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54th translate Spanish

128 parallel translation
Permit issued to Eric Lander, actor, 54 West 54th Street.
Licencia emitida a nombre de Eric Lander, actor, calle 54 este, número 54.
West 54th Street.
Calle 54 Oeste.
Say, is that Valmy Hill much further? It's the hill where we are supposed to meet the 54th infantry brigade, the former Roussillon brigade.
¿ Falta mucho para la colina de Valmy, donde nos encontraremos con el 54 de infantería?
At two-thirty this morning, in a car on 54th Street... a man with four bullet wounds received emergency medical treatment.
A las dos y media de la madrugada, en un carro en la Calle 54... un hombre con 4 heridas de bala... recibió tratamiento médico de emergencia.
And wait for me at my hotel, 230a East 54th.
Luego, espérame en mi hotel. Este 54, número 230A.
" Mrs. Bill Miller, 115 East 54th Street, New York, New York.
" Sr. Bill Miller, calle 54, 115 este, New York, New York.
Monroe, before you take me home, I want you to take me to the 54th Street police station.
Monroe,... antes de ir a casa, quiero que me lleves a la comisaría de la calle 54.
Just do as I say, take me to the 54th Street police station.
Sólo haz lo que te digo. Llévame a la comisaría de la calle 54.
From there you'll go by bus to the 54th Group at K 13.
Desde allí, irá en ómnibus hasta el 54o. Regimiento.
- 54th Fighter Group.
- 54o. Regimiento Aéreo.
A 54th pilot is here for a weekend.
Un piloto del 54o.
I picked you up in town, near your house on 54th Street.
Te recogí en la ciudad, cerca de tu casa en la Calle 54.
I was awaiting for you at the corner of 54th and Sunset.
Yo te esperaba en la esquina de 54 y Sunset.
I live on 54th Street, a few doors from the Modern Museum of Art, of which I'm a tea-privileges member.
Vivo en la calle 54, a unos metros del Museo de Arte Moderno, del cual soy socia privilegiada.
I live at 53 West 54th Street.
Vivo en el 53 de la calle 54 oeste.
Broke up a fight, 54th and 2nd.
Separé una fajazón en la 54 y 2a.
Uh, Elsinore Apartments. 437 West 54th Street.
- Elsinore Apartments, calle 54 Oeste, 437.
[Man] Car 723. Verification on 54th Street on one Cheryl Pope.
Coche 723, comprobación en la calle 54 de una tal Sheryl Pope.
In which case you're 54th.
Quizá hiciste 54'
"Miss Hearst said that she had died in the fire on 54th Street " and had been reborn out of the ashes. "
"La Srta. Hearst dijo que había muerto en el incendio de la calla 54 y que había resucitado de las cenizas".
I've submitted your name to be commissioned colonel of the 54th Massachusetts Infantry.
He presentado su nombre como coronel del 54to. de Infantería de Massachusetts.
Someday they gonna let the 54th get into it, see? And all your troubles'll be over. Come on, now, cheer up.
Algún día dejarán que el 54to. luche y todos sus problemas acabarán.
It wouldn't be nothing but Rebs dying if they'd let the 54th in it.
Sólo habría rebeldes muriendo si dejaran pelear al 54to.
The 54th Massachusetts requests the honour of leading the attack on Fort Wagner.
El 54to. de Massachusetts solicita el honor de conducir el ataque al Fuerte Wagner.
And... I loves you, 54th.
Y yo quiero al 54.
Give them hell, 54th!
- ¡ Liquídenlos, 54to!
Come on, 54th!
¡ Vamos, 54to!
We are in pursuit PNB suspect, headed North, Wells and 54th Street.
Tenemos al sospechoso del robo al banco de la calle Wells y la 48.
545 West 54th Street, right?
El 545 oeste de la calle 54, ¿ no?
Okay 54th and Sixth.
Bien en la 54 con la Sexta.
That's that hoe that work in the salon on 54th.
Es la puta que trabaja en el salón de la 54. ! Aquí vamos!
There is a party store down 54th Street.
Hay una tienda abajo en la Calle 54.
54th and Park.
54th y Park.
I need an ambulance to 238 North 54th Street.
Envíe una ambulancia : 238 Calle 54 Norte.
No, sorry, I live on Kimbark and 54th.
No. Lo siento. Vivo en Kimbark y la 54.
- Kimbark and 54th? - Mm-hm.
¿ Kimbark y la 54?
Colonel, we picked up a diffused radiation source somewhere between Third and Second, and 54th and 46th.
Hay radiación entre las avenidas 3 y 2 y las calles 54 y 46.
We have a disturbance at 54th and Lincoln.
YAKlMA, washington LUNES, 11 : 17 P.M. Hay disturbios en la calle 54 con Lincoln.
Once awake, wanted to write, but the 54th lines there was a small problem.
"alzaría en el aire aquella cúpula." Cuando se despertó, intentó escribirlo. Pero el problema estaba en el verso 54.
The 54th. Do you hear me?
- El 54. ¿ Me oyes?
The 54th.
- El 54.
See, when I first joined Earthforce I was assigned to the 54th North American unit.
Verás, cuando me uní a la Fuerza de la Tierra, fui asignado en la unidad norteamericana 54.
76-X ray, take it uptown, 541 West 54th St, for the elderly woman abducted by her cat.
76 Rayos X, ve al 541 de la 54 oeste, hay una anciana retenida por su gato.
Il Posto Vecchio 99 Weat 54th Street Tuesday, September 21
Address is West 54th Street.
Su dirección es calle 54 Oeste.
Baseline Labs 98 West 54th Street Thursday, March 1
They gave me a story about a ten-car pile-up on 54th Street. You know, whatever.
Me dieron una nota de un choque de 10 autos en la Calle 54.
It was the 54th.
Era el 54.
Apartment Of Karyn Milner 35 East 54th Street Thursday, April 24
- 54th and Madison.
- Croagg, la partera, 54 y Madison.
54th between 6th and 7th.
La 54, entre la sexta y la séptima.

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