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Zur Çeviri İngilizce

16 parallel translation
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit
Du grünst nicht nur zur Sommerzeit
Zur Salve.
Zur Salve.
Aber die Art und Weise, wie wir insistieren, normalisieren, das heißt, die Aufnahme von Fremden zur Norm machen, also Unterschiede akzeptieren, das Anderssein respektieren, bedeutet auch, so zu tun, als existierte keine Andersartigkeit.
I would say to normalize To make a norm of the welcome of the stranger the welcome of the differences, the regards concerning the other which results in doing as if there was absolutely no strangeness.
Onlar eğer kemiklerin atalarının yanın gömülmezse, ruhların huızur içinde yatamadığına inanırlarmış.
They believe that if the bones not the ancestors will be buried near, your spirit does not manage to rest.
Ne cehennemde bu Zur-HaSharon kasabası?
Where the hell is this town Zur-HaSharon?
1917 yılında, Albert Einstein makalesi "Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung" da lazerin teorik temellerini atarken sonunda ulaşmak istediği nokta kesinlikle ortalığı yakmasıydı.
In 1917 when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper Zur Quantentheorie der Strahlung his fondest hope was that the resultant device be "bitchen."
"Güç İstenci" "Der wille zur macht"
"The will to power," "der wille zur macht"...
( Nietzsche'nin "Güç İstenci" )
"Der wille zur macht," Nietzsche.
"Zur vogelkirsche."
Zur vogelkirsche.
Kuş kilisesine o zaman.
"Zur Vogel kirche."
- Sie war bewaffnet und gehoert vermutlich zur Widerstandsgruppe
Sie war bewaffnet und gehoert vermutlich zur Widerstandsgruppe
der zur Integration der französischen Provinzen, der Sprachen, Kulturen etc.
This is where the interest lies.
"Ö" büyük harfle. "ZÜR" de büyük harfle.
With a capital "S" and a capital "ORRY."
Ama Zur casusu elimi kolumu bağladı.
But that Zurn assassin Has forced my hand.
"Der wille zur macht", Nietzsche.

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