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Ask him again translate Spanish

218 parallel translation
Ask him again.
Pídeselo otra vez.
In six months time I will ask him again.
Si no, que se lo piense en una fortaleza.
Ask him again what his outfit is.
Pregúntale otra vez dónde está su unidad.
I'll ask him again.
Se lo pediré de nuevo.
Ask him again, dear. Maybe he'll do it.
Pregúntale otra vez, querido.
Ask him again.
- Ask him again.
- Vuelve a preguntarle.
He keeps to himself, but please try to ask him again at another time.
Él es muy malhumorado, pero por favor, trate de preguntarle en otro momento.
I can't ask him again.
No lo volveré a hacer.
Jerry, ask him again. Let's go.
- Jerry, vuelve a pedírselo.
- Hey, Sonny. You gonna ask him again?
- Muchacho. ¿ Le pedirás de nuevo?
Ask him again.
Pídesela otra vez.
Ask him again.
Vuelve a preguntar.
- Ask him again.
- Pregúntaselo otra vez.
Very well. Perhaps you'd ask him again in a few minutes.
Bueno, vuelve a avisarle dentro de un rato.
So I crack him across the rear end, and I ask him again.
Así que le di una nalgada, y volví a preguntar.
- I'll just see him out, father. - Such a versatile young man. You must ask him again, soon.
- Es un joven muy versátil debes invitarle otra vez, y pronto.
Perhaps if we could wait for another moment of coherency... I could ask him again.
Quizás, si pudiéramos esperar otro momento de coherencia le podría volver a preguntar.
Ask him again, Mr. Merlas.
Pregúntele de nuevo, señor Merlas.
Well, ask him again!
¡ Bueno, pregúntele otra vez!
Ask him again, please.
Pregúntale de nuevo, por favor.
Ask him again.
Pregúntale otra vez.
Ask him again!
Preguntele otra vez.
Ask him again. They are an advanced scouting party sent here to check out the well. Part of a mechanized battalion that is cutting southeast... across the Egyptian border.
- Pregunte otra vez. son parte de una fuerza mecanizada que se dirige al sudeste hacia la frontera egipcia.
Perhaps if I ask him to date again, he would say that I was crazy
Si le pido que vuelva a salir conmigo... pensará que estoy loca.
Ask him to step down again, your Dupont.
Píidale a su Dupont que baje de nuevo.
Delia, ask him not to come here again.
Delia, dile que no vuelva por aquí.
I'll ask him to apologize to you please welcome him again in the Onchi family.
Le diré que te pida perdón. Por favor, recíbelo nuevamente en la familia Onchi.
Ask him to circle round again. OK.
- Dígale que dé otra vuelta.
I would again like to ask him...
Todavía me gustaría preguntarle...
May I ask if you're going back to see him again?
¿ Le puedo preguntar si va a verle de nuevo? Sí, lo haré.
Ask him again.
Pregúntele de nuevo.
Now, tomorrow I want you to go to Luke and make up to him so that he might ask you again.
Mañana quiero que te reconcilies con Luke para que te lo pida otra vez.
When are you goin'to the Captain again and ask him to give this crew a liberty?
Señor, ¿ cuándo hablará con el Capitán para pedirle que le dé a la tripulación más libertad?
Don't you ever ask him up here again. And just remember one thing.
Que no se te ocurra pedirle que vuelva aquí arriba de nuevo, y recuerda.
Ask him to send it away again, would you, please?
¿ Podría decirle que lo mande de regreso?
I like to meet him again I don't see you like him not to meet me, you ask him and see
Me gustaría verlo de nuevo y me atrevo a decir que a él también.
Jerry, ask him again!
- Vámonos.
I felt we shouldn't let it rest and waited for him to ask again.
No debíamos cejar en el intento y esperé a que me la pidiera de nuevo.
That's real father and sons lf anyone says it again You go to ask him or her I am sure he or she can't answer
Si alguien dice que no sois hijos míos pregúntale por su propio padre
If he comes again, I am going to ask him to bring you.
Si vuelve, le pediré que te traiga.
And now they tell me the Tall Blond Guy has risen again. And they ask me to send him on a mission.
Y ahora me dicen que el Alto Rubio ha resucitado... y me piden que le asigne una misión.
But you will not ask me to show him mercy again, no?
Pero no me pedirás que le tenga clemencia, ¿ verdad?
I feel make this, Stanfield But I must ask not see him again.
Siento hacerte esto, Stanfield pero debo pedirte que no lo vuelvas a ver.
And so it went on, again and again I had to ask him whether he would give in and sign the document.
Y así siguió, una y otra vez, yo tenía que preguntarle si cedía y firmaba el documento.
[Thunderclap ] [ Ben] When you go back to school, if Andy McEwen starts pulling on your pigtails again, you ask Mrs. Springer to move him to the back of the room.
Cuando vuelvas a la escuela si Andy McEwen comienza a jalarte las coletas de nuevo pídele a la Sra. Springer que lo ponga en la parte de atrás del salón.
Let him ask again.
Deja que lo pida de nuevo.
Let him go. We're not gonna ask you again.
Déjalo ir, no te lo volveré a pedir.
To ask him to run my ad again. "
Volví a la agencia para pedir que volvieran a poner mi anuncio.
Michael's getting married on Saturday and I just wanted to see him, just wanted to ask him how come he never had anything to do with me again.
Michael se casa el Sábado y quería pasar... para preguntarle por que no hizo nada para estar junto a mi.
Don't ask him to be undercover again!
¡ No volváis a pedírselo!

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