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Yargi Çeviri İngilizce

5 parallel translation
Belki de bu yargi sistemindeki... onyarginin bir kaniti.
Maybe it says something about prejudice... in the judicial system.
- Senden bir yargi istemiyorum.
- I'm not asking for a judgment.
Taylanda yargi sistemi cok bozuk ve gereken formlari imzalamasi gereken yargic en kotusu.
The Thai judiciary is corrupt and the judge who needs to sign the release form is one of the worst.
- Bu yuzden hicbir yargi olmadan cekilme sansini veriyorum size.
That's why I'm giving you all the chance to opt out with no judgement made.
Lobi yargi icin yeni insanlara surekli erisim sunar.
The lobby offers constant access to new people for judgment.

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