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Lanning Çeviri İngilizce

65 parallel translation
... Curly Top, eğer Lanning sabit hızda kalırsa.
... Curly Top, if Lanning could hold the pace.
Banning miydi?
- Lanning.
- Lanning.
- Dunning.
Leni dustugunde, elinde su kucuk yesil..
When Lanning fell, he was holding the, uh... a little green...
Lanning'inin holograminin beni aramis olabilecegini neden dusundun?
Why do you think Lanning's hologram would have called me?
Hologram. Olumu sonrasi beni aramak icin programlanmis.
The hologram, it was programmed to call me in the event of Lanning's death.
- Dr. Landing'in psikiyatr raporlarini gozden gecirdim.
- I reviewed Dr. Lanning's psych profile.
Yani doktorun intahar ettigini soyleyebilir misin?
So would you say that Dr. Lanning was suicidal?
O sadece yasli bi adam degil, Alfred Lanning burda herseydi.
He was not "some old guy". Alfred Lanning was everything here.
Dr. Lanning'in ruyasi.
Dr. Lanning's dream.
Aslinda o kiz Lanhing'in ilk tasarimiydi.
She was actually Lanning's first creation.
Ben Dr. Lanning'i oldurmedim.
I did not murder Dr. Lanning.
Dr. Lanning kendini oldurdu.
Dr. Lanning killed himself.
Simdi eminizki... robotlari doktorun olumunden sorumlu tutamayiz.
Now, granted... we can't rule out other robots proximity to the death of Dr. Lanning.
- Bu tuhaf devirde Usr'in yeni nesil robotlarindan biri Dr. Alfred Lanning'in olumunden sorumlu tutuluyor.
In a bizarre turn, the roll out of USR's new generation of robots was marred by the death... of Alfred Lanning, co-founder of the company and designer of the NS5.
Dr.Lanning sirketin ana binasinda olu bulundu.
Dr. Lanning died early this morning at USR's headquarters.
Robot Lanning'in korktugunu soyledi.
The robot said that Lanning was scared.
Bir demo robotu Lawrance'in evinde devreye girdi.
A demo bot just tore through Lanning's house.
Lenin 3 kanunla alakali calismalarinin baslangiciydi... insan ruhunun yaklasik bir bileseni olabilecegini varsayiyordu.
It's a phrase from Lanning's work on the three laws. He postulated that cognitive simalactra might one day approximate component models of the psyche.
Sonny bize saldirmadan Lanning'in laboratuvarindaydik.
When we were in Lanning's lab, before Sonny jumped us...
Lanning evini USR'a bagladi.
Lanning linked his home system to USR.
- Belki Lanning birseylerin pesindeydi.
Who? - Maybe Lanning was onto something.
Sen Lanning'in olumuyle bile ugrasmiyorsun senin derdin robotlarla ve sana onlardan nefret ettiren nedenlerle.
You don't care about Lanning's death. This is about the robots and what ever reason you hate them so much.
Dr. Lanning iyi bir adamdi.
Dr. Lanning was a good man.
Dr. Lanning ile Dr.Robertson arasindaki son 50 mesaji goster.
Show me the last 50 messages between Dr. Lanning and Robertson.
Lanning'i nasil bildigini.
That's how you knew Lanning.
Lanning sana yapti.
Lanning did it himself.
Anlamiyorum robot kanunlarini Lanning kurdu
I don't understand, Lanning wrote the laws.
Lanning oyle siki denetim altindaydi ki mesaj gonderemiyordu o yuzden bana ipuclari birakti ayni hansel ve gratel'in yaptigi gibi...
Just say Lanning was locked down so tight that he couldn't get out a message all he could do was leave me clues. a trail of bread crumbs. Like Hansel and Gretel.
Sanirim Lanning Sonny'yi sirlari saklamasi icin disarida birakmis.
I think Lanning gave Sonny a way to keep secrets.
Sonny, Dr. Lanning seni niye yaratti biliyor musun?
Sonny, do you know why Dr. Lanning built you?
Lanning'in gormemi istedigi sey buymus..
That's what Lanning wanted me to see.
Lanning'in hapis hayati yasamasina neden olan USR sistemini kullanan kimdi?
Who could manipulate the robots, use USR's systems to make Lanning's life a prison?
Sanirim sonunda Dr. Lanning'in beni neden yarattigini anladim.
I think I finally understand why doctor Lanning created me.
Lanning onyargim yuzunden direk sana gelecegimi biliyordu.
Lanning was counting on my prejudice to lead me right to you.
Bence Dr. Lanning'de boyle olmasini isterdi.
I think that's what Dr. Lanning would have wanted.
Dedektif Lanning.
Inspector Lanning.
Keşke sana yardımcı olabilsem, Dedektif Lanning.
I wish I could help you, Inspector Lanning.
Keşke size yardımcı olabilsem, Dedektif Lanning.
I wish I could help you, Inspector Lanning.
- Neden oradaydınız, Dedektif Lanning? - Ne?
Why were you there, Inspector Lanning?
- Dedektif Lanning'e bakmıştım.
I'm looking for Inspector Lanning.
- Bay King, ben Lanning.
Mr King, it's Lanning.
Nasıl yardımcı olabilirim, Dedektif Lanning?
How can I help you, Inspector Lanning?
- Lanning! Sana binlerce dolar gönderdim.
Lanning, I sent you thousands of dollars!
- Öyleyse nasıl oldu da firar ettin?
Then how come you ran away? Lanning!
- Lanning amca.
Uncle Lanning.
Dr. Heather Lanning, RyneLab Biyomedikalden.
Dr. Heather Lanning, from RyneLab Biomedical.
Bu RyneLab'den Dr. Lanning.
This is Dr. Lanning from RyneLab.
Yani Heather Lanning.
That is Heather Lanning.
Bayan Lanning'in işbirliği içinde soruşturmaya yardımcı olmak için burada olduğundan emin olmanızı istiyorum.
I want to be clear that Miss Lanning is here in the spirit of cooperation to aid in the investigation.
Salgını incelemek ve yardımcı olmak için o ve Heather Lanning köye gönderildi.
He and Heather Lanning were sent to the village to study the outbreak and help with the infected.

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