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And one thing led to another translate Spanish

209 parallel translation
I gave her the shampoo, and one thing led to another.
Le di el champú y una cosa llevó a la otra.
"I'll go with you, I'll go along with you." And one thing led to another.
"Iré contigo, y te acompañaré". Y una cosa llevó a la otra.
I was just waiting for somebody to answer the door... and Roger came up the path... and there was no place to go, and one thing led to another... and, oh, well.
Ah, esperaba a que alguien contestara a la puerta y Roger vino por el camino y no teníamos donde ir y una cosa llevó a la otra y... En fin.
Anyway they came in here and one thing led to another and with the daggers being so handy the end came soon.
De cualquier forma, entraron aquí y una cosa llevó a la otra y con las dagas tan a mano pronto todo acabó.
I went round to my girlfriend's house to see if they'd have her back and what have you and he wasn't there, so I had a word with her mum and one thing led to another and we ended up making... making love in the back of my van.
Volví a la casa de mi novia para ver si ella había regresado. No estaba allí, así que hablé con su mamá. Una cosa llevó a la otra y terminamos haciendo... haciendo el amor en la parte de atrás de mi camioneta.
We were just baby-sitting, and one thing led to another.
Estábamos de canguros y lo uno llevó a lo otro.
We got to talking and one thing led to another.
Empezamos a hablar y una cosa llevo a la otra.
I got all worked up, and one thing led to another.
Me enfurecí y una cosa llevó a la otra.
When you were late last night, Kathy and I got to talking and one thing led to another, and...
Cuando te demoraste anoche, Kathy y yo hablamos... una cosa llevó a la otra y...
I was talkin'to Big Fat Paulie the other day and one thing led to another, and... - I sort of put a hit out on ya.
El otro día hablaba con el Gordo Paulie y una cosa llevó a la otra y creo que pedí que te asesinaran.
And I said something at the table about the pate smelling like Clorox... and one thing led to another, and I wound up here.
Y dije algo en la mesa sobre que el pate olia a lejia... y una cosa llevo a la otra, y acabe aquí.
And one thing led to another... and I just... took "Mr. Majestic"... in my mouth.
Y una cosa llevó a la otra. Y yo... me metí a Don Majestuoso... en la boca.
And one thing led to another.
Y una cosa llevó a otra.
One thing led to another, and soon I would discover
Una cosa llevó a la otra, y pronto descubriría
One thing led to another and...
Una cosa llevó a la otra.
One thing led to another and I agreed to help them.
Una cosa siguió a la otra y he decidido ayudarles.
Well, one thing led to another, and, all of a sudden, he proposed to me.
Bueno, entre una cosa y otra... de repente, me propuso matrimonio.
One thing led to another and I gave her the kiss of her life.
Una cosa llevó a otra y le di un beso interminable.
Anyway, one thing led to another and for about three weeks,
Una cosa llevó a la otra.
Well, one thing led to another... and the instructions got all fouled up there.
Y, nada, una cosa llevo a la otra... y las ordenes se confundieron.
"One thing led to another, and then Gino was born."
"De una cosa se pasa a otra y luego nació Gino". Lo sabía.
Well, one thing led to another and...
Y una cosa llevó a la otra y...
And then one thing led to another, and your house was gone. Oh, look. Marcy's coming to.
Dios, la odio! Hola.
Well, one thing led to another and somehow it comes out that my mother was a Native American a full-blooded Cherokee, Your Honor.
Bien, una cosa llevó a la otra Y de algún modo salió que mi madre era una Una Nativa Americana una Cherokee de pura sangre, Señoría.
I got bored. One thing led to another and... And I'm roller-skating in my shorts.
Estaba aburrido y una cosa llevó a la otra... y me puse a patinar en ropa interior.
I went over to you to ask directions... and then one thing led to another and- -
No, me acerqué a pedir direcciones y una cosa llevó a la otra.
"El Primo" liked to walk the streets amongst his people in drag, and, well - Well... one thing led to another.
"El Primo" adoraba mezclarse entre la gente así vestido, y bueno... una cosa llevó a la otra.
One thing led to another, and I ended up in Cicely, Alaska, with a'61 DeSoto, a cat and $ 800 in my pocket.
Una cosa llevó a otra, y terminé en Cicely, Alaska... con un DeSoto del 61, un gato y 800 dólares en el bolsillo.
Anyway, one thing led to another... and before I knew it, this old country boy... finished his y oo-hoo and went right home.
Espera un minuto, Philip. Ir de nuevo a donde usted acabó el y oo-hoo.
Well, you know how it goes. One thing led to another and...
Bueno uds. saben como sigue, una cosa lleva a la otra y...
One thing led to another, and...
Una cosa llevó a otra y...
I was too upset, but the next morning I felt silly, so I went round to his bedsit and he said he was sorry, I said I was sorry, one thing led to another and... Aflerwards, he told me that he ´ d got drunk... because he thought he was gonna lose me and he ´ d got into a fight... and he thought that there might be some trouble.
Estaba muy enojada, pero a la mañana siguiente me sentí tonta entonces fui a su cama, él dijo que lo sentía, yo también una cosa llevó a la otra y al final me contó que él se había emborrachado porque pensó que me había perdido y se metió en una pelea y pensó que eso le traería algún problema.
And then one thing led to another and before I knew it, we were shopping. - Aah.
Y luego una cosa llevó a la otra y cuando nos dimos cuenta, estábamos de compras.
To tell you the truth... we went for a moonlight cruise, and... one thing led to another.
- A decir verdad nos fuimos a navegar a medianoche y una cosa llevó a la otra.
One thing led to another, and domnule Malone fell and hit his head.
Una cosa llevo a otra, y el sr. Malone cayo y se golpeo la cabeza...
Look, I know I told you a couple of hours, but, um, you know, one thing led to another, and...
Mira, sé que te dije un par de horas, pero, um, ya sabes, una cosa llevó a la otra, y...
He dropped by my apartment one day,..... and one thing sort of led to another.
Él vino a mi apartamento, una cosa nos llevó a la otra.
One thing led to another and soon there was no further need for words.
Una cosa llevó a la otra y de pronto sobraban las palabras.
Then one thing led to another, and...
Una cosa lleva a la otra...
And, well, one thing led to another.
Y una cosa llevó a la otra.
Look, I met some guys, we had a few drinks... one thing led to another... and next thing I knew... I woke up out of town.
Oye, me encontré a unos tíos, tomamos unas copas... una cosa llevó a otra... y cuando me di cuenta... me desperté lejos de aquí.
One thing led to another, and your father was beaten up.
Una cosa llevó a la otra y golpearon a tu padre.
One thing led to another and, er, we had sex.
Una cosa llevó a otra, y... Nos acostamos.
One thing led to another, we started dating each other and....
Una cosa llevó a la otra, empezamos a quedar y...
We danced a bit. I kissed her. One thing led to another and...
Bailamos un poco, la besé, una cosa llevó a la otra y...
Anyway, one thing led to another and... They're going to get married.
Como sea, una cosa llevó a la otra, y... se van a casar.
I was just upset about Max, and Kyle was there for me, and we were close at one point, and one thing just led to another, and we...
Yo estaba alterada por Max, y Kyle me consoló, y estábamos cerca... y una cosa llevó a la otra y- -
I went over there to make sure he really knew that we were broken up. One thing led to another, and we ended having breakup sex.
Fuí para asegurarme de que él supiera que habíamos roto, pero una cosa llevó a la otra y terminamos en sexo de despedida.
When you were late last night, Kathy and I were talking and... one thing led to another and...
Anoche que llegaste tarde, charlé un rato con Kathy y una cosa llevó a la otra y...
And then just one thing kinda led to another.
Y entonces una cosa llevó a la otra.
One thing led to another and I never did go back.
Fui de una cosa a otra y nunca volví.

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