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Their Çeviri Fransızca

142 parallel translation
Eminim what the Williams think you want... all the time you've been sitting in their kitchen.
C'est ce que les Williams ont compris, pendant le temps que tu as passé chez eux.
Onları, yetersizlikleri yüzünden aşağılamayacağı gibi...
- He does not try to humiliate them for their impotence. - Il ne les humilie pas de leur impuissance.
Anybody can lose their temper.
Tout le monde peut perdre son calme.
Aşağıdaki hiç kimse, gözlerine inanamıyor.
{ c : $ 88FF00 } { y : bi } Nobody down below believes their eyes.
So this is their hatchery?
C'est l'incubation.
Rip Out ve Their Entrails III. elime ver.
Al, on ne fait plus grand-chose, tous les deux.
Your fair show shall suck away their souls, leaving them but the shales and husks of men.
Votre bel aspect les videra de leurs âmes... n'en laissant que des coquilles et des écorces d'hommes.
# No one in their right mind #
Personne de sensé
Do your friends pull this out their little hat
Est-ce que c'est magique Dans leur chapeau-claque?
Who sent those goons to their lords, why Prince Ali!
Qui les a tués sur-le-champ? Le prince Ali!
But there are some local women who claim we have taken all their food.
Mais des femmes du coin prétendent qu'on leur a pris toute leur nourriture.
The men have their strict orders.
- Oui monsieur. Les hommes ont des ordres stricts.
People looking down their noses grinning behind me back.
Le gens me regardent de haut... et sourient de mépris dans mon dos.
He'll be a blending of Verad, Dax and all the previous hosts. Their memories, their knowledge, their personalities.
Il sera un mélange de Verad, de Dax et de tous les anciens hôtes, avec leurs souvenirs, leurs connaissances et leur personnalité.
Bil ki bu güruh ruhlarını satacak götür bildiğim yere şey, söz veririm sana hasta ediyor beni
Know the crowd is gonna sell their soul Take it anywhere I know Well, I promise you It s making me sick
Irwin Shaw denilince aklıma "The Girls In Their Summer Dresses" geliyor.
D'lrwin Shaw, j'aime surtout "Jeunes filles en robes d'été".
How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might laugh and laugh the whole day through...
Comme les nuages rigolent, ils rigolent de toute leur puissance ils rigolent toute la journée...
Le 4 Septembre Rentrée des classes
# Her günkü koşturmaya kaptırmışlar erkenden
# Bright and early for their daily races
# Gözyaşları dolduruyor gözlüklerini
# Their tears are filling up their glasses
On their chest.
Sur leur torse.
So who would like to share their poem with the class?
merci, mlle Peters. D'autres voudraient partager leur poème avec la classe?
What sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
Quel sysadmin aura point-barre oblique sur leur chemin avant usr / local / bin? C'était cool.
But what sysadmin is gonna have dot slash in their path before usr / local / bin?
Mais quel sysadmin aura point-barre oblique dans leur chemin avant usr / local / bin?
lt got blown out of proportion by the prosecution... who knew what exactly he had done and their representation of it... was almost to make him look like the guy who blew up the Murrah Federal Building.
qui savait exactement ce qu'il avait fait et l'image qu'ils en donnaient... semblait destinée à le faire passer pour l'homme qui fit exploser le Murrah Federal Building. C'était une tâche incroyable.
It was a matter of time before they realized their take would go up if they got blood on the track.
Ils devaient bien finir par réaliser que leurs recettes augmenteraient avec du sang sur la piste.
Coronation Street'te Stars in their eyes'ı çalıyorlar.
C'est là qu'ils tournent Stars In Their Eyes, les intérieurs de Coronation Street.
Peki, Prof. Starkman, how would you classify a killer whose downward spiral was actually calculated into their grand scheme?
Professeur Starkman, comment classeriez-vous un tueur dont la dégénérescence serait calculée?
From their perfume to their pearls.
De leur parfum à leurs collants perlés.
College girls with their hair in curls.
Sous leur petite tenue de collège.
From their perfume to their pearls.
De leur parfum à leurs collants.
People walk by, their gazes may bite...
Les gens passent, me regardant du coin de l'oeil...
Diğer insanların hayatlarında hissettiklerini yansıtmaya çalıştı. were feeling at the time of their own lives.
Ce qu'il pensait en tant qu'individu, reflétait presque exactement ce que les gens pensaient à ce moment de leur vie,
What was their party line on the abuse?
Les copains en pensaient quoi de la violence?
Dakikalarımız da sonlarına doğru acele ediyorlar ;
So do our minutes hasten to their end
göstersinler diye eğitilmişler sana dişlerini.
* Bear their teeth for you *
İnsanların egolarını koruma ihtiyacı sınır tanımaz.
Peoples'need to protect their own egos knows no bounds.
Yeterli para kazanmazlarsa Hepsi delirir
Everybody mad When their paper don t stack right
# Gözlerindeki zehiri görebiliyorum #
I can see the venom in their eyes
# Takım elbise ve kravatlarının içinde uzanmaktır #
Lounging in their suits and ties
# Yılanların gözlerindeki zehiri görebiliyorum #
I can see the venom in their eyes
# Zehiri görebiliyorum # # Gözlerinde, elveda #
I can see the venom in their eyes
Oyuncu, yapımcı ve "A league of their own" ve "Big" gibi başarılı filmlerin yönetmeni.
Actrice, productrice, et réalisatrice de Une équipe hors du commun et Big.
İkisinin de kendilerine has durumları var.
Each who suffers blackouts of their own kind.
Biz onların en büyük radyo programcılarını gördük.
There was enough of a taste their radio programmer.
Onlara karşı az da olsa sevgim vardı, en azından, onların yüzeyselliğini görmezden gelebiliyordum ve onları gerçek insanlar gibi düşünebiliyordum.
I could try of affection for them or at least look beyond the superficialit? .. ... of their personalit?
Belki, kötü bir çocukluk geçirdiklerinden böyleler, ya da onların çevresi onları bu hale getirdi.
... and think about them as real people. Maybe had problems of childhood... or...? their environment that makes them so?
Paralarını memnuniyetle alırım.
Li willingly take, their money.
Bu onların işi değil.
I am not their cocks.
# Fighting the nation with their... # # Charles, bu mal gittikçe sertleşiyor.
Tu sais, Charles, cette mari est de plus en plus forte.
Hemen dönerim.
You can t get cherry soda'cause they have to fill their quota, and the way things are, I bet they never will. " Je reviens

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