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Worn Çeviri İspanyolca

7 parallel translation
Benim için yorulan sevgili parmaklarını öpüyorum.
I kissed the dear fingers, so toll worn for me.
tattered and worn but I must kneel to fight friend of mine what can you spare?
Andrajoso y agotado pero debo arrodillarme para luchar amigo mío ¿ de qué puedes prescindir?
And those hippies would have worn themselves out dancing in the mud... but, no, she had to revitalize their dying movement... by going to North Vietnam and humanizing the enemy.
Y esos hippies se hubieran revolcado en el lodo desnudos, pero no, ella tenia que revitalizar su movimiento agonizante yendo a Vietnam del Norte y humanizando al enemigo.
And those hippies would have worn themşelves out dancing in the müd... Ve bu hippiler sacmaliklari büt, no, she had to revitalize their dying movement... by göing to North Vietnam and hümanızing the enemy.
Y se habrían agotado al bailar en el lodo pero, no, ella tuvo que reactivar su movimiento agonizante al ir a Vietnam del Norte y humanizar al enemigo.
12. sokaktan az giyilmiş elbise almaya gidiyorum.
Bueno, me voy a comprar a Gently Worn en la doceava.
Worn marka, efendim.
Desgastada, señor.
Mükemmel hikaye! Michael, Steven az önce bana elbise almak yerine... benim 50 dolarımı bu aptal makineye harcadığını söyledi.
Michael, Steven me dijo que en lugar \ ~ me compro un vestido... Worn you my 50 € este \ ~ máquina estúpida.

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