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Translate.vc / Türkçe → Fransızca / [ T ] / Them

Them Çeviri Fransızca

321 parallel translation
- Better give them time to clear the roads.
Attends la levée des barrages.
This is what we get for granting them independence. Homma'ya bu jestin aptalca olduğunu söyledim.
C'est ainsi qu'on nous remercie pour l'indépendance.
- Hear them ring
- Entendez-les
- Hear them sing
- Entendez-les
Ya kaçarsın ve seni arkadan vururuz or you can toss over them guns.
Tu peux tenter de t'en sortir et vous mourez tous les deux, ou tu nous lances toutes tes armes.
Onları, yetersizlikleri yüzünden aşağılamayacağı gibi...
- He does not try to humiliate them for their impotence. - Il ne les humilie pas de leur impuissance.
Neden benimle villaya gelip onları baş başa konuşmaları için yalnız bırakmıyorsun?
- Why don t you come up to the villa with me and leave them here to talk?
Hadi ama, iki dakikalığına çıkarıver.
Come on, take them off for a minute.
En iyisi Boston'a dövme artık bizde değil diyelim.
We'd better cable Boston and tell them. Nous ferions mieux de téléphoner à Boston
Bu bir güven işi. I can't have them gossiping about the clients.
C'est un business basé sur la confiance.
The truth is... that you will surely go back to them. And you will tell them what did not happen between us in every detail... Is that why they pay you?
En fait vous irez les trouver et leur direz tout ce qui s'est passé.
Oh them golden slippers Sanırım şöyle
"Oh nos souliers doré s"! Ça commence comme ça. On le chantait à Hester Street!
- "Onlara katılamıyorsan, yenersin!"
- If you can t join them, beat them.
- Yok beyefendi, "Yenemiyorsan..."
- Non, monsieur. C'est : If you can t beat them...
We figured he must've had a big pile of them
Il devait en avoir un joli paquet caché quelque part.
Why don't you tell these people you're sorry for bothering them?
Excuse-toi d'avoir dérangé ces messieurs dames. - Elle ne nous...
- Oh, Sam, bunu sevmiyorum. - I hate them.
- J'ai horreur de saigner du nez.
Your fair show shall suck away their souls, leaving them but the shales and husks of men.
Votre bel aspect les videra de leurs âmes... n'en laissant que des coquilles et des écorces d'hommes.
# Onlardan bu toprakları #
# This land from them #
# Utanmadan hırpalardı onları #
# And push them about #
Well Ali Baba had them forty thieves Scheherazadie had a thousand tales,
Si Ali-Baba a 40 voleurs Scheherazade, mille histoires de cœur
) And to view them, he charges no fee! ( He's generous, so generous )
Et il les montre gratuitement
I'll chase them anywhere, There's time to spare
Et partout, nous irons. Vite, partons!
# Watch them fly #
Regarde-les s'envoler
And they never think twice about asking a man to die for them.
Et ils n'hésitent jamais à demander à un homme de mourir pour eux.
No trouble with them.
Non, monsieur.
We'll fight them here, inch by inch, through the town if necessary. - Yes, sir.
Nous allons les combattre ici, mètre par mètre, à travers la ville si nécessaire.
Put them out on my flanks.
Mettez-les sur mes flancs.
Now they took two of my brigades, Corson, Jenkins, and sent them off to guard Richmond.
On m'a pris deux de mes brigades, Corson, Jenkins, pour les envoyer... garder Richmond.
You see, my boys are beginning to feel a trifle disgusted at this attitude towards them as fighting men, sir.
Vous voyez, mes garçons... commencent à se sentir un peu dégoûtés de cette attitude à leur égard... en tant que combattants, monsieur. Mes garçons -
And them not even knowing they're doing it.
Et ne sachant même pas qu'ils le font.
- I can help them and I will.
- Je peux les aider et je le ferai.
We can save them both.
Nous pouvons les sauver tous les deux.
Just set them over there
Posez-les là
# It was a teenage wedding and the old folks wished them well # You could see that Pierre did truly love the mademoiselle
C'était un mariage d'adolescents et les vieux leurs souhaitaient bon vent vous pouvez voir que Pierre aime vraiment la demoiselle
And my brother Iives with them.
Mon frère habite avec eux.
l`m gonna have to give them cab money to go home vermek zorunda kalacağım, çünkü eğer bunu yapmazsam kendimi kötü hissederim, ama ondan sonra güle güle fıstık.
Je leur donnerai quand même l'argent pour le taxi... sinon je me sentirai mal. Mais après ça, c'est salut ma belle.
Bay Parr ona bakan gözlere katlanamadığını söylemiş o yüzden onları köşeye bakmaya zorluyormuş.
Can take the eyes off, he can fill the eyes out that s why he make them face the corner like that.
.. l've heard them all before - A hundred times or more... - Hep böyle yapar.
- Il est toujours comme ça.
Doug ve Carrie Onlara dokunamazsın!
Doug et Carrie Can't touch them
- I'd do them!
- Je me les ferais bien!
And I love collecting strands ofJaney's hair and rolling them up lnto little Janey hairballs
J'adore... récolter les cheveux que Janey sème... Et rouler les cheveux de Janey en petites boulettes... "
- Quiet. I hear them.
Je les entends.
I'm a straight shooter. I call them like I see them.
Je suis du genre "droit au but" ça sort comme ça vient.
I give them handjobs.
Je leur astique la bite.
I can't hold them off much longer!
Je pourrai pas les contenir longtemps!
This is about how do you make it as difficult as possible for the defendants... to get them to roll over or cop a plea.
Il s'agit de savoir rendre la chose si difficile pour les accusés... qu'ils seront vaincus ou négocieront une entente.
Hem de çok!
I like them very much.
I just get them sometime.
- Rien. Ça m'arrive.
On est les Titans!

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