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And it's just translate Spanish

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And Flynn's just crazy enough to try it.
Y Flynn está lo bastante loco como para intentarlo.
I'm just saying we mess this up somehow, and there's a chance it doesn't go back, you know?
Solo digo que de alguna forma lo estropeamos, y cabe la posibilidad de que no podamos retroceder, ¿ sabes?
Yeah, and it's just not the same without Gran in the sleep pile.
La pila para dormir no es igual sin Gran.
It's just that, for once, the Boors have it bad, and the Croods are problem-free.
Es que por una vez los Patán tienen problemas y los Croods no.
Uh, it's just, um... you know, I'm not there, and...
Es que... ya sabes, no estoy allí, y...
It's just a dead body and a virus that's making it move.
Es solo un cadáver y un virus que los hace moverse.
It's just that she's a little hormonal at the moment and I think it's gonna be best if you two just don't spend too much time together, okay?
Es sólo que ella está un poco hormonal en este momento... y creo que va a ser mejor... que no pasen mucho tiempo juntos, ¿ de acuerdo?
- I don't know, em, all I do know is that if you're right about this book and stuff, it's just a matter of time until one of us becomes that.
No lo sé, lo único que sé es que... si tienes razón sobre este libro y esas cosas, es sólo cuestión de tiempo hasta que uno de nosotros se convierta en eso.
It's just that the squad feels we've been taking advantage of you, and it has to stop.
Es solo que la brigada siente que nos hemos estado aprovechando de usted y tiene que parar.
It's just sometimes I feel like my accent gets a little and it's gonna rub off on Fulgencio Joseph.
Es sólo que a veces siento que mi acento se pone un poco y se le va a pegar a Fulgencio Joseph.
- What? - Yeah, it's just that, you're the smartest one in the family, and you always rub it in, and it doesn't make us feel good. !
- ¡ ¿ Qué!
It's actually 20... 2 - - 22. - I would just hate to think that dating her meant that you and I still couldn't be, you know, friends. Le-
De hecho son 20... 2 - - 22.
We just learned about the situation in question 90 minutes ago and it's acute.
Acabamos de enterarnos de la situación hace 90 minutos y es grave.
Just before midnight, two young men climbed up onto the information desk that's in the middle of Grand Central Station... and there's a clock above it... and they ripped the hands from the clock.
A la medianoche... dos jóvenes subieron al escritorio de informaciones que está en el medio de Grand Central. Y hay un reloj encima. Y arrancaron las manecillas del reloj.
It's just you and me.
Solo estamos tú y yo.
Let's just say we like to pilfer a john now and then, because it drives him fucking nuts.
Solo digamos que nos gusta robarle al proxeneta de vez en cuando, solo porque lo vuelve loco.
No, it's not life or death, it's just, you know, at the end of a hard day, sometimes you want to come home and watch some monkeys swinging around on the trees.
No, no es un asunto de vida o muerte, es solo que, ya sabe, al final de un día dificíl, a veces uno quíere volver a casa y ver algunos monos girando al rededor de los árboles.
And that's it next to a golf ball just for scale.
Y esto es junto a una pelota de golf para que sirva de escala.
And it's... - just stories about his father?
¿ Y son... historias sobre su padre?
And he just loves to smell somebody's problems, smell your vulnerability, and then go for it.
Le encanta oler los problemas ajenos, descubrir su vulnerabilidad y atacar.
Just gotta take what's in my head and put it... on my plate. [chuckles]
Solo tengo que sacármelo de la cabeza y ponerlo... en el plato.
- That's just how it happened, and if it sounds like love, then it sounds like love.
- Fue así como pasó. Si parece amor, pues parece amor.
[inhales sharply ] I called over to the client and it's more, uh, just... [ grunts] some jargon that they put in there for the investors.
He llamado al cliente y es más la jerga que ponen para los inversores.
Mmm-hmm. And you can just let me know when it's... you're done, and like, you know, when I've gone far enough, okay?
Y me avisas cuando hayas acabado y cuando he estirado bastante, ¿ vale?
[Jeff] It's just, like, every time I see you actually, you know, goin'after something that you like, that makes you happy, you try to stand up for yourself. And then anytime anyone, like, pushes back the slightest bit, you fuckin'crumble, you know?
Lo que pasa es que cada vez que te veo ir a por algo que te gusta y te hace feliz, cada vez que intentas defenderte solo, llega alguien que te pone el más pequeño impedimento y tú te derrumbas, joder.
Between... stupid shit at work and then just feeling like I was... having to be Dad of the Year before he's even here, it just all sort of was fucking with me.
Entre la mierda del trabajo y sentir que tenía que ser el padre del año antes incluso de que naciera me estaba jodiendo bastante.
- Yeah. I think if we just talked to her, kind of set some boundaries, see how she's really feeling about it, and, you know, we'll... we'll figure out
Creo que si hablamos con ella, marcamos los límites y vemos qué le parece podremos pensar
- It was, you know... - [sighs] Let's just get comfy and cozy.
Pongámonos cómodos.
It's just, I don't know, and I don't think he wants to talk to me for the story.
No creo que quiera hablar conmigo al respecto.
And I just want to see you fucking get rewarded for it. That's it.
Y quiero verte recompensado.
There's such a stigma with the word vegan I guess that people just get automatically turned off and just assume that it's going to suck.
- Hay un estigma con la palabra vegano, la gente se desanima y asume que va a apestar.
I don't believe there's an evil cabal of doctors and government people I believe there's a system in place and the world is so asleep intuitively that people just follow the system without questioning and it's because they're asleep.
- No creo que haya una generación mala de doctores y personas del gobierno, considero que hay un sistema actual, y el mundo está tan dormido, que han olvidado, personas que siguen el sistema intuitivamente sin pensar, sin cuestionar, y es porque están dormidos.
That's like me asking to borrow your dumb cop jacket and then... just crashing it.
Es como si yo te pidiera prestada tu estúpida chaqueta de policía y después... la estrellara.
And I think it's wrong that you're just dismissing him.
Y creo que se equivocan al desestimarle.
I would love to, but my mom and Mrs. Deeks will be cooking Thanksgiving dinner, so it's just the four of us.
- Me encantaría pero mi madre y el Sr. Deeks van a hacer la cena de Acción de Gracias así que, estaremos los cuatro.
It's like a blue car drove through a gold waterfall and then the wind just started blowing the gold away.
Es como si un coche azul condujo a través de una cascada de oro y entonces el viento empezó a soplar oro.
Looks like it's just me and you.
Ahora estamos solos tú y yo.
It's just you and me.
- Sólo tú y yo.
That is a genuinely horrible noise that Hammond's car's making, and he just keeps doing it.
Es decir Un ruido genuinamente horrible Que el coche de Hammond está haciendo, Y él simplemente sigue haciéndolo.
And then the door lining here, well, it's just hideous.
Y entonces El revestimiento de la puerta aquí, Bien, es simplemente horrible.
Because it's got four-wheel steering, and because the engine is sitting right over the rear axle, the grip is just astonishing.
Como tiene dirección a las cuatro ruedas y el motor está justo encima del eje trasero el agarre es impresionante.
I just wanted to see the view, and it's lovely.
Solo quería admirar las vistas, esto es precioso.
Yeah, and it's not just the Finns, either, if I may be so bold.
Sí, y no es sólo los finlandeses, tampoco, si puedo ser tan audaz.
The bolt's supposed to go in there and it's just come off.
El perno se supone que va allí y se ha salido
And it wasn't just James's knob that was keeping us amused.
Y no era solo el pomo de cambio de James lo que nos divertía
So, good news is, a dog-walker just called in a stolen sheriff's car, and it's a couple miles from you.
La buena noticia es que alguien que trabaja paseando perros ha encontrado el coche robado de los sheriffs y está a unos tres kilómetros de donde estáis vosotros.
Well, looks like it's just me and you again, Egon.
Bueno, creo que nos hemos vuelto a quedar solos tú y yo, Egon. ¿ Sabes?
And it turns out that's just too many moms.
Y resulta que son demasiadas madres.
Um, and it's not just about my weight.
Y no es solo por mi peso.
It's... it's just... I've got to get a handle on myself, on the weight and on all of it.
Es... es que... que tengo que controlarme, en el peso y en todo.
Your biological father just came back into your life, and it's bringing up all kinds of stuff.
Tu padre biológico acaba de regresar a tu vida y están saliendo todo tipo de cosas.

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