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Kalsin Çeviri İngilizce

154 parallel translation
Not now.
Tamam, kalsin.
Hang on to it.
Orada kalsin.
Leave it.
Az kalsin unutuyordum... ama asla unutmayacagim.
I almost forgot that once... but I never will again.
Paris, birak hep öyle kalsin.
Paris, let him be so always.
Gemiler geri gitsin ama ormanda kafi gücümüz kalsin.
Let the ships sail but keep sufficient force in the woodlands.
Oldugu yerde kalsin.
Tell him to stay there.
- Tamam. Ama Charlie burada kalsin.
- Well, all right, but I'll have to keep Charlie here with me.
Sise kalsin.
Leave the bottle.
Paraniz sizde kalsin, Senatör.
I've had enough of your money, Senator.
- Ceketin ilikli kalsin.
- And your coat buttoned.
Az kalsin oluyordu.
- Oh, üstü kalsin.
- Oh, keep the change.
Benimle davetlere katilmaya çalismamasini. O evde kalsin ki, dedikodulari ona anlatabileyim.
Not to accompany me to parties, wait at home for the gossip.
Ciklet kalsin.
You can keep the gum.
Mermer parçalar sende kalsin.
Keep the marble pieces.
Bronzlar da sende kalsin.
Keep the bronzes, too.
Aramizda kalsin... belki soylemem lazim... bizim en iyi uzmanlarimizi konumlarindan eden set taktikleri hepimiz birden onaylamiyoruz.
Just between us- - maybe I shouldn't say it- - we don't all agree with the drastic tactics that are removing our top specialists from their posts.
Herkes ayaga kalsin.
All rise.
Diger herkes iceride kalsin.
Everybody else remain indoors.
Ustu kalsin.
Keep the change.
Bu yaptiklari yanlarina kâr mi kalsin?
Do we just let them get away with it?
ictigin corba, kirdigin kalpler yanina kär kalsin.
All you cost us so far is a few bowls of soup and maybe a few broken hearts. I aim to keep it that way.
Aramizda kalsin.
Don't tell anybody...
Hayir, kalsin, bence kartlarimizi açalim.
No, I think I'd rather just turn'em over.
Kendi iyiligimiz icin, aramizda herhangi bir sir kalsin istemiyorum.
For our sake, I don't want any secrets between us.
Az kalsin yakalaniyorduk.
That was close.
O sende kalsin.
Keep it.
Onbin ve ceset sizde kalsin. ... fakat siz orospu cocuklarini bir daha gorursem.
You can keep the 10 grand, along with the body but if I see you again, you motherfuckers...
You can keep them.
Üstü kalsin
All right, why don't you keep that. Cool.
I shoulda cleaned house November 63, got rid of all of em, McNamara, Bundy, Connally, wooing me those fuckin Kennedy lovers would be disloyal to me!
Uh... iyi, uh, Aramiz da kalsin?
Uh... [Whispering] Well, uh, keep this just between us?
Hayir, paket kalsin.
No, keep the pack.
Birkac yil kalsin!
Stay a few years!
Hatta ölene kadar kalsin!
Stay'till you die!
Anlayacaginiz, is ailede kalsin istemistim.
Keep it in the family.
- Birak kalsin.
- Leave it.
Hey, arkadas olarak aramizda kalsin
Hey, uh, just between friends,
Inanmiyorum.. Az kalsin kendi babaminkini yaliyordum.
I cannot believe I almost sucked my Dad's dick.
Önce soguk saat boyunca herkes ayni odada kalsin diye düsündük.
Before, we put everybody in the same room during cold hour.
Kalsin, istemem.
Sende kalsin.
Keep it.
Çünkü ikimizin arasinda kalsin, eger o ameliyasanede yalniz olsaydim su an ölmüs olurdun.
Because between you and me, if i had been alone in that O.R. You'd probably be dead right now.
Öyleyse bu form sende kalsin, lazim olur. - Selam.
then take the release form just in case.
sarabi karin içinde birakin. Soguk kalsin!
Put the wine in the snow and keep it cold.
Birakalim da geçmis geçmiste kalsin.
I hope we can let bygones be bygones.
Herkes burada kalsïn.
Everybody else stay here.
Geridekiler ve sondakiler benimle gelsin, gerisi burada kalsïn.
Now, backs and ends come with me, the rest stay here.
Sende kalsin
Keep it.
Birak kalsin.
Let it be.

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