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Between the two of us translate Spanish

517 parallel translation
Now, then, inspector, I think between the two of us we can solve the mystery of the stolen painting.
Entonces, inspector, creo que entre los dos podemos resolver el misterio de la pintura robada.
Kay and me never battle though. I'm gonna tell you. Between the two of us, they never get away.
Aunque Kay y yo jamás nos peleamos le diré, entre nosotras, nunca se largan.
So if I catch all of them, then we'll have 50,000 francs between the two of us.
Así que si los cojo a todos, tendremos los primeros 50.000 francos reunidos.
That thing between the two of us.
De lo que hay entre los dos.
Between the two of us, how do you guess it?
Entre nosotros, ¿ Qué crees que pasará?
Between the two of us, doctor, I'm nuts about the lady.
Entre nosotros, doctor, estoy loco por ella.
Obviously, between the two of us, onjanuary15th, there was something a bit...
Obviamente, entre nosotros dos, el 15 de Enero, hubo algo un poco...
Christine, you'll have to make up your mind finally and irrevocably between the two of us.
Christine, tendrás que decidirte finalmente por uno de los dos.
This is just between the two of us.
Esto solo es entre tú y yo.
That's between the two of us.
Eso sólo nos concierne a nosotros dos.
- It's a matter between the two of us.
- Eso sólo nos concierne a él y a mí.
This is just between the two of us.
Esto queda entre tú y yo.
Between the two of us, we ought to be able to fake some sort of arrangement.
Sí. Entre los dos podremos arreglar algo.
She betrayed you to her brother, guess there's not much difference between the two of us.
Y ella te ha vendido a su hermano. Supongo que no hay mucha diferencia entre las dos.
We'll keep this between the two of us.
Mantendremos esto entre nosotros dos.
Just between the two of us?
Quedará entre Ud. y yo.
That's between the two of us.
Eso queda entre nosotros.
How he was caught between the two of us.
Cómo se encontró en medio de las dos.
And then it " s all ours to divide between the two of us.
Y todo será para nosotros a repartir en dos partes.
I thought between the two of us we could clean it up in a couple of weeks.
Entre los dos podríamos limpiarlo todo en unas semanas.
Between the two of us, none of it's authentic. It's all fake.
Entre nosotros, nada es auténtico, todo está trucado.
Between the two of us, both of us working, we ought to be able to save up steamboat fare for you and Little Eli.
Si los dos trabajamos, ahorraremos para compraros los pasajes a ti y a Little Eli.
He says that seeing as how you had all them other boyfriends before me seeing as I never even had one single gal friend before you he figures that between the two of us it kind of averages out to things being proper and right.
Dice que como tú has tenido todos esos novios antes que yo... ... y como yo no he tenido ninguna novia antes que tú... ... Virge piensa que entre los dos el problema se equilibra...
Well, I think between the two of us it's better that you go.
Bueno, creo que es mejor que te quedes tú.
That's 15,000 francs between the two of us.
Tenemos 15 mil francos entre los dos.
Between the two of us, we left a clear enough trail for him to follow.
Entre usted y yo, dejamos un rastro para que nos siguiera.
Between the two of us, we can.
Entre los dos podremos.
Between the two of us, the Cardinal's bark is far worse than his bite.
Entre Ud. y yo, el ladrido del Cardenal, es peor que su mordida.
Between the two of us, we are a hero.
Los dos juntos, formamos un héroe.
All right Mirko, but who between the two of us is the guilty party for tonight?
Está bien, Mirko, ¿ quién de nosotros es el que está de mal humor?
How long do I have wait still? And we'll settle the matter of Poloske between the two of us! Hallo!
Y ya resolveremos lo de Poloske entre nosotros dos.
"must stay between the two of us," "as it might put in jeopardy the existence of four people."
Nota al pie : de aquí hasta el final, mi querido abogado, todo lo que digo, debe permanecer en secreto entre nosotros... y hasta las respectivas tumbas... estando en juego la vida de cuatro personas.
What I meant to say is that between the two of us... there was a special relationship...
Quiero decir que entre ella y yo... existía una relación por la cual...
Between the two of us, no, sir.
Entre nosotros, no, señor.
Then between the two of us, we could destroy any monster of the sea and elsewhere.
Tú y yo podremos construir un monstruo marino en cualquier parte.
Let's think about them between the two of us.
Vamos a pensarlas entre los dos.
And yet... between the two of us nothing's possible.
sin embargo, nosotros no tenemos nada que hacer.
We're gonna build the hottest irons in the world. Between the two of us...
Cuando salgas prepararemos los mejores motores del mundo.
Between the two of us.
Entre tú y yo. Entre tú y yo.
I was only proposing a social drink between the two of us. Iwill drink first.
Yo beberé primero.
You know, between the two of us I'd have done it for $ 30.
El bueno de Norman. Entre usted y yo lo habría hecho por 30.
Just keep this between the two of us and accept my thanks.
Que esto quede entre nosotros, te lo agradezco.
Just between the two of us, Doc,
Le contaré un secreto.
Between the two of us, I lost my head.
Entre nosotros, le confieso que perdí la cabeza.
I'm certain that between the two of us we can locate the Tequila Mockingbird.
Estoy seguro de que nosotros dos localizaremos al ruiseñor.
We'll settle this between the two of us.
Esto se arreglará entre nosotros dos.
We can settle this between the two of us!
Podemos arreglar esto entre nosotros.
Yes, and I gather the estate is divided equally between all of us... with the exception of the two business interests...
Sí, creo que la herencia ha sido repartida por igual entre todos... con la excepción de algunos intereses...
The two of us together are not entitled to one piece of luggage between us?
¿ Entre dos personas no tenemos derecho a un lugar de equipaje de mano?
This is a two-mile strip of estuary between us and the mainland.
Esto es una franja de estuario de 2 millas entre nosotros y la tierra firme.
The distance between our two towns did not allow us to visit each other, else Sebastian wanted to invite our cousin from Schweinfurt to our daughter Liessgen's wedding to the new organist of Naumburg, Herr Altnikol, in January.
La distancia entre nuestras dos ciudades no nos permitía visitas personales, por lo que Sebastian quería tomarse la libertad de invitar formalmente al primo de Schweinfurt a la boda, que debía efectuarse en enero, de nuestra hija Liessgen con el nuevo organista de Naumburg, el Sr. Altnikol.

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