piggy stayed home.
Tamam.. ama kucuk kiziniz ilk gununde okula Gec kalmis olucak.
All right. But any more moments and your little girl is gonna be late for her first day of school.
Pazar sabahi-aksamdan kalmis-kendi - kusmugunda-bogulmus bir sekilde gidilir.
Sunday morning hangover, choke on my own vomit thing going.
Önce iskelet tamamen terk edilmis görünüyordu ama uzun süre gectikten sonra bile bas kisminda hala biraz et kalmis.
At first, the skeleton seemed totally abandoned, but even after so long, there was still some flesh left in the head.
Borular, 80 derece sicakliga maruz kalmis olan halkali kurtlarin yeni türleri tarafindan mesken tutulmuslardir.
The tubes were inhabited by a new species of polychaete worm that was exposed to temperatures as high as 80 degrees Centigrade.
Bu tamamen sana kalmis.
It's entirely up to you.
- Mailer serbest kalmis.
- Mailer's loose.
Sadece Bauer hayatta kalmis.
Only Bauer survived.
Senin eski hilelerine kalmis...
Up to your old tricks...
Bu yüzük ta benim büyük büyükannemden, büyükanneme kalmis
Know what this is? - What? A ring.
Bu yüzük benim büyük büyükannemden, büyükanneme kalmis,...
- A ring
Bu yüzük ta benim büyük büyükannemden, büyükanneme kalmis
Your fingers looks so bare Know what?
Aslinda, esyalarin altinda kalmis.
You mean it? - Oh yes. And some dough, too
Uyuya kalmis olmaliyim.
Uh... I must have dozed off.
Yalan soyluyorsam, kullanmak sana kalmis.
If I'm lying, it's yours to use.
O "hicbir sey" den bir parca cenende kalmis ama.
Yeah, well, you got a spot of " nothin'" on your chin, there.
- Disinde bir sey kalmis.
You got something in your teeth.
Gerisi sana kalmis.
The rest is up to you.
- Disinde bir sey kalmis yine.
You got something in your teeth again.
- Ama bunun karari sana kalmis.
But that's your call.
Santa Monica'da birkaç çift kalmis.
Yo, Santa Monica has a few pairs left.
Duyduguma göre, galiba çiIdirmis, birini öldürmüs ve gözaltinda kalmis.
I heard she, like, freaked out and killed a guy and had to go on probation.
Disarida asili kalmis saglik görevlileri var.
I have paramedics hanging upside down.
Sana kalmis tatlim.
It's up to you.
- Kitaplik devrilmis ve altinda kalmis.
He got crushed under a bookshelf.
Sanki tum gece masanin uzerine kalmis puding gibiydi oyle tatliydi, viski ve Cola gibi tatli
The thick skin over sweet custard. Like... Jell-O pudding... left out on the table all night.
It's up to you.
Annesinden kalmis ya da bir indirim magazasindan alinmis olmali.
Must have her mother's or from a thrift store or something.
- Bir dakika geç kalmis olsaydik
- If we'd been one minute later