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Yasadiği Çeviri İngilizce

45 parallel translation
Çocuklarimizin yasadiği bir sorun için buradayiz.
We don't care about their marriage.
Insan yasadigi yerde goemuelmeli.
Where a man lives is where he should be buried.
"şu kutsal ruhunda yaşadiği."
"which lives in this spirit."
Burasinin batisinda 50 kilometre ileride, bir zamanlarin en büyük sehirlerinden birisi olan, ve Eratosthenes isimli adamin yasadigi, eski Iskenderiye sehri var.
It is about 50 kilometers west of what was once one of the great cities of the world, Alexandria. In Alexandria, at that time there lived a man named Eratosthenes.
Tabii ki Eratosthenes'in 21 Haziran günü, tam ögle saati Iskenderiye'de yasadigi, sopanin hiç gölgesiz durumda olmasi tecrübesinin aynisini,
Because Eratosthenes had the presence of mind to experiment to actually ask whether back here, near Alexandria a stick cast a shadow near noon on June the 21 st.
"Yasadigi çagda efsane olan kisi, o efsanenin kölesi olur."
"He who is a legend in his own time, is ruled by that legend."
Burasi, yasli vatandaslarin yasadigi bir mahalle.
Here we are in a neighbourhood of mostly senior citizens.
AN INN WHERE A GHOSTLIVES by Hiroshi Takahashi
Profesör Charles Xavier mutantlarin yasadigi eziyetler hakkinda konusma yapti.
"Professor Charles Xavier delivers speech on recent mutant persecution."
Yasadigi için çok sansli oldugunu unutmayin.
You have to remember that she is very lucky to be alive.
Doris cocuklarinin yasadigi dunyayi bilmiyorsun.
Doris, you don't know the world your children are living in.
Ama eger bu adamlarin yasadigi yeri biliyorsan.
But you do know where these people live.
Ve büyükannemin yasadigi adaya ucak inmiyor.
And no plane lands on the island where grandma lives.
Ve o yasadigi hayat...
And the kind of life he lives...
Yasadigi aci ile guclenen soyumuz ilham veriyor ve koruyor.
Our strong nation forged through pain inspires and protects.
- Bayan Jefferson, kendisini ogluna adamis bir anne, ama huzursuz ve yasadigi hayattan yorgun düsmüs.
There's Mrs Jefferson, passionately devoted to her son, but restless and tired of the life she's been leading.
Ailemin yasadigi yer olan Kyoungju'ya gittim.
I went to Kyoungju, where my parents lived...
Tanrilar ve insanlarin beraber yasadigi yer.
Where the gods and man lived in paradise.
Bilirsin, Alex ve Eric'in yasadigi olaylari ben de yasar miyim diye dusunuyorum.
Well, this whole thing with Alex and Eric has got me thinking, you know.
Zemin kat çekirdegin yasadigi yerdi, elektronlar üst katlara yerlesmisti.
The ground floor is where the nucleus lives, with the electrons occupying the floors above.
Fabius, Roma'yi yasadigi en büyük krizden çikardi
Fabius saved Rome from its biggest crisis.
Cilgin asiklarin yasadigi bir yerdir
A place where crazed lovers live
Baska insansilarin yasadigi yerlere gidip zaman içerisinde onlarin neslini tükettiler.
It went to places where other hominids lived, led them to extinction actually.
bak, insanlar yasadigi korkunç seyleri konusmaya devam ederse..
Look, if people keep talking about doing these things...
Bugün Gandhiji'nin yasadigi en son hatiralarin fotografini gördüm.
Today, I saw the photo of Gandhiji's final moments.
Hala orada Hindular'in yasadigi gercegine katlanamiyorsun.
You still regr et the fact that Hindus live there.
Çünkü annemin yasadigi o hayat
Because of the lifestyle that my mother lived,
O herkesin arkasinda durabilir çünkü büyürken yasadigi olaylarda kimse onun arkasinda durmadi..
She will just stand up for anyone, because of experiences she's had growing up where someone didn't stand up for her.
Annesinin ve babasinin yoklugunda yasadigi bu duygusal süreç
Trying to process emotions about not having a mom and dad around.
Astimli bir çocuğun yasadiği evde bunu içemezsiniz!
You can't smoke in a house with an asthmatic child.
Bu onun yasadigi yer degil mi, Joe Ryan'in?
Isn't that where he lives, Joe Ryan?
Bu, onun buyuk buyukbabasinin utancini yasadigi tekerlek.
That is the wheel that his great grand-pappy met his shame on.
.. Emekçilerin yasadigi yerde.
.. on the place where the labours live.
Sinha yasadigi sürece.. .. ne evimize ekmek götürebilecegiz nede götürecek bir evimiz olacak.
Until S.P. Sinha will alive till then nor we will eat something neither we will have house.
Bizim ve ailelerimizin yasadigi yeri biliyor.
She knows where we live, she knows our families.
Yüzde 35'i Homer Simpson'i ve yasadigi hayali sehri taniyor ama yüzde birinden azi Thurgood Marshall adini biliyor.
Thirty-five percent can... correctly identify Homer Simpson and the town in which he resides. Less than 1 percent knows the name Thurgood Marshall.
Yani bir derdin mi var, küçük bir kiz gibi sizlaniyor musun, veya yasadigi yerde yiyecek olmadigini idrak edemeyen bir Somalili gibi?
I mean, do you have a problem, "Waah-waah-waah," like some little fucking girl, or some Somali who can't process that there's no food where they live?
Bombacinin yasadigi yer burasi degil mi?
Isn't that where the'Unabomber'lives?
Olay onun nasil yasadigi.
This is about how she lived.
400 milyon erkegin yasadigi bir ülkeden geliyoruz.
We come from a country of 400 million men.
12 milion Amerikan vatandasinin ilegal olarak Kanada'da yasadigi tahmin ediliyor
It is estimated that already 12 million U.S. citizens live in Canadian territory illegally.
Sandy'nin en sevdigim yani, yasadigi yerdi.
My favorite thing about Sandy is where he lived.

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