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As we all know translate Spanish

974 parallel translation
As the daughter of the shoe-polish king has married a count, and as we all know that shoe-polish doesn't trump oysters, I request that you send me a son-in-law with a pedigree in accordance with my oysters.
Como la hija del rey del betún se ha casado con un conde, y el betún no tiene la categoría de las ostras, le ruego se sirva enviarme un yerno cuyo árbol genealógico esté a la altura de mis ostras.
As we all know our eminent colleague Mr.Hantton measured the elevation of the Nile as 2169 ft.
Como todos sabemos, nuestro eminente colega, el señor Hampton, midió la elevación del Nilo en Gondonkoro en 2,169 pies.
As we all know, war is cruel.
Y como todos sabemos, la guerra es cruel.
As we all know, there is a woman onboard so it will be necessary for me to ask you to wear some kind of clothing during your morning and evening swims.
Como bien sabemos, hay una mujer a bordo... ... así que es necesario que les pida... ... que lleven ropa cuando salgan a nadar por la mañana y por la tarde.
The last Krell died 2000 centuries ago but today, as we all know there is still at large on this planet, a living monster.
El último krell murió hace dos mil siglos pero hoy, como sabemos aún existe algo en este planeta, un monstruo viviente.
As we all know, a healthy, happy baby does not just happen.
Como todos sabemos, un bebé feliz y saludable no sólo sucede.
And, as we all know, he is dying of an incurable disease.
Y como todos sabemos... él se está muriendo de una enfermedad incurable.
As we all know, Ikaria will return in 15 years.
Como es bien sabido, Ikaria regresará en 15 años.
As we all know, when the father of both Ptolemy and Cleopatra died he named the two of them to rule jointly over Egypt.
Al morir, el padre de Ptolomeo y Cleopatra dijo que ambos gobernasen conjuntamente en Egipto.
Although the playing field was growing slippery, she managed to keep her feet, which, as we all know, is half the battle in any sport.
Aunque el campo se estaba poniendo más resbaladizo, ella logró mantenerse en pie, lo que, como todos sabemos, es media batalla en cualquier deporte.
As we all know, the English deeply love England, family, weekends, the Queen, the tea, but most of all animals.
Todos sabemos que el hombre inglés adora a Inglaterra, a su familia, Salir los fines de semana, a la Reina, al té, y, también, ama a los animales.
In his family there's been insanity, as we all know.
¡ Dile que en nuestra familia no tenemos a nadie en el manicomio!
As we all know they want to disband the Ciuksza mandolin orchestra.
Como sabemos desean disolver a la orquesta del mandolin de Ciuksza.
We'll dispense with the preliminaries, as we all know why we're here. Good.
Well, as far as I know, we have all the office boys we need.
Bien, por lo que sé, tenemos a todos los oficinistas que necesitamos.
Dr. Manette, we all know you as one of the sufferers under the old regime.
Doctor Manette, todos sabemos que fue uno de los que sufrió bajo el antiguo régimen.
You might as well all know, point-blank, we're about broke.
Será mejor que lo sepáis todos, estamos al borde de la quiebra.
Sit down, Kitty, we all may as well know the worst.
Debemos prepararnos para lo peor.
I'd say we weren't as brutal as all that, you know. Give me the brandy, I'll do it.
- Nosotros no le hemos tocado.
* how do you do, Mr. Marko, how do you do * as you students all know, every year we are most fortunate in having Mr. Marko, one of our most successful alumnus, visit us and extend to one of the students
Cómo está, Sr. Marco Cómo está Como ya sabéis, cada año tenemos la gran fortuna de que el Sr. Marco... uno de nuestros ex alumnos más exitosos... nos visite e invite a uno de los alumnos... a pasar el verano con él... en su encantadora casa de Saratoga.
Yes. Now, as you all know, we're now at Unter Sitzenberg.
Estamos aquí, en Untersitzenberg.
After all, how do we know that there is such a thing as a soul?
Después de todo, ¿ cómo podemos estar seguros de que existe eso llamado alma?
For all over the world our partners are fighting because they know as we know... that America is more than a country ; it's a cause.
Nuestros socios luchan en todo el mundo... porque saben, como nosotros, que los EE.
As long as we know that what comes out of graves is the best part of what goes into them we know he's all right.
Sabemos que aquéllo que está más allá del cuerpo enterrado es lo mejor de él sabemos que está bien
Edith is all right as far as I know and, yes, we have two children.
Edith está bien, que yo sepa. - Y tenemos dos hijos.
As you know... we're all going to miss Father O'Malley.
Como sabén, todos vamos a echar de menos al padre O'Malley.
For as the son of Mary died upon his cross for all mankind so do we know and all the world with us, the true reason for their martyrdom.
Así como el hijo de María murió en la cruz por toda la humanidad para que supiéramos, junto con el mundo, la verdadera razón de su martirio.
You've got all the facts as far as we know them.
Ya conoce los hechos como nosotros.
Friends, we all know the purpose of this meeting is three fold. As always to give thanks to the goodness bestowed upon us. ... but also to give thanks for particular that the fields are getting water.
Amigos, todos sabemos que eI propósito de esta reunión es agradecer al Señor Ios bienes recibidos, pero también agradecer, concretamente, Ia llegada del agua, Ias cosechas florecen y Ia vida también.
What I want to know is, how did you ever manage to catch a man like Steve Howard? We always thought of you as such a quiet little mouse, and here you go and fool us all by snaring a millionaire husband.
Lo que quiero saber es, ¿ cómo lograste pescar a un hombre tímida.
I gave you best at swimming as you're the best swimmer and we all know it.
Yo he aceptado que seas el mejor nadador porque lo eres.
As you all know our objective is another enemy strong point similar to those that we've been attacking with such excellent results these past several months.
Como saben, nuestro objetivo es uno de los baluartes de nuestros enemigos, como los atacados en los últimos meses.
Bubonic plague, as you probably know, is spread by the rat flea, which is why we watch all ships and ports.
La peste bubónica se transmite a través de las pulgas de la rata... y por eso vigilamos los barcos y los puertos.
Not only are these the closest planets to Earth, but all research to date indicates they are the only two planets capable of sustaining life as we know it.
Son los planetas más cercanos a la Tierra, y las investigaciones indican que son los únicos capaces de preservar la vida como la conocemos.
All men should know you as we do, Divinity.
Todos deberían conocerlo como nosotros, divinidad.
As you all know, Clancy and I... we're going home tomorrow.
Como ya saben todos, Clancy y yo regresamos a casa mañana.
We shall find in him a shrewd contriver, and, you know, his means, if he improve them, may well stretch so far as to annoy us all, which to prevent, let Antony and Caesar fall together.
Es muy astuto... y si mejora sus medios... podría perjudicarnos a todos. Para evitarlo, Antonio y César deben caer juntos.
All we know is, as soon as he gets his hands on that film, he'll cross the ocean with it.
Cuando reciba esa película... cruzará el océano con ella.
We know there is pain in all life, and that death is never very far away, but you, your people are always outraged at pain and as for death,
Sabemos que hay dolor en nuestra vida y que la muerte nunca está muy lejos. Pero tú... Tu gente siempre se ofenden con cosas.
As you all no doubt know, that was bikini, and if there's one thing we found out, it was that there's no such thing as an even statistical dispersion of radioactive materials.
Como ustedes saben, se desarrolló en Bikini. Entre las cosas que encontramos... es que no existe tal cosa como la... dispersión estadística uniforme de los materiales radioactivos.
We all know him as a fair and righteous man.
Todos le conocemos como un hombre justo y virtuoso. Escúchale.
Think we can't have things the way we want, me and the wife... as long as we stay around here, see to the house... for all you city people think you know everything?
¿ Cree que no podemos hacer lo que queramos, mi mujer y yo, mientras estemos aquí cuidando de la casa... para que ustedes los de ciudad piensen que lo saben todo?
All I know... is that as long as we have weapons...
Lo único que sé... es que mientras tengamos armas- -
But as you know, we have preserved his hand so if you decide that he must be killed after all the harm he has done we will bow to the inevitable and will not try to prevent it.
Pero conseguimos salvar su mano. Por lo menos tengo eso para mi investigacion. Pero me doy cuenta de que probablemente sera destruido.
Pardon between these hospitable walls of our art house we find all the conditions for people of various professions to get acquainted with Melpomene ( Muse of Tragedy ) who was, as you know... a Muse...
Perdón entre estos muros hospitalarios de nuestra casa del arte nos encontramos con todas las condiciones para las personas de diversas profesiones de familiarizarse con Melpómene que fue, como ustedes saben... una musa...
We're all human beings as well, you know.
Somos seres humanos también, ¿ sabe?
- As each of us know nothing. Sure, but all we think know of things.
- Nadie sabe nada, pero todos pensamos que sabemos cosas.
Well, I want you to know that we're all aware of the splendid work you've done as Mr Grove's assistant and you're not to go unrewarded.
Quiero que sepa que todos somos conscientes de su espléndida labor como ayudante del Sr. Grove y que pensamos recompensarla.
In fact, I am delighted to see you all, for you are going to see for yourselves, gentlemen, how the Americans who profess to adhere to the Geneva Convention, have been violating it, as we, who know better, have claimed all along.
Me alegro mucho de verles a todos... porque van a comprobar personalmente, caballeros, cómo los americanos, que dicen respetar la Convención de Ginebra, la han incumplido, como nosotros llevamos... tiempo diciendo.
Not life as we know it at all.
No es la vida que conocemos en absoluto.
For what? As we all know.
Para mear.

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