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Make Çeviri İspanyolca

524 parallel translation
Don't you know any better than to bring your brats here today of all days... when Senor Gallardo is about to make his first formal appearance... in his hometown?
¿ No se les ocurre nada mejor que traer a sus mocosos hoy justamente... cuando el señor Gallardo está por hacer su primera aparición formal en su ciudad?
Look, Ray, you're just gonna have to make the best of this.
Mira Ray, vas a tener que superarlo.
- Lf we scatter, some of us might make it.
- Separémonos.
A day might make the difference.
Un día puede cambiar mucho.
Amanda, "Let's Make Love" kostümünü giyer misin?
Amanda, ponte el traje de "Hagamos el amor".
Kıyafetli prova. "Let's Make Love."
Ensayo de vestuario. "Hagamos el amor".
Biz Let's Make Love müzikalindeniz. Çok önemli bir konu.
Pertenecemos a la compañía de Hagamos el amor, Es muy importante.
Just be sure he does not die, and also make sure he regrets the day he was born.
Sólo asegúrate de que no muere. y también asegúrate de que hacerle recordar el día que nació.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perderla. Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perderla, Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
# Save from wrath and make me pure
Líbrame de la ira y purifícame
Bize sake, make birşeyler getirin!
¿ Por qué no le ofrecéis sake o algo?
# # But we make do with an old bamboo and everyone applauds
Y nosotros resolvemos con un viejo Bambú y todos aplauden
# # To someday make him see
El de algún día hacerle ver
- # # That mistake you'll never make again - # # No, sir
Ese error no lo volverás a cometer
# Öyleyse yapın seçiminizi de Keyif verelim size
♪ So make your choice and we'll rejoice in never being free ♪
# Yazın geçmesini bekleyebilirsin
♪ Is to make your summer fly ♪
# Hikâyemizi yazacağız
♪ We'll make up our story ♪
# Daha kaç kere tırmanacağım bu basamakları
♪ How many times do I have to make this climb ♪
# Daha kaç kere tırmanacağım bu basamakları
♪ Oh, how many times do I have to make this climb ♪
# And if she would come with me # # I soon would make her mine #
And if she would come with me I soon would make her mine
You make one sound and you'll be all over the ceiling.
Si dices algo tu cabeza va a quedar esparcida por todo el techo.
"You make it hard."
"You make it hard."
"You make it hard, hard..."
"You make it hard, hard..."
"... and you make it hard, you make it hard. "
"... and you make it hard, you make it hard. "
" Change my life, make it right.
" Change my life, make it right.
I will grind your bones to dust, And make two pasties of your shameful head.
Convertiré tus huesos en polvo, y haré dos bollos con tu ignominiosa cabeza.
Maquillaje : Koji TAKEMURA
* Sıkıntı ve gözyaşlarım üzüyor beni *
# All my toil and teardrops make me sa-a-a-ad
* Kolay olsun *
Make it simple to
* Ama hiç kazanamadım para *
# But I could never make it pay
* Seviyorsun beni, seni her güldürdüğümde *
# Love me every time I make you laugh
* Vermek istediklerimi almak istemiyorsan eğer *
# If you won't take the things you make me wanna give
* Tedbirli laflarımı ve hareketlerini unutturmaya *
# Make me leave my cautious words and ways behind
* Kafiyemi kuruyorum ve şarkımı söylüyorum *
# So I make my rhymes and I sing my songs
Sen korkmuyorsun ha Make?
Y tú no, ¿ verdad, Mike?
Tryin'to makepeople lose theirmind Now, be carefulyou don't loseyours
~ Tryin'to make people lose their mind Now, be careful you don't lose yours
Benim sinirimi bozuyorsun!
You make me sick!
Ben, "Volare" ya da "You make me Feel So Young" ile açılırım.
Empezaré con "Volare" o con "You Make Me Feel So Young".
To be in a minority of one doesn't make you mad.
Ser la minoría de uno no significa estar loco.
Well, that'll depend on how long it takes to make the repairs.
Bueno, eso dependerá en cuánto tarden en hacer las reparaciones.
Joey bazen beni o kadar utandırıyorsun ki. u make me so ashamed
Joey, a veces me haces sentir avergonzado.
"Said gotta find some glory, Gotta make some dough"
"Dijo : ¡ He de encontrar la gloria, ganar pasta!"
"Gotta find some glory Gotta make some dough"
"Ha de encontrar la gloria, ganar pasta"
"Yes it will make you rich It will do that too"
"Te hace rico también hace eso"
"Now how can we make A promise like this"
"Cómo podemos hacer una promesa así"
"That this powdered goo Can make you rich"
"Que este pringue en polvo puede hacerte rico"
"You can make this promise Because it's true"
"Puedes hacer esta promesa porque es verdad"
Hey, Finn, Lola gibi müthiş bir kıza sahip olduğun için şanslısın.
Never make you blue, I'd be so sweet to you... 0ye, Finn, qué afortunado tener una chica como Lola.
Now I'm gonna make you pay once and for all.
Ahora voy hacer que pagues de una vez por todas.
# # For every big mistake you make,
Y flotará.

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