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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ T ] / Tasalanma

Tasalanma Çeviri İngilizce

149 parallel translation
- Tasalanma, üstesinden gelir.
- Oh, he'll weather it all right.
Geri dönecek diye tasalanma.
You needn't be afraid that she will return.
- Hiç tasalanma, kardeşim.
Don't give it thought brother.
Bir şey yok, ben kendime hakimim, tasalanma.
That's all right, I can handle myself. Don't you worry about me.
- Ardımızda olan hiçbir şey için tasalanma.
Don't worry about anything that's behind us.
Tasalanma, Johnny, emirleri sorgulamayacağım.
Don't worry, Johnny, I won't press charges.
Tasalanma, Kasai her şey yolunda dedi.
It's alright. Kasai told you so!
$ 50,000 gibi büyük bir meblağ, herkesi endişelendirir tasalanma Pierrot.
$ 50,000 would make anyone nervous, Pierrot.
Tasalanma, ona bir şey olmaz.
Don't worry, he'll be all right.
Tasalanma. Ne kadar verimliyiz onu öğreniriz.
Don't worry, it'll test our efficiency.
Not to worry.
Tasalanma, madalyanı alacaksın.
Don't worry, you'll get your medal.
Tasalanma, ben seni güldürürüm, şakadan anlamadığımı söylüyor olsan da.
Don't worry, I'll make you laugh, even if you say I have no sense of humour.
Onu kandırmaya uğraşmak için tasalanma.
And don't try to cheat him.
- Tasalanma, geri geleceğim.
- Don't worry, I'll be back...
Sen hiç tasalanma.
Don't you worry.
Tasalanma, evlat.
Well, don't worry, kid.
Tasalanma artık.
So do stop worrying.
Take it easy.
Tasalanma sen.
Don't worry.
Bu kadar tasalanma.
Don't worry so much.
Ölüm hakkında tasalanma. Çünkü sen zaten ölüsün.
You don't care about death cos you're already dead.
Don't worry about that.
Lafı mı olur kurban, tasalanma sen hadi eyvallah.
Don't mention it, don't worry.
O halde tasalanma.
Then you're okay.
- Sen tasalanma. Ben ona detaylica anlatirim.
I'll tell him all about it.
Tasalanma bunun için...
Can't worry about that...
Tasalanma, adamın iyi olacak.
Don't worry, your men will be fine.
Tasalanma Kid.
You don't have to worry, Kid.
Sen tasalanma.
Don't worry about it.
Tasalanma, bıçakla daha kötü...
Don't worry, it's worse with a knife
Tasalanma be, güven bana.
Don't worry. Trust me!
Hiç tasalanma.
I wouldn't worry about it.
Tasalanma, canım.
Don't trouble yourself, dear.
Hiç tasalanma.
No worries.
Tasalanma, annene söylemem.
It's all right. I won't tell your mum.
Don't be alarmed.
Almanı istiyoruz Robert. Ne zaman öderim diye tasalanma.
We want you to have it, Robert, and we don't want you to worry about it.
O kadar tasalanma.
Don't look so worried.
Tasalanma, hiç direniş göstermedi.
Don't worry, she didn't put up any resistance.
Always together.
Don't worry, man.
Tasalanma, hızlıyımdır.
Oh, don't worry, I'm quick.
Tasalanma, bir gün kendine bir uğraş bulursun.
Don't worry, one day you'll find a hobby.
Ama tasalanma.
But don't worry.
Tasalanma, ruhun yakında peşinden gelir.
Don't worry. The soul will soon follow.
Don't worry.
Tasalanma, Shack.
Don't worry, Shack.
Tasalanma, Jack.
Don't worry, Jack.
Tasalanma, Alfred dayı.
Don't worry, Uncle Alfred.
Oh, don't worry.

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