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Posey Çeviri İngilizce

73 parallel translation
Tafrasından geçilmiyor.
A posey for getting nosey...
Çavuş Posey mi?
Is that Sergeant Posey?
Çavuş Posey.
Sergeant Posey?
Jesu, merdiven bul Çavuş Posey zavallı hayvana binebilsin.
Jesu, fetch a ladder so that Sergeant Posey can get up on that poor, unfortunate animal.
Çavuş Posey oy veremez.
- Sergeant Posey can't vote.
Peki Posey.
All right, Posey.
Çavuş Posey sana eşlik edecek.
- Sergeant Posey will accompany you. - Yes, sir.
Üç günde dönmezsen Posey onları buraya getirecek.
Posey will remain with orders to bring them back here if you don't return in three days. - Is that clear?
- Merhaba, Posey.
- Hiya, Posey.
Çavuş Posey!
Sergeant Posey!
Haydi Posey.
Come on, Posey.
- 4 Posey.
- Four, Posey.
Posey, S.
Posey, S.
Pekala Posey, Apaçı bilgini görelim.
Okay, Posey, let's see a little of that Apache know-how.
- Haydi, Posey.
- Come on, Posey.
Posey, sadece bir gösteri.
Look, Posey, it's just an example.
Posey, kılıfı var.
Posey, it's got a scabbard on it.
Posey, seni neden hapsettiler?
Tell me, Posey, what did they lock you up for?
- Ne yaptın Posey?
- What'd you do, Posey?
Haydi, Posey.
Come on, Posey.
- Sapla.
- Posey, stick me.
Haydi, Posey.
Come on, now, Posey.
- Sapla, Posey!
- Get him, Posey!
Haydi, Posey!
Come on, Posey!
- İndir onu aşağı!
- Knock him down, Posey!
- Seninle konuşacak, Posey.
- He's just gonna talk to you, Posey.
Haydi, şurada Posey!
Come on, right over here, Posey!
Posey bile onlara katıldı.
When I asked them to step forward, even Posey joined.
- Posey, unutma, yaralısın.
- Posey, remember, you're hurt.
- Posey, unutma, yaralısın.
- Posey, remember, you're injured.
- Posey 5. ve 7. noktaları korur.
- Posey guards points five and seven.
Posey'nin başı dertte!
Posey's got trouble!
Posey S.
Posey, S.
Marvin Posey.
Marvin Posey.
Marty Potter aslında Marvin Posey.
So Marty Potter is Marvin Posey.
Aktrisinkini duyduk bize Rimbauer'ın iş ortağını anlat, Bay Posey'i.
Nice story time. We've heard the one about the actress. Tell us about Rimbauer's partner, Mr. Posey.
O sene Ekim ayında, Douglas Posey'i kapının önüne koydu.
So in October of that same year he gave Douglas Posey the bum's rush.
Aile sırlarına göre, Posey Amca kovboylardan hoşlanıyordu.
According to family legend, Uncle Posey had a taste for cowboys.
" Solumuzda, April Rimbauer ve Douglas Posey'nin hayaletleri.
" " If you look to your left, you will see the ghost of April Rimbauer and Douglas Posey.
Tıpkı Posey gibi, gerdanının etrafında bir halka çenendeki kıllarına dokunmayacak bir halka.
Just like Posey... a ring around the rosey... and not by the hair of your chinny-chin-chin.
Proje, Bay Posey'in gözetiminde tamamlanacak, bu arada siz ikiniz...
Mr. Posey is to oversee the completion of the project while you two...
Posey'ler ha?
The Poseys?
Kendini kandırma Posey.
Don't fool yourself, Posey.
Bayan Cainings'in durumu dengeli, serumu çıkarabilirsin.
Mrs Koenings stabilized, so DIC the Posey vest.
Posey, haydi gidelim!
Posey, let's go!
- Posey.
- Posey.
Dedem, Posey'in ona Tommiks şapkasını atmasını asla unutmadı.
Grand-dad never forgot Posey tossing him that Tom Mix hat.
Posey neden bir yıl bekledi?
Why did Posey wait a year to do it?
Sürekli seni düşünüyorum, Posey.
I've been thinking of you, Posey.

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