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Translate.vc / Türkçe → Portekizce / [ S ] / Scars

Scars Çeviri Portekizce

6 parallel translation
- Sloan denen herif.
Scars Sloam.
Soğutuyor beni yaralıyor ruhumu.
She brings the cold and scars my soul
* Herhalde bu çirkin yaralar hiç kaybolmayacak *
I'll probably always have these ugly scars
is worse than the brand on my ribs or the scars on my back.
É pior do que as marcas ou as cicatrizes nas minhas costas.
Same as I carry these scars.
Tal como carrego estas cicatrizes.
Greys Anatomy Season 03 Episode 18
Anatomia de Grey Scars and Souvenirs

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