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Translate.vc / English → Spanish / [ B ] / Be advised

Be advised translate Spanish

997 parallel translation
Be advised, fair maid. Demetrius is a worthy gentleman.
Considera, hermosa joven, que Demetrio es un digno caballero.
Please be advised.
Les ruego consideren.
Please be advised that I have never had the pleasure of meeting the lady.
Les ruego consideren que yo nunca he tenido el placer de conocer a la dama.
If my years of legal experience can serve you.. Be advised, that you have no more chance than a.. zephyr in a windstorm.
Si le sirve mi experiencia... sepa que no tiene más posibilidades... que un círculo de humo en una tormenta de viento.
- Be advised that by law... you have the right to appoint a lawyer and have him present for your interrogation.
- Le señalo que la ley le autoriza... a llamar a su abogado y solicitar su presencia... en el interrogatorio.
Jury members, be advised that the prosecution will forego the testimony of one witness, Mr. Hector Loursat, of Saint-Marc, as he will be defending the accused.
Señores jurados, les prevengo que el fiscal ha renunciado a uno de los testigos de la acusación, el abogado Héctor Loursat de Saint-Marc, para que éste se ocupe de la defensa del acusado.
Be advised that no passeth not a single blow.
Os advierto que no pasare ni un solo golpe bajo.
Who, in my rage, kneeled at my feet, and bade me be advised?
¿ Quién, ante mi ira, se arrodilló y me invitó a la reflexión?
Please be advised that this office has... an offer of $ 225,000.
Le informo que hemos recibido... una oferta de $ 225.000.
At that time, you'll be advised when, where, and how to deliver the money.
A esa hora se le dirá cuándo, dónde y cómo entregará el dinero.
- I thought you should be advised.
- Pensé que debía advertírselo.
Jason be advised by me.
Jasón, sigue mi consejo.
Doctor's with him now, but he wants to be advised when the relatives arrive.
El doctor está con él ahora, pero quiere que le avisemos cuando lleguen los familiares.
You wouldn't be advised, would you?
- Te negaste a escucharme.
Brabantio. General, be advised, he comes to bad intent.
Es Brabantio, viene con malas intenciones.
We will not be advised.
No seremos aconsejados.
Be advised that I've come alone.
Te advierto que vengo solo.
Shortly, your Superior will be advised that you... protest against your vows and wish to leave... the cloister - to be your own free agent.
Pronto se notificará a su Superiora una retractación de votos a nombre de Suzanne Simonin con la petición de dejar los hábitos y de salir del claustro para disponer de su vida.
You would be advised to think again.
- Repiénselo. - No, gracias.
And that the next of kin of those prisoners who were killed be advised... that they lost their lives in the line of duty. "
Y a los familiares más cercanos de los prisioneros muertos se les notifique que perdieron sus vidas en cumplimiento del deber ".
You would be advised to do as they say.
Te han recomendado hacer lo que dicen.
For those of you who associate this collar with the status quo, please be advised...
Hay quienes asocian este cuello con el "status quo".
I should be staying the entire night at the manor inn and pleased be advised that as Mr Klamm's...
Pero que venga enseguida, dile que tengo mucho interés en hablar con él.
I mean, at our age, a certain caution is to be advised.
Digo, a nuestra edad debemos cuidarnos.
You will be advised to make sure your answers are satisfactory, for your own sakes...
Vosotros dos! Limpiad el sitio. Quark, custódialos.
Be advised that I have tried with many stubborn and perhaps more stubborn than you.
Os advierto que he tratado con muchos testarudos, y quizás más testarudos que vosotros.
All personnel in the control room be advised that prior to 1 : 20, we'll call a hold if we have a problem.
Atención, se advierte a todo el personal de la sala de control que debe estar preparado para señal 1 : 20.
Don't be rude to Callie, and don't be advised by Boon.
Sé amable con Callie y no te fíes de Boon.
El jurado será informado...
There's no need to tell you how serious one ill-advised or careless move by any of you might be in this situation.
No necesito decirles cuán grave puede resultar... un movimiento en falso de parte de cualquiera de ustedes... en esta situación.
I should have advised you against your first marriage but at the time I was just as weak as you were going to be right now because of Irene
Tendría que haberte aconsejado en contra de tu primer matrimonio. Pero en ese momento yo era tan débil como ibas a ser ahora con Irene.
But ill-advised acts can be a godsend
Pero los actos mal aconsejados pueden ser un don del cielo.
I have advised my client not to answer because the inference is that there may be activities of my client that are not legitimate.
Aconsejo a mi cliente no responder porque da a entender que alguna de sus actividades no son legales.
Half of them he advised to bet on Mayor Twiss to be reelected.
La mitad decía que el alcalde Twiss iba a ganar las elecciones.
It's advised that Reynolds be sent to the American hospital in Delhi for further observation.
Se sugiere que Reynolds sea enviado al hospital americano en Delhi para mejor observación.
Have advised Commander Submarine Force, Asiatic Fleet... that "Sea Tiger" will be ready for sea at 19 : 00, 10 December 1941.
Comandante de Submarinos de la Flota de Asia informado. El "Tigre del Mar" estará preparado para la mar a las 19 ; 00, 10 de diciembre de 1941.
On Tuesday of last week, Mr. Austen was approached by Clark who advised him he would be smart to sell the Austen Plastics Company.
El martes de la semana pasada, Clark habló con el señor Austen y le aconsejó que sería inteligente vender Plásticos Aurten.
It is advised to conserve your energy. So all necessary physical work should be divided... among as many people as possible.
Se recomienda que ahorren fuerzas, por eso todo el trabajo físico se repartirá lo más posible.
Hear ye, the people are hereby advised of an official decree to be made known throughout the civilised world,
Escuchen todos, por medio de este decreto oficial que se hace conocido a todo el mundo civilizado.
However, in view of Admiral Nelson's tremendous scientific achievements we've been advised that the international scientific committee is standing pat until Nelson's plan can be evaluated.
No obstante, dados los grandes logros científicos del Almirante se nos informa que el Comité Científico Internacional se mantendrá inmóvil hasta evaluar el plan de Nelson.
For this, and because the accused should be used as an example despite the fact that they are clearly not bad people but mere ill-advised flotsam I ask for the maximum penalty allowed by law for such a crime.
Por eso, para que la condena sirva de ejemplo y no confundir los engaños, la pesonalidad de los acusados, ni los actos mal aconsejados yo pido la pena máxima prevista en el código.
Having been advised by theater headquarters... that this man should stand trial as soon as possible... I suggested to Major Kaufman that he be immediately discharged from hospital... and transferred to the stockade.
Ya que me habían avisado del cuartel... que el señor debería enfrentar proceso lo más pronto posible... le sugerí al mayor Kaufman que lo diera de alta del hospital... y lo transfirieran a la prisión militar.
But you would be well advised to have the Doctor with you when you open it.
Pero sería recomendable tener al Doctor a su lado cuando la abra.
An attack right now might be most ill-advised... sir.
Un ataque ahora no sería aconsejable... señor.
I was advised that a transfer could be arranged to the admiral's staff.
Más tarde podría pedir el traslado a su equipo administrativo.
You'd be well advised not to accept Confederate prisoners... even if they're forthcoming.
Te aconsejo que no aceptes presos confederados, aunque estén disponibles.
It means : You would be well-advised to cease.
Significa que te convendría parar.
But you'd be well advised to do it.
Pero más le vale que lo haga.
You'd be well-advised to get younger men to patrol these premises.
Y sería mejor conseguir hombres más jóvenes para velar.
I've advised they be shot immediately.
He aconsejado que sean fusilados de inmediato.
You've been advised of your right to remain silent. Anything you say may be used against you.
Tiene derecho a permanecer en silencio.

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