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Zarfinda Çeviri İngilizce

6 parallel translation
Yani bu süre zarfinda, cansiz bir organizmadaki Karbon-14'ün yarisi, bozunmaya ugrar.
Meaning, in that amount of time, half the carbon 14 of a dead organism will decay.
Sana söz veriyorum ki, evli kaldigimiz süre zarfinda bir daha asla seni buna benzer bir seye maruz birakmayacagim.
And I promise for as long as we're married to never, ever put you through anything like this again.
Bu süre zarfinda arama beni.
In the meantime, don't call me.
iste bu yüzden uzun bir süre zarfinda birbirimizi son kez görebiliriz.
That's why this is the last time we might have to see each other for quite some time.
Bu zaman zarfinda kalacak kisinin kim ola -
we must decide —
Boynundan asili oldugunu ve olume terk edildigini. Claire'in gunlerce alikoyuldugunu. O zaman zarfinda basina ne geldigini Tanri bilir.
That you were strung up by your neck and left for dead, that Claire was taken and kept for days, during which God only knows what happened to her, that these people, these "others", are merciless... and can take any one of us whenever they choose.

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