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Kovuldun Çeviri İngilizce

2,576 parallel translation
You're fired.
Yine mi kovuldun?
You got fired again?
You're fired as of this moment.
Evet. Bu yüzden işten kovuldun.
Right, so now that's enough for you.
You, fired.
"Kovuldun!" mu?
You, fired?
Sen... kovuldun.
You... fired.
Sen de... kovuldun.
You... also fired.
Çoktan kovuldun.
You're already fired.
Mutfakta, buzlarla yaptığın aptalca şey yüzünden, tabii sen de kovuldun.
For being that stupid in the kitchen with ice, of course you're also fired.
Yani kovuldun mu?
So you got fired?
Kovuldun mu?
You're dismissed.
You will be fired!
Demek buradan kovuldun ve şimdi başka kredi kartlarıyla kredi borcunu ödüyorsun.
So, you were fired from there, and now, you're paying off card debt with more cards, right?
Sana söylüyorum, kovuldun kovuldun, kovuldun!
I say this, fired ESTs, ESTs fired!
Kovuldun, seninle işim kalmadı artık.
You're fucking fired because I've finished with you.
Dinle, kovuldun.
Listen, you're fired.
- Gerçekten kovuldun, tamam mı? - Kovuldum mu?
- You're really fired, okay?
- Yani kovuldun?
- So you got fired?
in her sleep.
You're fired!
- Kovuldun.
- You're fired. - Fired?
- Kovuldum mu? - Kovuldun.
- Fired.
Popper, kovuldun.
Popper, you're fired.
Yine kovuldun değil mi?
You haven't been sacked again, have you?
- Kovuldun!
- Dismissed!
Kovuldun, Minny Jackson!
You are fired, Minny Jackson!
Kovuldun mu?
You have every right to be mad at me.
You are so fucking fired!
Madem benim için çalışıyorsun, seni kovuyorum. Tamam mı? - Kovuldun.
Fine, if I'm your employer, then you're fired.
Kovuldun mu?
You got fired?
Pekâlâ. Kovuldun!
Well, is fired.
Diasy'e göz kulak olamadım. Sen de işten kovuldun.
I couldn't even keep an eye on Daisy, and got you fired.
Duydun mu? Cidden kovuldun mu?
Did you hear?
İşten bugün mü kovuldun?
You lost your job today?
.. iyi bir melektin sen, onun sağ koluydun ve kovuldun
You know, I can not understand is why he turned against God.
Bu yüzden çık dışarı kovuldun
We are here to represent the man there. It's not your show. You know what?
Yapılması gereken en akıllıca şeyin "kovuldun" demek olduğunu düşünüyorum.
I think the only prudent thing to do is say, "You're fired."
İşsizler kervanına biri daha girdi çünkü az önce kovuldun!
Get in the unemployment line,'cause you just got axed!
Sen de mi kovuldun?
You got banned, too?
Bu arada kovuldun.
And by the way, you're fired.
Sue onu takımdan kovdu. Becky, Cheerios'dan kovuldun!
Becky, you're off the Cheerios.
You're... fired!
Yeter, buraya kadar! Kovuldun!
Okay, that's it, you're fired.
Kovuldun mu?
Did you get fired? Of course not.
You're out of there.
- Kovuldun.
You're fired.
You just got fired.
Kovuldun mu?
For what?
Ve, kovuldun.
And you are fired.

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