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Yarisini Çeviri İngilizce

62 parallel translation
Size söylesem, hatta miktarin yarisini söylesem, bana yalanci dersiniz.
Well, sir, if I told you, if I told you half, you'd call me a liar.
Asla bir ºeyin yarisini istemem. Tamamini alirim.
I never own half of anything, I own it all.
Gitmeden önce, Truva hazinesinin yarisini daha sonra da, her yil 1000 altin vereceksiniz.
Half the treasury of Troy before we depart... ... and after that, 1 000 talents every year.
Kasabanin yarisini temizlemek gerekir.
Half the town would be wiped out.
Ben de paramin yarisini sana veririm.
And you could own half my penny!
Çünkü seni günlerce sürüklemek niyetinde degilim Missouri'nin yarisini kana boyayarak.
Because I ain't hauling you all over hell's creation dribbling blood over half of Missouri.
Basarili bilimadamlarinin neredeyse yarisini ise alip, dünyayi 50 bin nükleer silahla doldurdular.
Then employed half the world scientists and infested the world with 50.000 nuclear weapons.
Yarisini oraya ben koydum.
I put half of them in there.
Yarisini simdi yolla.
You send half now.
Afrika " nin yarisini yuttu,
Him swallow half Africa.
Aslinda yarisini Bile Bilmiyorsun,
You don't know the half of it.
Adamlarimizin yarisini hasat etti!
He's busted up half the men!
En azindan yarisini.
Well, at least half of this.
Bunun yarisini istiyoruz, ve oldukca adil davraniyoruz.
We want half of this, and that's because we're being generous.
You want any of us to play for you, you reserve half the open positions for Hammond players, half the offense, half the special teams.
Onlar senin kargonun yarisini bosaltip gidicekler.
They'll unload half of your cargo and go away.
10.40'tan, gece yarisini geçinceye kadar briç oynamislar.
They were playing bridge from twenty to eleven till after midnight.
Sorun su ki, o da gece yarisini geçene kadar bir partideymis.
But he was at a party till after midnight, by which time, Ruby was already dead.
Cidden. Ama simdi üstünde kanimin yarisini tasiyorsun.
Seriously, you're wearing, like, half my blood.
Gece yarisini 7 geçiyor.
Seven past midnight.
Yemin ederim menünün yarisini ismarlamisti.
I swear, he ordered half the menu.
Dilimin yarisini yedim.
I had half a slice.
1947'de onaylasalardi... kendi paylarini, yani manda altindaki Filistin'in yarisini biz o zamandan beri 2 ülke olabilirdik herhangi bir çatisma olmadan.
Had they accepted the 1947... their part, half of Palestine, the mandate, we would have two countries since then, and no conflict.
Onlar ömürlerinin yarisini benim dükkanimda gecirdiler.
They spent half their lives at my shop
Sadece bes ay içinde Japonya, Uzak Dogu Müttefik güçlerini imha ederek Pasifigin yarisini feseder.
In just 5 months, Japan destroyed the allied forces in the Far East, and conquered half of the Pacific.
Yok, yok bos ver. Vücudumuzun yarisini al lütfen.
No no Forget it.
Yankees ucretinin yarisini oduyor.
Yankees are paying half your salary.
Tanri sahidim olsun ki bu park yerindeki arabalarin yarisini bir gece bir keresinde çalmistim..
Right hand to God, I had about almost half of this parking lot full of stolen cars at one time.
Evet, Brenigan cadilar bayrami repertuarimin yarisini iptal etti.
So, um, Brenigan took away half my set for the Halloween bash.
Sadece yarisini çalabilcem diye sevinimmi.
Like, "Oh, I get to play half my set?"
Konumuz bu sözde grubun sahnemizin yarisini almasi.
The point is this so-called band has half our stage time, now. It's nuts.
Bizden sahne zamanimizin yarisini çalan bir gruba katilamazsin?
Joining the band that's taking half our night from us?
Yarisini alcak, ve bizden de diger yarisini almamizi bekleyecek.
He'll take half, and he expects us to buy the other half.
Eger daha iyi hissetmeni saglayacaksa vardiyasinin yarisini bitirmisti.
Well, if it makes you feel any better, she left halfway through her shift.
Agladi ve örneklerin yarisini yedi.
He cried and ate half the samples.
Cihatçi hücresinin yarisini bastiniz.
You only got half that jihadist cell.
Kralligimin kuzey yarisini çalan çocuga mi?
Who would steal the northern half of my kingdom.
Sen hissenin yarisini kimin üzerine geçirdin?
Whose name are half your shares under?
MIT'den mezun oldum sonra da korkunç bir kaza geçirip aklimin yarisini kaybettim.
I graduated from MIT, and then I got into a horrible accident where I lost half my brain.
James Hunt, Crystal Palace'de Niki Lauda ile bas koydugu mucadeleden galip cikarak bu sezonun ucuncu Formula 3 yarisini kazaniyor.
So James Hunt scores his third major Formula 3 win of the season here at Crystal Palace, after a desperate battle with Niki Lauda.
Doku nakli operasyonu gecirdim. Sag baldirimin yarisini yuzume koydular.
I had a skin graft operation, where they put half my right thigh in my face.
80 bin yaris fanatigi sirilsiklam sekilde,... son on yilin en saglam yarisini bekliyor.
80, 000 bedraggled race fans and the racing grudge match of the decade.
yarisini. - ¿ Sana sarkimi soyledi?
- That he sang?
Mallarimin yarisini heba ettin.
There goes like half my inventory.
Manny yarisini alicak bu gece.
That's half Manny's take from tonight.
Üzgünüm, geç oluyor. Gece yarisini geçmis bile.
Oh, is already quite late Even after midnight.
Alkol olmadigini farketmeden önce sisenin yarisini içmis olmali.
He must have drunk half the bottle before he realised it wasn't alcohol.
o, senin verdigin paranin yarisini bile odemiyor.
He couldn't pay me a fraction of what you're offering.
35 dakikada sistemin yarisini tarayabildiler.
He's already halfway through the network in 35 minutes.
- Sorunun yarisini cevaplayabilirim.
I can help with half of that. What?
Yer yapïsïk halde, sanki isin sadece yarïsïnï yapïyorum.
Being glued to the ground, I feel as if I'm doing only half the job.

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