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Keep Çeviri Fransızca

420 parallel translation
"Dönsün Koca Dünya" çalıyordu adama altı peni verip Kardomah'a yemeğe gittim.
Il interprétait "Let the Great Big World Keep Turning". Je lui donnai une pièce et me rendis chez Kardomah.
Gerçekten de fena bir başlık değil, Şato Bekçisi.
Castle Keep, ce n'est pas un mauvais titre.
Şato Bekçisi, yazan Alistair P. Benjamin.
Castle Keep, par Alistair P. Benjamin.
- Öyleyse "Keep on Rockin" i atalım.
- Alors "Keep on Rockin'." - Le programme est bien.
* * We'll keep on digging all night long Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho * * *
On va creuser toute la nuit Hé-ho, hé-ho, hé-ho
"It'll keep you lean Till your dying day"
Ça vous rendra mince Jusqu'à votre trépas
I keep thinking about the hospital.
Je n'arrête pas de me dire que nous devrions être à l'hôpital.
# Keep it up like this and then "Murder", he says
Il continue à répéter "meurtre"
Bilmiyorum, ama I'll keep you posted, okay?
Je n'en sais rien. Je te tiendrai au courant.
"She cannot hope to keep her flower safe " No matter how hard she try " I'm a great wizard, a wizard am I
Plaignez le sort de la pauvre fille Car elle ne peut garder sa fleur C'est de l'amour le puissant sortilège
Can't keep Firemouth with Green Terror... when they're spawning.
Impossible de garder Bouche de Feu et Terreur Verte... ensemble quand elles pondent.
denemeye devam ediyorum, ama sanırım savaşı kaybediyorum.
Keep the patrols out.
Continuez les patrouilles.
There was a time you'd have to fight to keep him out of a game.
A une époque, il aurait fallu à se battre pour le sortir de la table de jeu.
It'll keep your strength up.
Ca vous redonnera des forces.
Sanıyorum, sürdüreceğim sanmayı
l'm guessin'l'll just keep on guessin'
Tamam. Just keep him away from me.
Mais qu'il ne soit pas dans mes jambes.
Kısa keseceğim, Cremer.
l'll keep it short.
# Raindrops keep fallin'on my head # And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed
Des gouttes de pluie tombent sur ma tête et tout comme le gars dont les pieds sont trop grand pour le lit.
# Those raindrops are fallin'on my head They keep fallin'
Ces gouttes de pluie tombent sur ma tête elles continuent de tomber.
# They keep fallin'But there's one thing # I know
Elles continuent de tomber Mais il y a une chose... que je sais
- Hemen! - Sakin ol, ahbap.
- Keep cool, boss.
Uzun uzun konuşalım.
"Let us keep talking, as long as we can"
Kendiniz olun. ( Amerikan argosu "Keep it real" )
Gardez la forme!
Bunları yapabilmeni çok isterim. Bunları yaparsam siz sıradan kötüleri sömestr tatiline kadar oyalayabilir... is keep the run-Of-The-Mill unholy forces at bay through midterms misiniz? Yaz tatilinde de dönerim.
- Si je le fais, alors il vous suffit de tuer les forces impies pendant le trimestre, et je serai là pour la fête annuelle et à chaque période de vacances après ça.
"But I need your love to keep away the cold I got- -"
J'ai besoin de toi pour me protéger du froid!
- / / Keep on truckin'tillitfalls intomotion / /
/ / Keep on truckin'till it falls into motion / /
Keep your fucking knickers on!
T'excite pas.
It'll keep and keep and keep.
Ca se garde longtemps.
# Mesafeni bir dokunma sistemi
# You keep your distance with a system of touch
- Here. You can keep it.
- Tiens, tu peux la garder.
Keep dreaming.
Rêve toujours.
Let's keep going.
On continue.
- I can keep going.
- Ouvrez-la et je continue.
- You gotta keep moving around.
- II faut bouger sans cesse.
Bu doğru. Ve bir de bankanın finansal krizde olduğu yönünde basına verilen demeçler... though they managed to keep it of the wire, it almost went on.
Et puis il y a eu un communiqué de presse... qui suggérait que la banque avait des problèmes financiers... malgré qu'ils réussissaient à contrôler l'information, ça a presque sorti.
Keep it together, Rommie.
- Essaie de tenir le coup. Harper, le point.
Bunu araştırmak için alıyoruz, Bayan Steiner.
We'll keep this for study, Miss Steiner.
Tanrı korusun yurdumuzu
"God keep our land"
# Hayat akıp giderken
{ C : $ 00FFFF } Yeah. the world is still sleeping { C : $ 00FFFF } While I keep on dreaming for me
# Bir ucundan yakalasam
{ C : $ 00FFFF } While keep on dreaming for me
Yani Puffy bunu gerçek gibi tut.
Donc, les kids,'keep it real'! ( restez vrais )'keep it real'!
Gerçek gibi tut, ha?
'Keep it real', d'accord?
Basit, iki kelime o asıl koruma
Cela tient en deux mots. "Keep it real!" ( restez vrai )
Şato Bekçisi.
Castle Keep.
"Keep A-Goin"!
Keep A-Goin.
Keep It Going?
Sur qui miser?
# Raindrops keep fallin'on my head
Des gouttes de pluie tombent sur ma tête
Want me to keep reading?
- Je continue?
Ronnie Bass!
Gerçek gibi tut!
( restez vrais )'keep it real'!

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