And there's nothing translate Spanish
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It isn't meaningless. You can come out and party... have a good time, enjoy the nightlife... because there's nothing to fear, unless you're on John Doe's list.
No es maldad, puedes salir y festejar, pasártelo bien, disfrutar la vida nocturna,
There's nothing the Kaiser can do to compensate the men and women of this country, but still the Germans must pay.
No hay nada al Kaiser puede hacer para compensar a los hombres y mujeres de este país, pero aún así los alemanes deben pagar.
There's only one road in and nothing else for miles.
Sólo hay un camino y nada más por millas.
The show's coming back, and there's nothing we can do to stop it.
La serie va a regresar, y no hay nada que podamos hacer para detenerla.
And there's absolutely nothing fun about weekend bike rides at all.
Y montar en bicicleta los fines de semana no tiene nada de divertido.
Well, you can argue me on smart and worldly, but I think you're beautiful and lovely, and there's nothing you can say that'll change my mind.
Puedes contradecirme lo de lista y de mundo pero me pareces hermosa y adorable y nada de lo que digas me hará cambiar de opinión.
We just wasted our whole fucking career for this shit and there's nothing here?
Acabamos de arruinar nuestra carrera por esto y ¿ no hay nada?
And there's nothing you can do about it.
Y no puede hacer nada para impedirlo.
And there's nothing yöu can do to stop me, because yöu're just a scared old man who doesn't want to go back to prison.
Y no hay nada que puedas hacer para detenerme, porque eres más que un viejo miedo que no quiere volver a la cárcel.
There is nothing worse then a relationship that's convenient, comfortable and boring.
No hay nada peor que una relación de que sea conveniente, cómodo y aburrido.
Alright, hurry up and tell me about this crazy plan of yours. We're gonna find that landfill and prove that there's nothing under there.
Vale, ¿ me cuentas ya tu plan de locos?
You can, and then you'll see there's nothing to be afraid of.
Tu puedes, y entonces verás que no hay nada de qué temer.
I told Junior and his crew that I had a rich son in a famous rap group, and I'm sure a little funky $ 2,000 don't mean nothing when he's clocking all the dollars out there,
Le dije a Junior y su tripulación que tenía un hijo rico en un grupo de rap famoso, y estoy seguro que un poco raro $ 2,000 no significan nada cuando está registrando todos los dólares que hay,
When it's all done and dusted, and there's nothing you can do about it.
Allí ya está todo hecho, y ya no hay nada que hacer.
I get out, and I look all around but there's no body, nothing.
Salgo y miro alrededor... pero no hay cuerpo, no hay nada.
Look, I'm gonna go back there and I'm gonna prove to you that there's nothing to be scared of, yeah?
Mira, voy a volver allí y yo voy a demostrar a usted que no hay nada para tener miedo de, sí?
You go right over there and you let that jagbag know there's absolutely nothing, and I mean nothing, that is gonna keep you from wining and dining your wife and your new black and white best friends.
Tu vas por allí y dejas que ese pajerillo sepa que no hay absolutamente nada, y quiero decir nada, que vaya a alejarte de agasajar a tu esposa y tus nuevos mejores amigos blancos y negros.
And there's nothing wrong with that.
No tiene nada de malo.
There's nothing you can say that's gonna make these guys park your ass on a curb and drive away.
No hay nada que puedas decir que haga que te dejen en un cordón y se vayan.
There's of course an element of fear in it, because it's a risk, and... but if you don't go out and do something in life, nothing happens.
Claro que hay un elemento de miedo porque hay un riesgo pero si no sales a hacer algo en la vida, nada sucede.
There's nothing to do but sit and think about the pressure building up on the hull.
Nada que hacer más que pensar sobre la presión que aumenta alrededor.
You've only just arrived, and well... to be honest, there's nothing to feed my soul here but my very own mind.
Has recién llegado, y bueno... Para ser honesto, no hay nada para alimentar mi alma aquí... salvo mi propia mente.
If she's in love with this boy and she wants to marry him then there's nothing you or I can do about that but I don't believe that she is.
Si ella está enamorada de este chico, y quiere casarse con él, entonces no hay nada que tú o yo podamos hacer al respecto, pero no creo que lo esté.
That we all just die and there's nothing.
Que todos nos morimos y no hay nada.
It's fine, he looks left, he looks right, sees that there's nothing there, and he just edges forward just ever so slowly...
Esta bien... mira a la izquierda... mira a derecha y ve que no nada ahi Asi que avanza suavemente
Meanwhile CSR's Superstore was becoming a reality and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Entretanto, el Centro de Golosinas e Investigación se hacía realidad, y yo no podía hacer nada para detenerlo.
I mean, who would break into your house, grab your daughter, and there's no ransom demands, nothing?
¿ Quién pudo meterse en tu casa y llevarse a tu hija? No hay pedido de rescate, nada.
Now it's completely flat and there's nothing to do.
Ahora está completamente plano y no hay nada que hacer.
But, Stuart... there's nothing between Lenore and I, other than we share Kim.
Stuart... no hay nada entre Lenore y yo mas que Kim.
Yeah, there's really nothing on net yet, just... just this press release, and...
Todavía no hay nada en la red Sólo un comunicado de prensa
And there's nothing like a cavatelli and bruschule on a Sunday.
Y no hay nada como un cavatelli y bruschule en domingo.
And since I'm not allowed to call, text or even e-mail him, there's nothing I can do.
Y dado que no se me permite llamar, mensajear o incluso enviarle un correo, no hay nada que pueda hacer.
There's nothing out this time of night... except for trouble, and there's no reason to go looking for it.
No hay nada fuera esta hora de la noche... a excepcion de problemas, y no hay razon para ir en busca de ella.
As a statement of intent there's nothing quite like forced nudity, gaffer tape and hired thugs.
Como una declaración de intenciones no hay nada como la desnudez forzada, cinta adhesiva y matones a sueldo.
There's nothing I like more than putting on some loose, baggy clothes, and just being able to relax.
Me encanta ponerme ropa floja para relajarme.
I'm dying, and you're gonna be here... and you're not gonna have anyone to look after, or hover around... and you're not gonna be a mother anymore, and I'm sorry... but there's nothing I can do about that.
¿ Lo entiendes? Voy a morir, y tú ya no tendrás a quién cuidar, de quién ocuparte y ya no vas a ser madre, y lo siento pero no puedo evitarlo.
And sea is so bright blue just like a... like... there's nothing here that blue.
Y el mar es tan brillante azul al igual que un... Como... no hay nada aquí que el azul.
and this two kids and how it's my daughter's birthday, and I know... there's nothing I can do about it, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but...
y en sus dos hijas y en que es el cumpleaños de la mía, y lo sé... no hay nada que pueda hacer, tal vez hoy no, tal vez no mañana, pero...
To remove the fear, there's nothing better than entrusting yourself to God, Our Lord, and Our Lady.
Para que se le quite el miedo no hay nada como encomendarse a Dios Nuestro Señor y a la Virgen.
There's nothing in there but opium addicts, lunatics, and men who thought themselves too good to wear a condom.
Ahí no hay más que adictos al opio lunáticos y hombres que se creen demasiado buenos para usar condón.
There's nothing in the operational report, just routine surveillance, but there's an address in Virginia two hours south of the naval base and these sketches.
No hay nada en el informe de operativo, solo vigilancia rutinaria, pero hay una dirección en Virginia dos horas al sur de la base naval y estos bocetos.
And there's nothing wrong with asking questions, you know?
Y no hay nada de malo en hacer preguntas, ¿ sabes?
You just stand there and there's nothing you can do.
Tú solo te quedas alli parado... y no hay nada que puedas hacer.
To me, there's nothing better than the first day your movie comes out, and sneaking into the back of a theater, and just watching people enjoy themselves.
Para mí, no hay nada mejor que escabullirte en el cine el día que se estrena tu película y ver cómo se divierte la gente.
There's nothing honorable about feeling guilty, dirty and unhappy.
No hay nada honorable en sentirse culpable, sucio y triste.
But I have been looking everywhere for work... and I'm telling you there's nothing out there.
Pero he estado buscando trabajo por todos lados y te estoy diciendo que no no hay nada por ahí.
There's nothing more beautiful... than the foundation of a husband and wife, raising their children in a proud home.
No hay nada más hermoso... que la fundación de un esposo y una esposa, criando a sus hijos en un hogar orgulloso.
And up here, if you need something, There's nothing you won't do to get it, no price you won't pay.
Y aquí arriba si necesitas algo, no hay nada que no harás para obtenerlo, ni precio que no pagarás.
And they said, "No, no absolutely not. There's going to be nothing like that."
Él dijo : " Claro que no.
You're sure there's nothing I can do to convince you to... stay here and watch me try on dresses?
¿ Estás seguro de que no hay nada que pueda hacer para convencerte... de que te quedes aquí y me veas probándome vestidos?
You're going to be spotted wherever you go, and let's face it, there's nothing in the world so blown as a blown spy.
Se nota en todas partes. Y, seamos sinceros de verdad, no hay nada peor el mundo que un espía quemado.
and there's more 69
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's a 25
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
and there's 117
and there's this 29
and there's something else 41
and there's a 25
there's nothing to see here 35
there's nothing to it 48
there's nothing here 275
there's nothing to see 65
there's nothing i can do about it 58
there's nothing in here 52
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing there 265
there's nothing in it 38
there's nothing to tell 117
there's nothing to explain 43
there's nothing to be scared of 52
there's nothing wrong with that 87
there's nothing we can do 240
there's nothing i can do 295
there's nothing to do 49
there's nothing there 265
there's nothing in it 38
there's nothing to tell 117
there's nothing to explain 43