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Yillarca Çeviri İngilizce

28 parallel translation
Yillarca... istemedin...
For years... you didn't want...
O yüzden yillarca aci çekerek gerçeklikle bogusmak yerine gerçekligi degistirebiliyordum.
Instead of taking years of painfully coming to grips with reality, you change reality.
Bu yeni plan cok siki, vergi sorumlulugunu yillarca erteleyecek.
This new plan is very aggressive, and it defers all your tax liability for years.
It will destroy the American people's faith in you and the democratic party and their government for years to come.
Aksi halde, onlarin da dedigi gibi, çocuklarin hatiri için yillarca sürüyebilirdik bunu.
On the contrary, we could've dragged this on for years... just for the sake of the kids, as they say.
Gezegenlere sizip, vücutlarini adapte eder ve bilgi toplarlar. Hakimiyeti ele geçirmeye hazir olana kadar, yillarca gözlemlerler.
They infiltrate planets, adapting their bodies, gathering intelligence, sometimes for years, watching, until they're ready to take over.
Yahudi liderler yillarca Araplarin Filistin'den çikarilmasini tartistilar, ama onlarin gidisleriyleri ilgili olduklarini hep inkar ettiler.
Jewish leaders had discussed moving Arabs out of Palestine for years, but deny that was anything to do with their departure.
yada senin adam belediyede yillarca kandirdiginiz insanlar. bu normal mi?
Or sleeping with our mayor and betraying your husband. That's normal?
Gezegenler arasinda yillarca yol alirlar.
This is a galaxy class ship, goes for years between planet-falls. So what do they need?
Yillarca dinledikten sonra, yillarca süren sessizlikten sonra
After years and years of listening, years and years of silence,
Yillarca sokaklarda dolatiktan sonra, La Cancion'daki yeni serif bendim.
After years patrolling the streets, I was the new sheriff in La Cancion.
Boston kontrol altinda olduguna göre, Anne eyaleti terkediyor, belki yillarca geri gelmez.
Now that Boston's under control, Mother's leaving the state, maybe for years.
Yillarca yattim orada, bende buldugun neydi diye merak ederek... ya da bulmadigin.
So many years I laid there, wondering what it was you saw in me... or didn't.
Ayin yillarca adanmislik ve fedakarlilik gerektirir.
The sacrament takes years of dedication and devotion.
Davut Saul'un ordusuna katildi Ve yillarca filistinlilere karsi savasti
David joins Saul's army... and battles the Philistines for decades.
Geoff ve karisi tüp bebek de denemisler ve yillarca ugrasmislar.
Geoff and his wife did IVF, too, and they were at it for years.
O piçin çocugunu büyüttüm yillarca.
I raised the bastard's child all these years
- Uyurken insanlari oldurup Medicaid ceklerini yillarca bozduruyorlar!
They murder people in their sleep, cash their Medicaid checks for years!
Ama sanki yillarca sürmüs gibiydi.
Felt like years.
En nihayet gerçek mizaci ortaya çikana kadar yillarca tespit edilmeden dolasan habis bir yaratik.
A vile creature who walked undetected for years until finally her true nature was revealed.
Belki de yillarca elimize almayacagiz onlari.
Maybe we don't touch them for years.
Yillarca mi?
Merak etme, vergi ödeyenlere yïllarca yük olacaksïn.
Don't worry, you'll be a burden on the taxpayers for many years.
Yïllarca normal, gösterişsiz bir hayat yaşadïnïz... ... dost edindiniz, çalïştïnïz... ... ve özel bir görev için beklediniz.
You lived a normal, inconspicuous life for years - making friends, earning a living - just waiting until you got a call for the one particular job... and they saved you for a big one.
Korkarïm bu sömine yïllarca kullanïlmamïs.
I'm afraid that fireplace hasn't been used in years.
- Yïllarca at binmekten.
- Years of horseback riding.
Yïllarca okuyucularïnïzï aptal yerine koydunuz.
You've tricked and fooled your readers for years.
Polo Sahasïnï yïllarca renklendiren biri.
There's a fiigure thatgraced the Polo Grounds foryears.

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