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And you're going translate Spanish

14,110 parallel translation
When they get in contact again..... they're going to tell you where to go and what to do with the money.
Cuando contacten contigo otra vez... te dirán dónde tienes que ir y qué hacer con el dinero.
And you're going to be put forward for a Divisional Commander's Commendation.
Y te van a postular para la Mención del Comandante de División.
And because of concerns about your mental health, you're going to be sectioned.
Y debido a nuestras preocupaciones sobre tu salud mental, vas a ser separada.
You're going to stay with us overnight and we're going to get someone from the crisis team to come and have a chat.
Te quedas con nosotros esta noche... y vamos a traer a alguien del equipo de crisis, para que venga a charlar.
'And I know you don't like the idea of counselling, therapy,'but marriage guidance is the only way we're going to live together.
" Y sé que no te gusta la idea de consejeros, terapia, pero la ayuda matrimonial es la única forma en que viviremos juntos.
And that's how you're going to win Sandy back, is it?
Y así es como vas a recuperar a Sandy, ¿ verdad?
Ice. Caldwell : After the summit of Guillaument that part of the ridge you just have all these little fingers sticking up and you're kind of weaving around'em and you're going up on top of some of'em.
Después de la cumbre de la Guillaument, esa parte del filo tiene muchos dedos sobresaliendo, y subes como tejiendo a su alrededor, y subes a la cima de alguno.
And you're not going on a coffee date with a serial killer.
Y tú no vas a quedar para tomar un café con un asesino en serie.
Look, I appreciate everything you're doing, but I promise you there's nothing going on between me and Jessica.
Aprecio todo lo que haces, pero te prometo que no está pasando nada... entre Jessica y yo.
We're gonna put you in a gown and see what's going on, okay?
Te vamos a poner una bata y veremos qué está pasando, ¿ de acuerdo?
We're going back to the swamp, and you're coming with.
Iremos de nuevo al pantano, y tú vienes con nosotros.
You're going to race out in the water, retrieve a sandbag and Race back. You'll then use a plank to
Usaréis una plancha para lanzar esas bolsas de arena a vuestra red.
And as soon as Josh's parents get a look at you, they're going to fall in love.
Y en cuanto los padres de Josh te vean van a caer rendidos ante ti.
All I ask is if you're going to go against the church and live in sin, be consistent and use contraception, okay?
Lo único que os pido es que, si vais a ir en contra de la Iglesia y vivir en pecado, sed coherentes y usad anticonceptivos, ¿ vale?
Took a lot to hunt you down, PC Principal. You mind telling me why you're going around the world shooting up revitalized arts and foods districts?
tomo mucho tiempo atraparte, director PC quizas me puedas decir porque vas alrededor del mundo revitalizando distritos de arte y comida?
and you guys are going to and you guys are going to trust me? Trust me? we're more worried about we're more worried about kelly.
- Estamos más preocupados por Kelly.
I know you are. jeremy, kimmi and I need to jeremy, kimmi and I need to decide which way we're going to
Jeremy, Kimmi y yo necesitamos decidir qué es lo que haremos.
For three months, I've been hearing you warn us that they're going to force us into a milk bath and now you just want to give up?
Durante tres meses, he estado escuchando tus advertencias que van a forzarnos en un baño de leche. ¿ Y ahora sólo deseas darte por vencida?
You're just walking in and out... Where are you going?
Estás entrando y saliendo a dónde vas?
See, when Naz is officially off the roster, you're going to be looking for a more permanent replacement here at the CJC and I'd like to be considered for that position.
Verá, cuando Naz esté oficialmente fuera del juego, estará buscando un reemplazo permanente aquí en Justicia Criminal y me gustaría que se me considerase para ese puesto.
Mort won't give us the money back and you're all going to starve.
Bueno, me confundí. Quise decir...
I'm still going to love you because you're my son and because I think it's a parent law or something.
Mi hijo no se rinde. En realidad dije... Si quieres rendirte es tu decisión.
And you're all going to obey them.
Todos van a obedecerme.
And I'm saving you a corner piece because there's no way you're going to get away with this.
Y te guardaré un pedazo. Porque no te perdonaremos esta vez.
You're going to let a professional song and dance boy show you how it's done.
Dejarán que un profesional de la música y del baile se ocupe. ¡ Todd!
Please finish your drink and decide if you're going to have hot sex with the person you're talking to.
Por favor, terminar su bebida y decidir si usted va a tener sexo caliente con la persona que está hablando.
As I'm sure you're all aware, last year, Oakfield Lane Primary School raised 5,000 at their annual fete and I'm determined we're going to beat that.
Estoy segura que todos sabéis que el año pasado, la escuela primaria de Oakfield Lane recaudó 5 mil libras en su fiesta anual y estoy convencida que superaremos esa cifra.
Your mom and I were talking about what you said, and we're going to lighten up on the rules a little.
Tu madre y yo hemos hablado de lo que dijiste, y vamos a suavizar un poco las normas.
We've traveled to heck and back to get you, and we're going back together.
Viajamos hasta el infierno por ti y regresaremos juntos. Deja este mundo de fantasía.
you have a really nasty, you have a really nasty, two-headed dragon that's Two-headed dragon that's wreaking havoc in our beautiful Wreaking havoc in our beautiful little tribe, and we're going to
Tenemos a un verdaderamente desagradable dragon de dos cabezas que está causando estragos en nuestra pequeña y linda tribu, así que debemos tomar una de esas cabezas y simplemente cortarla.
You're now going to move down to the second level. The second level. It is more narrow, and you're
Ahora os moveréis hacia abajo, al segundo nivel.
It is more narrow, and you're going to move your hand down Going to move your hand down further on the pole. Further on the pole.
Este es un poco más empinado, y debéis colocar vuestra mano un poco más abajo en el palo.
I'm not always going to explain what I do, and you're not always gonna like me for that, but... just... I...
No siempre voy a explicarte lo que hago... y no siempre te voy a agradar por eso... pero... simplemente... yo...
And you're going to be dead... any minute now.
Y usted va a estar muerto... Cualquier momento.
You're not going to County, Deeks, and this is gonna be fine.
Tú no iras a la cárcel del condado, Deeks, y todo saldrá bien.
And you're going away for murder.
Y serás acusado de asesinato.
And you're cool with her going to a party solo?
¿ Y te parece bien que vaya a una fiesta sola?
You're both great kids and you've been going through a lot lately.
Los dos sois buenos chicos y habéis pasado por mucho últimamente.
Because if you think I'm going to put time and money and effort into maybe getting into some woman's pants, you're crazy.
Porque si crees que voy a poner tiempo y dinero y esfuerzo en meterme, quizá, en las bragas de una mujer, estás loca.
and, "You're going to choke on your own tongue," etc. but, you know, I always had money in the bank and, um, I guess I sort of failed upwards career-wise.
y "te vas a ahogar con tu propia lengua", etc., pero, bueno, siempre he tenido dinero en el banco y... supongo que una especie de fracaso en mi trabajo.
But... I know what's going on now, and I know that you're in trouble at work.
Pero... yo sé lo que está pasando ahora, y sé que estás en problemas en el trabajo.
No-one has! it's in the early planning stages, but you're going to get your money back and then some.
- Oye... está en la etapa inicial, pero vas a recuperar tu dinero y algo más.
But we're going to avoid phrases like "you always" and "you never",
Pero vamos a evitar frases como "tú siempre" y t "ú nunca",
I-I am so sorry about the lying and the up and back, but you can relax now'cause we're going to Hawaii!
II soy mucho lo de la mentira y el arriba y hacia atrás, Pero usted puede relajarse ahora Cecause vamos a Hawaii!
But I'm going to lie down and you're going to pour those puppies on top of me.
Pero voy a tumbarme y me vais a poner esos cachorros encima de mí.
Sorry, that comes out at random times and I know what you're going to say : "you're too young to have a kid!"
Lo sentimos, que sale a veces al azar y sé lo que vas decir : "eres demasiado joven para tener un niño!"
You're right, if I knew that my best friend and oldest gal pal were going to get together,
Tienes razón, si yo sabía que mi mejor amigo y antiguo amigo Gal iban a reunirse,
If you're not prepared to follow her on her whims and adventures, then you're just going to have to tame her.
Si no estás preparado para seguirla en sus antojos y aventuras, no te quedará más remedio que reprimirla.
- And you're going to do it?
- ¿ Y lo vas a hacer?
Excuse me, I couldn't help overhearing, and I just have to say I know what you're going through.
Disculpe, no pude evitar escuchar, y yo sólo tengo que decir que sé lo que estás pasando.
Imagine what it's like when you're going to say that you're a liar and that you hid evidence and that you deliberately prosecuted a person that you knew, or at least had reason to know, wasn't guilty of the crime.
¿ Cómo se sentirían ante la perspectiva de admitir que mintieron y ocultaron pruebas y condenaron a una persona sabiendo o al menos habiendo podido saber que no era culpable?

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