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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İngilizce / [ U ] / Ucuz atlattık

Ucuz atlattık Çeviri İngilizce

189 parallel translation
Ucuz atlattık.
That was close.
Ama ucuz atlattık.
But it was a close call.
Vay be, ucuz atlattık!
Boy, that was a close shave!
Ucuz atlattık.
We had a narrow escape.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was a near one.
- Ucuz atlattık.
My God.
- Vay canına, ucuz atlattık!
- Oh, boy, was that a close shave!
Bugünü gerçekten de ucuz atlattık.
We're on the verge of a farce. A real farce.
- Ucuz atlattık.
- Hey that was close.
Ucuz atlattık.
Pretty close.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was a close one!
Ucuz atlattık!
That was close!
Ucuz atlattık.
We had a close call.
- Ucuz atlattık, değil mi?
- That was a bit close, wasn't it?
Ucuz atlattık, değil mi?
There's nothing to say, is there?
Ona "ucuz atlattık" denir. Sağ olun.
It's a near hit, gang.
- Gerçekten ucuz atlattık.
Oh, close, but no cigar.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was a close call.
Biz geçen gece ucuz atlattık.
We had a near miss the other night.
- Ucuz atlattık.
oh, that was close.
- Ucuz atlattık.
- We had a very close call.
- Ucuz atlattık.
- That was close.
Ucuz atlattık.
Oh, close call.
Ucuz atlattık, değil mi?
That was a close shave, wasn't it?
- Ucuz atlattık, değil mi Bill?
- I guess we lucked out, huh, Bill?
Ucuz atlattık.
We really dodged a bullet there.
Ucuz atlattık.
Oh, that was close.
- Ucuz atlattık. - Evet.
- That was a close one.
Ucuz atlattık.
- That was close.
Bu defa rahat kalamayacağımız kadar ucuz atlattık.
OK. That was too close for comfort.
Ucuz atlattık.
Oh, God, that was close.
Ucuz atlattık.
Boy, that was close.
Vay canına, ucuz atlattık.
Wow, that was close.
Of, ucuz atlattık.
Phew, that was gfoss.
- Ucuz atlattık.
- We got off easy.
Ucuz Atlattık.
Oh, that was close.
Ucuz atlattık.
Wow! That was close!
Her takdirde, ciddi kayıplara neden olacak bir savaşı ucuz atlattık.
At any rate, we narrowly missed a major war with significant carnage.
Galiba ucuz atlattık dostum.
I think we beat the rap there, mate.
- Ivır zıvırlar. - Ucuz atlattık.
- And wingdings and tum-tum's.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was close!
Ucuz atlattık diyorum.
So all I'm saying is we cut it a little close.
- Ucuz atlattık!
- That was close!
- Ucuz atlattık.
Let's get out of here.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was too close.
Ucuz atlattık.
That was close, don't you think?
Ucuz atlattık.
Man, that was close.
Miranda tam ucuz atlattım diye düşünürken birden.. ... jeolojik anlamda daha da aşağılık bir şey keşfetti.
Just when Miranda thought she'd hit rock bottom she discovered a new geological layer of humiliation.
Ucuz mu atlattık?
Close shave?
- Hass * ktir, ucuz atlattık.
- Devils, that was close.
Çok ucuz atlattık.
That was a close call.

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