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920s translate Spanish

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They still recall mass demonstrations by the proletariat during the 1 920s.
Todavía recordarán las grandiosas manifestaciones proletarias de los 20.
In the late 1 920s, China is restless.
A finales de los años 20, China es presa de la agitación.
You know, back in the 1 920s, they used to truck nitro out to the fields.
Sabes, en 1920 solían transportar nitroglicerina por estos campos.
HALPERlN : And all indications are it was fired sometime prior to the 1 920s.
Y todo indica que fue disparada poco antes de los años 20.
1 920s, 30s...
Prohibition in 1 920s.
Y la prohibición de 1920
It's not the 1 920s.
No estamos en 1920s.
"Mia Rheinhart Hill replicates a phenomenon fashionable in the 1 920s the dilation of a woman's pupils with the use of belladonna."
"Mía Rheinhart reproduce un fenómeno popular en los años 20. Las mujeres se dilataban las pupilas usando belladona".
1 920s, wood-frame.
Años 20, base de madera.
There's really no one who can replace or succeed Valentino because if you weren't learning about Couture in the 1 950s from people who learned the craft in the 1 920s, you're not gonna get any more information.
No hay una persona que pueda reemplazar el éxito Valentino Porque si no hay un aprendizaje sobre la Alta Costura de los'50 de personas que aprendieron el oficio en los'20, nos quedaremos sin referentes.

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