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Translate.vc / Türkçe → İspanyolca / [ O ] / Offer

Offer Çeviri İspanyolca

24 parallel translation
You know, just thought I'd be polite and offer.
Me pareció cortés hacer el ofrecimiento.
Billie Offer.
Billie Offer.
- Ben Billie Offer.
- Hola, soy Billie Offer.
Billie Offer, Chico Banh.
Billie Offer, Chico Banh.
- Bayan Offer.
- Señorita Offer.
İyi günler, Bayan Offer.
Buen día, Señorita Offer.
I would like to offer you the dominant male.
Quiero ofrecerte el macho dominante.
You have a lot to offer a woman.
Tienes mucho para ofrecer a una mujer.
I have a lot to offer a woman.
Tengo mucho que ofrecer a una mujer.
Wasn't an offer, Gary.
No era una oferta, Gary.
Noble offer. Yet l fear your life would be forfeit in such attempt.
Un noble ofrecimiento, pero temo que perderás la vida en tal intento.
In return you had to offer him Sherlock's life story.
A cambio tuviste que ofrecerle la historia de la vida de Sherlock.
- Yani durum şudur ki... Epey düşündükten sonra, teklifinizi kabul ettiğimi duymaktan memnun olacaksınızdır.
) Así que, en todo... and after mature deliberation, you'll be pleased to hear that I can accept your offer.
Teklifimi göz önünde bulundur.
Take my offer.
* I ask you once more why you have come here * if you do not think I can offer you any comfort.
Te preguntaré una vez más por qué viniste si crees que no puedo brindarte consuelo.
Şimdi, eğer uygulanabilir birkaç öneriniz varsa...
Ahora, si usted tiene algunos consejos practicos para offer- -
Affedersiniz, Bob'ı gördünüz mü?
¿ Has...? Disculpa. ¿ Has visto a Bob Offer?
Bob Offer adı.
Se llama Bob Offer.
Selam, Bn. Offer.
Hola, Sra. Offer.
- Selam, Bn. Offer.
- Hola, Sra. Offer.
- Hey, Mrs. Offer.
- Hola, Sra. Offer.
- Hoşçakalın, Mrs. Offer.
- Adiós, Sra. Offer.
Öneri güçlü görünüyor ama olumsuz... uyuşturucu...
Offer se ha mostrado fuerte, pero no... tuve que drogarlo...
Ben Bob Offer.
Soy yo, Bob Offer.

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