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Vardik Çeviri İngilizce

16 parallel translation
Bir general, bir binbasi, bir yüzbasi, iki tegmen ve ben vardik.
There was a general, a major, two captains, two lieutenants and me.
Beyaz köylüler ya da askerler tarafindan öldürülme tehlikesiyle bir süre dolandiktan sonra, Kizilderili Topragi diye bilinen bir yere vardik,
After wandering all over in constant danger of being killed by white settlers or white soldiers, we come to a place knowed as the Indian Nations.
Evet, Sayin Yargiç, vardik,
Yes, we have, my lord.
We're there!
Annem öldükten sonra, sadece sen ve ben vardik.
After Mom died, and it was just you and me.
We're here.
Kurt sürüsünde artik ikimiz vardik.
So were there two... So there were two of us in the wolf pack.
Pedro diye biri yoktu hiç. Sadece ikimiz vardik!
There never was a Pedro - there's only ever been the two of us here.
Neredeyse vardik.
We're almost there.
Karara vardik öyleyse.
It is settled then.
Vardik, Sayin Yargiç.
We have, Your Honor.
Neredeyse vardik.
Almost there.
- Neredeyse vardik. hadi.
We're almost there. Come on.
- Evet sayin yargiç, vardik...
- Yes, Your Honor, we have.
Hadi, Sarah. Neredeyse vardik.
Come on, Sarah, we're almost there.
Amcam, memlekette polis... oraya vardik mi kimse kilimiza dokunamaz!
My uncle is a cop back home... Once we cross the border no one will catch us!

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