And you're fired translate Spanish
342 parallel translation
And if I don't see some results... when I get back here on my next trip, you're fired.
Si no veo resultados, está despedido.
You're sore at those people because they fired your old man, and it killed him.
Estas molesta con esas personas porque despidieron a tu padre, y eso lo mató.
All right, you're all fired right here and right now. Every one of you. Bag and baggage.
De acuerdo, quedan todos despedidos, aquí y ahora, todo el mundo puede ir recogiendo sus cosas.
I'm still boss of this outfit, and you're fired!
¡ Sigo siendo el jefe, y usted está afuera!
You're so all-fired anxious to get out in that circus. Take these letters down and mail them at the post office.
Si estás tan terriblemente ansiosa... por salir en ese circo, coge estas cartas y llévalas... a la oficina de correos.
And now, get over then... you're fired
Y ahora, salga. Está despedido!
If you're so all-fired innocent... why did you put up such a scrap last night and then run away?
Si es tan inocente... ¿ por qué se peleó anoche y luego escapó?
I'll have you deadbeats put in jail, and as for you Miss Miller you're fired!
Haré que les metan en la cárcel. Y Vd., Srta. Miller... está despedida.
- What? You're a ballistics expert and you never fired a gun!
¡ Experto en balística y no ha usado una pistola!
And don't forget : if you're late again, consider yourself fired.
No se olvide de que la primera vez que llegue tarde puede considerarse como despedido.
You're fired, and that's that!
Estás despedida, ¡ y ya está!
- One more word and you're fired!
¡ Otra palabra más y serán despedidos!
And be on time in the office tomorrow or you're fired!
Y mañana puntual en la oficina, sino lo hago echar!
Yeah, I'm the one who fired it. But you, you're accomplices. Burglary and murder.
Sí, yo fui quien disparó, pero sois cómplices.
Now, you get back there and get that picture, or you're both fired!
¡ Regresen ahí y obtengan las fotos o quedan despedidos!
You go near Louise again, and you're fired.
Si te acercas a Louise de nuevo, estás despedido.
As a matter of fact, he probably gets you fired, so you're forced to think... and seek work more suitable to your capacities.
De hecho, seguro hará que nos despidan, lo cual nos hará pensar... y buscar un trabajo que se ajuste más a nuestra capacidad.
Listen, the next time Bud complains to his mother and she calls you and you call me, you're all fired.
Ahora, escúchame, Gertrude. La próxima vez que Bud se queje a su madre y ella te llame y tú me llames... están todos despedidos.
You're saying that a UFO landed on the moon, undetected, and one of its occupants got out and fired this projectile at Moonbase?
Está diciendo que un OVNI aterrizó en la luna - sin ser detectado - y uno de sus ocupantes salió y disparó este proyectil a la Base Lunar?
He didn't want you to be here when he got back... Rudy, you're fired and you can take your friends with you.
No quería que estuvieses aquí cuando volviese... rudy, estás despedido y te puedes llevar a tus amigos contigo.
You're taking advantage of Carla's day off to bring Ed in and fool him into thinking you've fired Carla.
Usted está tomando ventaja del día de Carla off para llevar a Ed y le engaña pensando que he disparado Carla.
It's a 300 % raise and if you don't take it, you're fired.
Es un aumento de 300 % y si no lo tomo, estás despedido.
Another raid like this and you're fired!
Otro número de estos y estás despedido.
- Lovely. I'm fired, and you're streetwalking.
Perfecto, estoy despedido y tú en la calle.
- First off, you're fired, and that's official.
- Primero, estas despedido y es oficial.
As a matter of fact, you're all fired. Each and every one of you is fired. Fired!
Quedan todos despedidos. ¡ Todos y cada uno de Uds. está despedido!
You're fired! Hooper, get some disinfectant and clean down this bed!
Hooper, trae desinfectante y limpia esta cama.
Oh, and... you're fired!
Ah, y estás despedido.
And even though you fired my ass, you're still my boy.
Y aunque me hayas despedido, sigues siendo mi colega.
You're fired! That's not bad. Maybe I'll just write him a letter... and leave it in his office.
ESTAS DEPEDIDO no esta mal... quizás solo le escriba una carta y se la deje en la oficina eso estaria mejor
And you're fired.
Y que estás despedido.
If one piece of candy gets past you and into the packing room unwrapped, you're fired!
Si un caramelo pasa ante v osotras y queda sin env oltorio, estáis despedidas.
As of this moment you're hired, mired, and fired.
Te hemos contratado, la has embarrado y estás despedida.
If you're so eager and all fired up... to get out of the house today, why don't you do that?
Si estás tan ansiosa y entusiasmada... para salir hoy de la casa... ¿ Por qué no lo haces?
Anyway, this woman, she came up to me, and she says, "You're fired."
En fin, esa mujer viene hacia mí y me dice : "Estás despedido".
Anyway, this woman, she came up to me, and she says, "You're fired."
Como fuera, esa mujer viene hacia mí y me dice : "Estás despedido".
One word. One word, LaPlante, and you're fired. You got that?
Una palabra, LaPlante, y te despido. ¿ Entendido?
Didn't I say, "One word and you're fired"?
Te he dicho que si hablas, te despido.
- One more delay like this and you're fired!
¡ Otra demora como ésta y serás despedido!
- Mister Thomas... I'm going to have to come back here in the morning and make sure that you're fired!
- Sr. Thomas, por favor sino voy a volver mañana para despedirlos!
- And you're fired.
- y estás despedido.
You're fired and I get the dog.
Están despedidos y me quedo con el perro.
And once the bullet's been fired, you're gone.
Una vez que les disparan, desaparecen.
So you're not mad at me for getting fired and everything?
¿ Entonces no estás enojada conmigo porque me despidieron?
( supervisor ) Be late again and you're fired.
Si llegas tarde otra vez te despedirán.
And they say, "You're fired."
Y diré, "¡ Bien!" ¡ No...!
You're sounding like your teacher, and she is gonna get me fired.
Suenas como tu maestro, y ella va a hacer que me despidan.
You`ve got a mortgage, car payments, medical bills food bills, electricity bills, gas bills, clothing bills and, by the way you`re fired.
Tiene una hipoteca, plazos del coche, facturas médicas de comida, de luz, de gas, de ropa y, por cierto queda despedido.
She'll see you're gone and know I let you out, and I'll get fired!
¡ Verá que no estás y sabrá que te dejé ir y me despedirá!
And you're fired.
Y Ud. está despedido.
You, I want out of my sight. Get your things and leave. You're fired.
Agarra tus cosas y lárgate, estás despedido.
and you're welcome 67
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153
and you're here 49
and you're next 17
and you're right 279
and you're wrong 34
and you're like 53
and you're thinking 17
and you're safe 20
and you're sure 21
and you're not 153