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And it was good translate Spanish

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And I was good at it, Arlene!
¡ Y lo hice bien, Arlene!
And it was a good spot to... what, you were investigating us?
Y era un buen lugar para... ¿ Qué, estabas investigándonos?
I believed that a husband sat on the bed besides his wife, and held her hand... and that it was good... that it was good...
Yo creía que un marido se sentaba sobre la cama, junto a su mujer, y le tomaba la mano. Y que era bueno. Y que eso era bueno...
It was past the bakery that always smelled so good.. ... around the corner at an exciting accessories shop and down, down, down a dangerous-looking alley.
Estaba pasada esa panadería que siempre olía tan bien... a la vuelta de la esquina de una tienda de accesorios interesantes... y abajo, abajo, abajo...
Shit. I was alive, if I made it through and you didn't, if that was Damian laying'there passed out on the floor like that, you can bet your ass I'd have a jar of Jameson jammed in my good hand.
Si estuviera vivo, si hubiera sobrevivido y vos no, si esa fuera Damien tirado ahí desmayado en el piso,
So I was thinking it would be a good idea if you just stay back here and watch the CIA guys.
Pensaba que sería una buena idea si te quedas por aquí y vigilas a los tíos de la CIA.
You know, the red Hags come out and you've got to come back and tune yourself back in, and get dialled in and ready for the restart and the restart looking like it was going good and then we had a kill switch failure.
Ya sabes, los Hags rojos salieron, y tienes que volver y sintonizarse de nuevo, y conseguir fijación y listo para el reinicio y el reinicio parecía que iba bien y luego tuvimos un fallo en el sistema de apagado.
And I was good at it.
Y daba el pego.
And the worst part of it was, he was good.
Y la peor parte de ello era, que era bueno.
Scooter and Usher both know me and they decided that it was a good thing to bring Justin in to work with me ahead of time, prior to the recording, just to get some basics underneath him.
Ambos, Scooter y Usher me conocen y decidieron que era bueno traer a Justin al trabajo conmigo por adelantado, antes de la grabación, sólo para tener lo básico por debajo de él.
It seemed like no matter what happened to us, whether it was car wrecks or heart attacks or household poisons, or guns left locked and loaded around the house, or choking on a little piece of meat, in the end, he always made us look good.
Pasara lo que nos pasara fuera un accidente con el auto o un paro cardíaco o veneno en el hogar o un arma sin seguro en la casa o ahogarse con un trozo de carne en el final, siempre lograba que nos viéramos bien.
All the good that Bernie had done for everybody, or for us around here, it just... they come in, and then it was gonna get all. Mrs. Nugent's money back that Bernie had spent.
Todo lo bueno que hizo Bernie para todos o para nosotros aquí ellos llegaron y lo que hicieron se llevaron todo el dinero que Bernie había gastado de la Sra. Nugent.
Laid out the tarp, got out that good-ass baby oil, and I was in it, just bah, bah, got in my power stance, and I was like kah-kah-kah-kah-kah!
Puse la lona, saqué el aceite de bebé, y estaba en aquello, solo bah, bah, me puse en mi posición de poder y estaba : kah-kah-kah-kah-kah.
Then we had a reality check and we thought, do we honestly wanna spend 2 weeks somewhere being ironic, and obviously the answer was no, so then we looked at other places, but we realised, actually, we just wanna have a laugh and go clubbing and get drunk... and be silly, and that this might genuinely be a good place to come, so fuck it, here we are.
Y después nos dimos cuenta y dijimos, en serio queremos estar dos semanas siendo irónicas, y obviamente la respuesta es no, así que buscamos otros lados, pero nos dimos cuenta en realidad, sólo nos queremos reír, salir y emborracharnos... y hacer estupideces y que este podría ser un buen lugar para venir,
So, I was thinking that it'd be a good idea If Paul and I could, um, Talk through some issues before she came down on Friday.
Pensé que sería una buena idea, si Paul y yo habláramos de ciertos temas antes de su llegada.
We've got a pretty good eye on it, and it looks like this bunker was built to withstand a lot.
La observamos bien de cerca, y parece que este bunker fue construido para soportar muchísimo.
But it was no problem because I am in good physical condition, and I was ready for that.
Pero no era un problema, porque estoy en buena condición física, y estaba listo para eso.
- Was that. - And then I started to realize, like, it was like I gave her all my, like, zhuzh, all my good stuff.
Y empecé a darme cuenta de que me entregué completamente.
It was here, and I was like, " mmm, that looks good.
se ve bien, cogeré una.
Night all... and you didn't put this on your list. But I liked it. I thought it was good.
Esto no estaba en la lista pero me gusta mucho y ha de ser bueno.
Okay, I was doing a pretty good job pretending that I was the only girl you've ever been with, and now you've ruined it.
Vale, estaba haciendo un buen trabajo fingiendo que yo era la única chica con la que habías estado, - y ahora lo has arruinado.
If a person has a need for a good but that need is only for say : 45 minutes a day on average it would be much more efficient if that good was made available to them and to others when needed.
Si una persona tiene necesidad de un bien pero esa necesidad dura sólo por ejemplo : 45 minutos al día de media, sería mucho más eficiente que ese bien estuviese disponible para ellos y para otros cuando lo necesitasen.
I couldn't face it and Freddie was good at all that financial stuff.
No podía hacerles frente y Freddie se ocupaba de lo financiero.
You know, if we'd never have made anything of ourselves, it was a good time for me just to be around a bunch of guys with fuck all to lose and everything to gain.
Si jamás hubiéramos llegado a nada, me lo habría pasado muy bien con un puñado de tíos con nada que perder y todo que ganar.
I think it was well known in the movement... that they could probe and push and get us to react... in a way that oftentimes didn't look very good.
Creo que era muy conocido en el movimiento... que podrían sondear y empujar y hacernos reaccionar... en una forma que a menudo no se ven muy bien.
There's another movie like this... Freddie Versus Jason. And then I saw another one, but I didn't think it was as good...
Hay otra película de este tipo Freddie vd Jason y también vi otra, pero no era tan buena Kramer vs Kramer.
I was walking along, and I had this irrational fear that a tsunami was gonna hit and I'm not a very good swimmer especially if I have her and it wasn't just a water tsunami there were palm trees and hotels and convertible seabees
Iba caminando por ahí, y tuve ese temor irracional de que iba a haber un tsunami y no soy muy buena nadadora especialmente si la tengo a ella y no era solo un tsunami de agua había palmeras, hoteles y descapotables
Well, it turns out it was a really good purchase because it means I can go back, print duplicates and replace every one of our memories frame by frame!
Bueno, resulto ser que fue una muy buena compra porque significa que puedo volver, imprimir duplicados y remplazar cada una de nuestras memorias cuadro por cuadro.
Fact is, she rumpled up some poetry she wrote and threw it away in a fit, but I un-rumpled it, and it was really good!
El echo es que ella arrugó alguna poesía que escribió y la tiró, pero yo la desarrugue, y era bastante buena!
! It was making you crazy, and it's not good for you.
Hacía que te volvieras loco, y eso no es bueno para ti.
It's a good theory, only we have a 911 call that was made before the murder, and the caller was a man.
Es una buena teoría, solo que tenemos esa llamada al 911 realizada antes del asesinato y quien llamó era un hombre.
It was the perfect car for a city like San Francisco, and I mean that in a good way.
Era el auto perfecto para una ciudad como San Francisco,
Next thing, it was her or the job and... when I didn't answer right away, she broke it off for good.
A continuación era ella o el trabajo y cuando no respondí de inmediato, ella rompió y se fue para siempre.
It was really good just, you know, going right from the boat right to the market. That is my perfect idea of summer. You fish, you catch fish, you go to the market, you get your vegetables, and you cook.
estuvo realmente bien, ya sabes, ir directo del bote al mercado es mi idea perfecta del veran vas de pesca, pescas, vas al mercado compras tus verduras y cocinas
And I was very good at it.
Y era bueno en eso.
And I was thinking that it might be good for morale if he could know that none of the budget cuts this year will affect his department at all.
Y pensé que sería bueno para levantar la moral que él supiera que ninguno de los recortes presupuestarios de este año afectará en lo más mínimo a su Departamento.
I was impressed at how low you started too, and it sounded really rich down there, which is a tough thing, and tough to control when you're nervous, which I can tell a little bit that you are. No, really? I'm just a little puzzled, because, I mean, you're a really good singer, so where have you been?
No, en serio... " Estoy sorprendido porque, ya sabes, eres buen cantante, por lo que eres, ¿ qué pasó?
And it sounded so good in this ryman audororium, and this room was built for that.
Y sonaba tan bien en este auditorio. - Es. " Fue construido para ello.
! It was making you crazy, and it's not good for you.
Te estaba volviendo loco, y no es bueno para tí.
They took everything that was good away from Omega Chi, and I want it back, but I cannot do it alone.
Se llevaron todo lo que era bueno lejos de Omega Chi, y lo quiero de vuelta, pero no puedo hacerlo solo.
I was calling to let you know that I spoke to the Dean of admissions today, and I'm afraid it's not good news.
Te llamé para decirte que hoy hablé con el Decano de Admisiones, y me temo que no son buenas noticias.
Listen whoever she was I'm sure Albert will tell us in his own sweet time when he is good and ready but right now let's not forget we still have a problem. To put it mildly.
Quiensea, seguro que Albert nos lo dirá en su momento, cuando esté preparado pero ahora no olvidemos que aún tenemos un problema.
- I experimented in college with sausage, and I found that it was good.
- Experimenté en la universidad con la salchicha, y descubrí que estaba bueno.
I experimented in college with sausage, and I found that, uh, I-I-it was good.
Experimenté en la universidad con salchichas y descubrí que... Era bueno.
You know, it was such a fun birthday party, and the food was so good.
Saben, fue una fiesta de cumpleaños tan divertida, y la comida era tan buena.
This was the original priory here, which is why I always say it's good growing soil... years and years of dead and... dead and buried friars.
Aquí estaba el priorato original,.. ... por el que siempre digo que hay buena tierra fértil con años y años de muertos y de muertos y enterrados frailes.
A body was found on waste ground in Naghill this morning, and we have good reason to believe it is that of your colleague, Heather Allen.
Se ha encontrado un cadáver esta mañana en un descampado en Naghill, y tenemos buenas razones para pensar que se trata de su colega, Heather Allen.
A year later, they introduced a slightly faster version called the C12S, and we saw that it was good.
Un año después sacaron una versión ligeramente más rápida llamada C12S y vimos que era bueno.
It was a good exchange and it worked well.
Fue un buen intercambio y funcionó bien.
And a good friend of mine told me that Sunny Day Real Estate were playing a show, and it was gonna be their last show because they were breaking up.
Un buen amigo mío me dijo que Sunny Day Real Estate iban a tocar y que iba a ser la última vez porque se disolvían.
It was a fun time. We were doing these great tours, and the shows were getting bigger, and we were on a good roll.
Nos lo pasamos bien haciendo todas esas giras y los conciertos eran cada vez más grandes, llevábamos una buena racha.

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