Alive and well translate Spanish
992 parallel translation
Kang Hyun Min is still alive and well.
Kang Hyun Min está vivito y coleando. Hyun Min...
- Yes. And maybe if he's alive and well, he's on some Northern road right now.
Y si está sano y salvo, puede que esté en camino.
I want you to remember me always as being alive and well and happy, just like someone who's gone away on a pleasant journey.
Quiero que me recuerdes siempre vivo, sano y feliz. como alguien que parte a un viaje de placer
Today, three are alive and well, the other dead.
Hoy hay tres vivos y uno muerto.
He's alive and well.
Está vivo y muy bien.
He's alive and well.
Está vivo y muy bien
Alive and well and on her way home.
Está sana y salva y llegará pronto.
You are alive and well.
Sigue sano y salvo.
that you were alive and well in a POW camp in Singapore.
Que estabas vivo y bien en un campo de concentración en Singapur.
You'd think we could be a little bit happy that the poor woman is alive and well.
Deberíamos alegrarnos un poco de que la pobre mujer esté sana y salva.
And instead he's alive and well.
En cambio, vive y está muy bien.
The diamonds in return for Mrs. Fielding's release. Alive and well.
Los diamantes por la libertad de la Sra. Fielding viva.
- Your Majesty! Glad to see you alive and well.
Majestad, me alegro de que esté sano y salvo.
He's alive and well, he's even put on weight.
Te digo que está vivo, saludable. ¡ Está así de gordo!
Sir, as of 2 weeks ago, Barney Doyle's wife and baby are alive and well.
Señor, es que desde hace dos semanas, la familia de Barney Doyle se encuentra a salvo.
"Alive and well!"
¡ Sanos y salvos!
What? Alive and well!
- ¡ Sanos y salvos!
Who's alive and well?
- ¿ Pero de quién hablas?
Since Sir Mark Loddon is here alive and well.
Dado que Sir Mark Loddon está aquí vivito y coleando.
We were too busy talking about your boy... Coming out of the Navy alive and well to be concerning ourselves with unimportant matters.
Estábamos muy ocupadas hablando de la vuelta de la Marina de su hijo, como para hablar, de cosas sin importancia.
One moment a man is running around alive and well... and twelve hours later he's dead.
Un hombre está pululando sano y salvo... y doce horas más tarde está muerto.
No, Rodrigo is alive and well.
No, Rodrigo está sano y salvo.
I can see that male chauvinism is still alive and well.
Pues creo que todo está funcionando a la perfección.
She is alive and well.
Ella está viva y bien.
For returning to us the princess... alive and well... as by a miracle... and so delivering us from the ravages of our enemies... we dub thee Sir Jack... protector of the realm.
Por habernos retornado a la princesa... viva y en buena salud... como un milagro... y por habernos liberado de los estragos de nuestros enemigos... te nombramos Sir Jack... protector del reino.
Thank God you came back alive and well.
Gracias a Dios has regresado sano y salvo.
When we find your father alive and well, you can paint in one of my daruma's eyes.
Cuando encontremos a tu padre sano y salvo... podrás pintar un ojo de mi daruma.
Sergeant Murano is alive and well!
¡ El sargento Murano también está vivo!
Now, as to your representatives, you have my sacred word as an Eminian that they are alive and well.
En cuanto a sus representantes tiene mi palabra sagrada de Eminiano de que están bien.
Alive and well.
Sanas y salvas.
Captain Wilson, alive and well.
El Cap. Wilson, vivito y coleando.
Elizabeth is alive and she is well.
Elizabeth está sana y salva.
Yes, and very much alive and quite well and awfully happy.
Sí, estoy viva, estoy bien y soy muy feliz.
Well, we're alive and the past is behind us.
Estamos vivos, hemos cortado con el pasado.
Well anyway, you're safe and alive and able to get on with your work.
En fin, está vivo y a salvo. Podrá seguir trabajando.
I played to the well-known weakness of every woman alive and perjured my soul for a thousand years to come.
Jugué con las debilidades de todas las mujeres y puso en peligro la salvación de mi alma.
He may well be alive at this moment and your life has not yet begun.
Él tal vez vive en éste momento y tú aún no has nacido en la vida.
Well, the fly's dead, the baby's alive and kicking. - No harm's been done.
La mosca está muerta, el bebé vivo y coleando, no ha pasado nada.
It's my profession to make men well and to keep them alive as long as possible and that's why I am telling you, quit riding
Es mi profesión curar a los hombres y mantenerlos con vida el mayor tiempo posible. Y por eso le digo, ¡ deje de montar a caballo!
And when a band is on the stand Well, man alive
Y si hay una orquesta cerca, ¡ todos a bailar!
Well, so alive, and yet they're just wood and iron, beams and planks, and yet someone somewhere puts it together and it becomes alive.
Y, sin embargo, sólo son hierro, madera, velas y mástiles. Y al juntarse todas esas cosas, adquieren vida.
We'll speed it up as much as we can, and if we get him while he's still alive, well, fine.
Lo aceleraremos al máximo y si llegamos cuando esté vivo, bien.
And it was always said that he knew how to keep Christmas well, if any man alive possessed the knowledge.
Y siempre se dijo que sabía celebrar bien la Navidad, como ningún hombre vivo hubiera sabido.
Well, he's in bed and he's alive.
Está en la cama, y está vivo.
Well, that vision has killed both my husband and my brother. And while I'm alive, it's not going to kill my son too.
Esa visión ha matado a mi marido y a mi hermano, y mientras viva, no matará a mi hijo.
Mohei as well, his expression so alive and beaming...
Mohei también parece muy feliz.
Your son is alive and well.
Tu hijo está vivo y bien.
Well, General, we know they're still alive... and we've started another location probe.
General, sabemos que siguen con vida y hemos iniciado otra sonda para ubicarlos.
Well, alive or not, he's up and about again, isn't he?
Bueno, vivo o no, está... andando por ahí, no es cierto?
Well, your two minutes are up, Miss Burton, and I'm still alive, which proves your curse was just a lot of nonsense.
Ya han pasado los dos minutos, señorita Burton y sigo estando vivo lo que prueba que su maldición era una tontería.
Well, I've had the jade in my possession for 14 days and 14 nights, and I'm still alive.
He tenido el jade en mi poder durante 14 días y 14 noches y sigo vivo.
and well done 16
and well 178
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
and well 178
well 438053
wells 385
weller 130
wellington 57
welles 22
wellesley 18
well done 4465
well hello 20
well spotted 23
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well thank you 29
well played 346
well then 1046
well i don't know 35
well said 253
well come on 26
well you know 47
well that's good 18
well spoken 20
well no 77
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well yes 116
well enough 63
well yeah 97
well in that case 21
well i'm sorry 20
well now 184
well i 89
well it's 16
well i never 20
well yes 116
well enough 63
well yeah 97